Power Rangers Nexus Heroes is the first Power Rangers Series Written by Delta. This show is based on the 45th sentai Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger.
This show is based on Machines and Power Rangers Past as all of the rangers have something that connects them to Power Rangers of the past
This aired alongside Masked Rider Stamp-Saurs on Netflix as they were paired on the Superhero block called Hyper Hero Action. It will be replace in 2022 by Power Rangers Adventure Force.
Our story begins in Gridtopia, a world was power by the Morphin Grid as part of Grid stood in the middle of it, giving it's energy to the Gridnoids, who are the people who have inhabited the utopia. However when the Gridlockers, a villian faction of Gridnoids hellbent on conquering the multiverse formed and took over Gridtopia as four Gridnoids attempted to stop them, but unsuccessfully. However the Morphin Grid recognizing the threat formed the Nexus Heroes power and scattered it all around the multiverse and teleported all the rufugee Gridnoids to safety on the world of the Power Rangers (the earth we see the most in PR), however the Grid lockers cut off most of the grid leaving earth useless, so when the rangers of earth make the organization NEXUS to protect Earth the new group of Power Rangers will save the Day once again to take back Gridtopia and the Grid!
Designation | Name |
(Dragonic) White Nexus Ranger | Arsenio Olivera |
Red Nexus Ranger | Dyno |
Yellow Nexus Ranger | Wild |
Pink Nexus Ranger | Magi |
Blue Nexus Ranger | Max |
(Quantum) Gold Nexus Ranger | Nile Andrews |
Other Heroes[]
Next Generation Rangers[]
Designation | Name |
Adventure Force Red | ??? |
Emperor Cogsik
- Dr. Gearpulsa
- General Screwgix
- NecroClock
Designation | Name |
Nexus Locker Ranger | Julius Gix |
(Conquerer) G.R.I.D Buster/ Dino-Stega Buster | Alexander Olivera |
Lock Shockers[]
World Shockers[]
- Mushroom Shocker (2)
- Ice Shocker (3)
- Boxer Shocker (4)
- Sushi Shocker (5)
- Trash Shocker (6)
- Door Shocker (8)
- Sweet Shocker (9)
- Time Shocker (10)
- Zombie Shocker (11)
- Snail Shocker (12)
- Recycling Shocker (13)
- Movie Shocker (15)
- Great Shocker (15-17)
- Love Shocker (18)
- Hunter Shocker (19)
- Monster Shocker (20)
- Coinless Shocker/Lord Drakkon Evolution Shocker (Special)
- Star Shocker (21)
- Copy Shocker (22)
- White Shocker Ranger
- Gold Shocker Ranger
- Nexus Beast Megazord
- Nexus Force Megazord
- Bull Shocker (23)
- Leisure Shocker (25)
- !990 Shocker (26)
- Comic-Book Shocker (29)
- Sport Shocker (30)
- Fruit Shocker (31)
- Screw Powered- Bull Shocker (32)
- Inverted Shocker (33)
- Principal Shocker (34)
- Halloween Shocker (35)
- Diamond Shocker (36)
- Jack In The Shocker (37)
- Lock Scanners
- Mad Magnet Lock Scanner (exclusive to episode 16)
- Nexus Heroes Scanner (Episode 24)
- Grid-On Lock Scanner
Nexus Locker Summons[]
- Rangers
- All Red Rangers (Episode 17)
- Prism (8)
- Lightning (8)
- Supersonic (8)
- Mighty Morphin (speical)
- Mighty Morphin Thunder (special)
- Alien Rangers (21)
- Zeo (24)
- Turbo (15)
- Lost Galaxy (7)
- Wild Force (7, 21)
- Ninja Storm (21)
- Dino Thunder Triassic Ranger (27)
- Mystic Force (7)
- Operation Overdrive (7)
- Jungle Fury (14)
- Samurai (21, 24)
- Ultra Megaforce Red (27)
- Project-Rail (21)
Villians (exclusive to Great Shocker)[]
- Putties (17)
- Goldar Maximus (16)
- Cogs (17)
- Putrids (17)
- Mad-Magnet (16)
- Kelzaks (17)
- Triptoids (15, 17)
- Kamdor (16-17)
- Rinshi (17)
- Moogers (17)
- Bluefur (17)
- Loogies (17)
- Damaras (17)
- X-Borgs (17)
- Sledge (17)
- Madame Odius (16-17)
- Ripcon (17)
- Basher Bots (17)
- Tronics (17)
- Boomtower (17)
- Deerow (17)
- Voidbots (17)
- Realm General Gearon (17)
- Dwellers (17)
- Primal Hunter (16-17)
- Quval (17)
- Score Breakers (17)
- Sheriff Frost (16-17)
- Goonies (17)
- Explosio (17)
- Mascaraiders (17)
- Dino Megazord (7)
- Wild Force Megazord (7)
