Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
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Power Rangers Military Brigade is the fifty-third season created by Future Beetle. It also has Rangers with Military themed. It also contains a plenty and tons of elements from Bomberman 64: The Second Attack.



Military Rangers

Designation Character Military Lieutenant
Red Military Ranger Johnny Cage Air Force
Blue Military Ranger Snake-Eyes Navy
Yellow Military Ranger Sonya Blade Army
Green Military Ranger Angus Scattergood Marine
Black Military Ranger Sly Cooper Coast Guard
Purple Military Ranger Ben Tennyson Space Force


  • Professor Anders
  • Lila
  • Cindy - portrayed by Stephanie Bennett
  • Roxy Moran


to be added


  • Eric/Sthertoth - Leader of Astral Knights after Sthertoth took over Eric's body and became evil. Portrayed by James MacFay.
  • Flamor, a red and orange male fire knight, youngest of the knights, who guards the Fire Stone.
  • Aquanna, a blue female water knight, long straight hair, girly-girl of the knights, who guards the Water Stone.
  • Windstra, a pink and purple female wind knight, medium hair and wavy, strategic of the knights, who guards the Wind Stone.
  • Quakor, a green male earth, and muscle knight, brute of the knights, who guards the Earth Stone. He was more powerful than Treemon.
  • Shockar, a yellow male lightning knight, speed of the knights, who guards the Lightning Stone.
  • Treemon a brown male wood knight, strength of the knights, who guards the Wood Stone.
  • Hexasteel, a silver male metal and hexagon pattern knight, smartest of the knights, who guards the Metal Stone.
  • Freezar, a light blue male ice knight, stealth of the knights, who guards the Ice Stone.
  • Lightonia, a white female light knight, feminine of the knights, who guards the Light Stone.
  • Shadvicious, a black male dark knight, cunning of the knights, who guards the Dark Stone.
  • Troopers - a group of foot soldiers are used by Sthertoth.


to be added


  • Military Morphersā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Marine Morpherā—†
  • Coast Morpherā—†
  • Military Sabers
  • Military Blasters
  • Marine Cannonā—†
  • Coast Guard Sickleā—†
  • Elemental Stones

Zord System

  • Military Marinezordā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
    • Military Brigade Megazordā—†ā—†ā—†
      • Air Force Dronezordā—†
      • Navy Dronezordā—†
      • Army Dronzezordā—†
    • Marine Megazordā—†
      • Marine Dronezordā—†
  • Sonic Megazordā—†
    • Coast Guard Dronezordā—†

Auxilary Zords

to be added


  • This is the first season to start with three Rangers, later additional Ranger, Sixth Ranger and Extra Ranger joins in.

See Also

Future Beetle

Power Rangers Birds of Prey ā€¢ Power Rangers Mystic Defenders ā€¢ Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Miracle Brigade ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Trigger ā€¢ Power Rangers Predator Adventure ā€¢ Power Rangers Dino Quest ā€¢ Power Rangers Animal Elite ā€¢ Power Rangers Treasure Hunt ā€¢ Power Rangers Planet Savior ā€¢ Power Rangers Royal Quest ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Police Elite ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Spirits ā€¢ Power Rangers Shape Madness ā€¢ Power Rangers Turbo Charge ā€¢ Power Rangers Animal Task ā€¢ Power Rangers Arctic Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Throttle Squadron ā€¢ Power Rangers Shaolin Fury ā€¢ Power Rangers Frenzy ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninjetti Storm ā€¢ Power Rangers Aqua Surge ā€¢ Power Rangers Ronin ā€¢ Power Rangers Engine Drive ā€¢ Power Rangers Stratoforce ā€¢ Power Rangers Wild Strike ā€¢ Power Rangers Sports Skill ā€¢ Power Rangers Prism ā€¢ Power Rangers Reptile Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Gemstone ā€¢ Power Rangers Jurassic Thunder ā€¢ Power Rangers Feline Storm ā€¢ Power Rangers Lightspeed Accelerate ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Fury ā€¢ Power Rangers Cyber Madness ā€¢ Power Rangers Zenith Unit ā€¢ Power Rangers Savage Charge ā€¢ Power Rangers Safari ā€¢ Power Rangers Constellation Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Planet Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Time Crusades ā€¢ Power Rangers Nova Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Blitz ā€¢ Power Rangers Grand Prix ā€¢ Power Rangers Shape Steel ā€¢ Power Rangers Western Surge ā€¢ Power Rangers Wild Dino Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Mario Kart (Future Beetle Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers Chaos Powers ā€¢ Power Rangers Grid Busters ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Ninja ā€¢ Power Rangers Game Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Military Brigade ā€¢ Power Rangers Galaxy Thunder ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Samurai ā€¢ Power Rangers Knight Force

Bouken Sentai Takaranger ā€¢ Wakusei Sentai Taiyokeiger ā€¢ Chōshinsei Sentai Kyuranger ā€¢ Kōji Sentai Digranger
Former Series
Power Rangers Jungle Justice ā€¢ Power Rangers Throttle ā€¢ Power Rangers Animal Tamers ā€¢ Power Rangers: Atlantis Super Smash Bros. Rangers ā€¢ Power Rangers Smash Alliance ā€¢ Power Rangers Mushroom Kingdom Warriors ā€¢ Power Rangers Mobius Quest ā€¢ Shape Madness vs. Shape Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Grand Prix Crossover
Other Works
Power Rangers Wild Avengers (w/ MP6)
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