Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers Mythic Charge is the sixteenth installment of Power Rangers Crossover Universe. It shares the elements of Dengeki Sentai Changeman, Gosei Sentai Dairanger, and Power Rangers Megaforce.


Thousands of years ago, there was a kingdom ruled by King Zandor. One day, the dark Empress Toxica sends her troops to invade Zandor's kingdom. The soldiers of Zandor's kingdom started to brawl with Toxica's army. With Toxica's army outnumbered them, King Zandor summons 5 of the mythical animals: Dragon, Pegasus, Griffin, Minotaur, and Phoenix. With that, they finished off Toxica's army and seal Toxica. After the battle, King Zandor turns all mythical animals into Mythic Jewels and sends them to safe location.

It is now the year 2015 and in the city of Neo Hiroshima, five Mythic Jewels were found by five university students, awakening King Zandor from his eternal sleep. Suddenly, Toxica was freed from the seal and brings her army to attack Earth. The students must use their mythical power to fight Toxica's army and save the planet Earth.



Ranger Designation Name Series of Origin Mythical Animal
Red Fire Mythic Ranger Shirou Emiya Fate/stay night Dragon
Blue Water Mythic Ranger Ryoma Echizen Prince of Tennis Pegasus
Yellow Lightning Mythic Ranger Sakura Kasugano Street Fighter Griffin
Green Earth Mythic Ranger Hayato Hayama OreGairu Minotaur
Pink Air Mythic Ranger Yui Hirasawa K-On! Phoenix
Silver Light Mythic Ranger Haru Glory Rave Master Lion



Toxica's Poisonous Army[]

  • Empress Toxica


Transformation Items[]

  • Mythic Morpherā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Lion Buckle Morpherā—†
  • Spell Cardsā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†

Multi-Shared Weapons[]

  • Mythic Laserā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†

Mythic Weapons[]

  • Dragon Saberā—†
  • Pegasus Arrowā—†
  • Griffin Lanceā—†
  • Minotaur Hammerā—†
  • Phoenix Scepterā—†
  • Lion Magnumsā—†


  • Mythic King Megazord
    • Fire Dragon Mythiczordā—†
    • Water Pegasus Mythiczordā—†
    • Lightning Griffin Mythiczordā—†
    • Earth Minotaur Mythiczordā—†
    • Air Phoenix Mythiczordā—†
  • Lion Knight Megazordā—†
    • Light Lion Mythiczordā—†


  • Chapter 01: Mythical Journey
  • Chapter 02: Mythiczords Awakened
  • Chapter 03: The Dragon's Night (Shirou focus)


  • Power Rangers Mythic Charge is based on Dengeki Sentai Changeman and Gosei Sentai Dairanger because of mythical theme, but it is also based on Power Rangers Megaforce because of suit design and card theme.

See Also[]

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