- Titan Megazord (7)
- Drive Max Megazord (7)
- Gosei Great Megazord (8)
- Jungle Pride Megazord (8)
- All Red Ranger Zords (17)
- Ninja Steel Megazord (21)
- Dino Charge Megazord (21)
Multi-Use Devices[]
Individual Weapons[]
- Mighty Sword and Morphin Shield
- Wild Claw
- Mystic Dragon Wand
- Drive Pick
- Dragonic Tail Drill
- Nexus Mega-Falcon-Saber (megazord weapon)
- Morphin Grid Cannon
Other Devices[]
- Ranger Belts
- Cog-Owl
Nexus Heroes Megazords[]
Additional Formations[]
- Nexus Force Megazord T-Rex Formation
- Nexus Beast Megazord Nitro Formation
- Nexus Adventure Megazord
- The Adventurer
- T-Rex Nexus Zord
Nexusdary Megazord[]
Additional Formations[]
Grid Locker Zord[]
Grid Locker Battle Zord (destroyed in episode 14)
Grid Locker Battle Zord Generation 2 (23-24 before Destruction)
Grid Locker Battle Zord Genration 3/Plusa Core (39-40 as Generation 3, remodeled into Plusa Core in 47)
Nexus Heroes Scanner[]
Dino-Stega Buster[]
- Conquerer G.R.I.D Buster
Armornizer Zords[]
Q-Dragon Nexus Zord[]
- Dragonic White Nexus Ranger
- Nile-Pha
Addtional Formations[]
Morphin Grid Nexus Zord[]
Morphin Nexus UltraZord[]
- Morphin Grid Nexus Zord
- T-Rex Nexus Zord
- Lion Nexus Zord
- Dragon Nexus Zord
- Nitro Nexus Zord
- Crank It Up!
- United We Morph!
- Magical Source, Freezing Force!
- A Full Team Kicks into Overdrive!
- Sushi Fury!
- A Garbage-X Situation!
- Lock It Up?
- A New Power-ful Door!
- A Super Mega Sweet!
- A Zeo Paradox!
- Sixth Powers Great Game!
- As Slow as The Snail-Murai!
- Recycling Emergancy!
- A Double Trouble Fight!
- Turbo, The Directors Cut!
- Legendary Reunion!
- Forever Legendary!
- Get in Gear, for Love!
- Saving the Past!
- The Quantum Battle!
- Locker Storm!
- Copy with Evil!
- The Lost Galaxy of The Bulls!
- Battle For the Power!
- A Blitz-Ful Vacation!
- Mighty Cranking Nexus Rangers?
- An Battlizer Seige!
- Go Crank-lactic!
- Beyond The Grid, Pages!
- Go Go Tennis Force!
- Link To G.R.I.D Buster?
- Guardians Of The Grid!
- Heroes Nexus Ranger Power?
- High School Wars Nexus Heroes Edition!
- Jury of The Past
- An Go Shin-ing Date!
- Lightspeed Suprises!
- Family Beast! Spirits Unleashed!
- Operation Birthday!
- Maximum Nexus!
- Nessicary Noodle?
- A Nexus Adventure!
- Nile's Revenge!
- We're not so Lucky?
- The Julius Path
- Proposal Locking Part 1
- Proposal Locking Part 2
- Proposal Locking Part 3
- Nexus Heroes: Shattered Grid
- A Stamping Friend In Nexus Need!
- This is the first series where the Red Ranger in Power Rangers counterparts the opposite gender as Juran was a male while Dyno Female
- This is Second Power Rangers Series where the White Ranger is leader of the team without being a sixth ranger, first being Alien Rangers
- All the Gridnoid names are references to their season theme, with Dyno being like dino which were what the Mighty Morphin team were based on and the name of the first megazord, Wild coming from the season he based on Wild Force, Magi coming from the sentai counterpart of Her season Mystic Force which is Magiranger, and Max coming from DriveMax Megazord which is the name of the primary megazord of Operation Overdrive Rangers
- Cog-Owl has a different role then his Sentai Counterpart as in the Nexus Hero, He as the in addition to the fountain of Ranger History, he creates the Nexus Coins by connecting to the Ranger Teams Grid Point. In addtion, Cog-Owl is a owl robot while Secchan is a Parrot
- All Episode Names are references to Power Rangers Past except Episode 1, 7, 32, 40, and 42 as their completely original
- However 42 makes reference to the upcoming Season Power Rangers Adventure Force as Adventrure Force Red, makes a early bird cameo this episode
- Nexus Hero is 7th Power Ranger Series to adapt the sentai conterpart movie, as it adapting Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger the Movie: Red Battle! Super Sentai Rally! and Super Hero Senki