Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers Magilika (often abbreviated as PRMg to avoid confusion with Power Rangers Megaforce/PRMF, formally PRM) is the eighth season by LeenaCandy's Power Rangers Series. It tells the story about the twelve humans, who are becoming Magilika Rangers in the Earth that use the power of the fire, wind, earth, and water, from the four tribes to transform and fight the Swivel Storm, an army who steals the Tribal Stones and destroy the entire universe. However, the four legendary Macelarari Rangers who gives the power of the Zodiac signs and four elements after there are sacrificed their powers. This season is based from Chouseishin Gransazer.


Some a billion years after an advanced human civilization was destroyed by an alliance of planetary conquerors known as Swivel Storm, 12 direct descendants of the civilization's warriors (called Magilika Rangers) awaken their powers and join forces with the other members of one their ancestors' four tribes: Flame, Wind, Earth and Water. Each Magilika Ranger is based on a Zodiac sign represented in an animal totem or spirit representation. At first, they wage war on each other, but after learning the truth of their ancestry and their reason for awakening, the Magilika tribes unite to protect Earth from the Swivel Storm from once again extinguishing all life on the planet.



Main article: Magilika Rangers
An official Style of these Magilika Ranger forms from website.

Flame Tribe[]

Main article: Flame Tribe
Design Name Actor
Tairous Magilika Ranger Lucifer Elechole Michael Clifford
Mithras Magiika Ranger Anne Weber Hailey Baldwin
Leono Magilika Ranger Andy Weber Bobby Deol

Windy Tribe[]

Main article: Windy Tribe
Design Name Actor
Remls Magilika Ranger Simon Tsukikawa Kim Jong Hyun
Velisou Magilika Ranger Hana Fuller Rachel Amanda
Dail Magilika Ranger Donald Grand Julian Trono

Earth Tribe[]

Main article: Earth Tribe
Design Name Actor
Tawlon Magilika Ranger Cyrus Blatt Pharell Williams
Visuel Magilika Ranger Micah Jinx Sophie Sumner
Tragos Magilika Ranger Darren Tucker Louis Tomlinson

Water Tribe[]

Main article: Water Tribe
Design Name Actor
Gorbion Magilika Ranger Sheen Sakai Baim Wong
Pisces Magilika Ranger Rhythm Pitch Anna Kendrick
Gans Magilika Ranger Gregg Lawrence Dylan Sprouse


  • Professor Remi Walker
  • Emily Tomatsu
  • Shin Kyu Mei
  • Rocko Angelo
  • Carlo
  • Aaron
  • Diana
  • Betty


  • Swivel Storm
    • Tempête Pivotant
      • Erzah / Lady Dizzy
      • Fiend / Gen. Stoler
  • FiveAches
    • Mezalivo
    • Shakkolokion
    • Akehelione
    • Kaihailrei
    • Ohalina
  • The Ladiarielz Trio
    • Ronni
    • Renni
    • Ranni
  • Shrinkagers
    • Shaizoinus
    • Repoulzi
    • Nilgeiz
    • Gorgiona
    • Cabyron
  • Crashing Elements
    • Shuricis
    • Piziro
    • Chirartoielz
    • Reimanni
    • Kidina
    • Jataluion
    • Guriminalle
    • Jofibimian
    • Oxalo
    • Troius
    • Moisukyurindo


Main article: Arsenal (Magilika)


  • Leviathan Magilika Megazord
    • Gemini MagiliZord
      • Twin MagiliZord
        • Tairous MagiliZord
    • Cancer MagiliZord
      • Crab MagiliZord
        • Mithras MagiliZord
    • Leo MagiliZord
      • Lion MagiliZord
        • Leono MagiliZord
  • Guncaesar Magilika Megazord
    • Virgo MagiliZord
      • Virgin MagiliZord
        • Remls MagiliZord
    • Libra MagiliZord
      • Scale MagiliZord
        • Velisou MagiliZord
    • Scorpio MagiliZord
      • Scorpion MagiliZord
        • Dail MagiliZord
  • Dolcross Magilika Megazord
    • Saguitaurius MagiliZord
      • Archer MagiliZord
        • Tawlon MagiliZord
    • Capricorn MagiliZord
      • Sea Goat MagiliZord
        • Visuel MagiliZord
    • Aquarius MagiliZord
      • Water Bearer MagiliZord
        • Tragos MagiliZord
  • Guntras Magilika Megazord
    • Pieces MagiliZord
      • Fishes MagiliZord
        • Gorbion MagiliZord
    • Taurus MagiliZord
      • Bull MagiliZord
        • Pisces MagiliZord
    • Aries MagiliZord
      • Ram MagiliZord
        • Gans MagiliZord


  • Fire Magilika Megazord
    • Summer Magilika Megazord
      • Flaming Magilika Megazord
  • Airy Magilika Megazord
    • Autumn Magilika Megazord
      • Cooling Magilika Megazord
  • Earth Magilika Megazord
    • Spring Magilika Megazord
      • Crashing Magilika Megazord
  • Water Magilika Megazord
    • Winter Magilika Megazord
      • Splashing Magilika Megazord


  • Miraculous Magilika Ultrazord
    • Fusion Magilika Ultrazord
      • Zodiac Magilika Ultrazord
        • Elemental Magilika Ultrazord


  1. Fire
  2. Air
  3. Land
  4. Water
  5. Gemini
  6. Cancer
  7. Leo
  8. Virgo
  9. Libra
  10. Scorpio
  11. Saguitaurius
  12. Capricorn
  13. Aquarius
  14. Pieces
  15. Taurus
  16. Aries
  17. Spring
  18. Summer
  19. Autumn
  20. Winter
  21. Reborn
  22. Future
  23. Crystal
  24. Spells
  25. Twins
  26. Crab
  27. Lion
  28. Virgin
  29. Scale
  30. Scorpion
  31. Archer
  32. Sea Goat
  33. Water Bearer
  34. Fishes
  35. Bull
  36. Ram
  37. Eve
  38. Party
  39. End
  40. Eternity


  • This is the first season to have four separated teams, but there are eight male and four female rangers in the team.
    • If all of these four teams were same, this is the fifth season after Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, Jungle Fury, and RPM, to featuring the three rangers (of all of these four Magilika Ranger teams), which it composed by two male and one female ranger on the team.
  • This is the first season to have four red and blue rangers.
  • This is the first season to not based on Super Sentai. Instead, it was based on Tokusatsu.
  • This is the second season after Dino Charge, to have a an indonesian actor.
  • This is the first season to have no green/black/silver/pink Ranger.
    • However, this is the first season which a Navy Ranger takes the place of Green Ranger and the Crimson Ranger takes the place of Pink Ranger.
  • This is the first season to have four leaders in the team.


  • Nothing that Genseishin Justirigers team were called as Ice Tribe. In case, this would probably as the "Sixth" Ranger in the team.
  • Might been that Chousei Kantai Sazer-X team would been as the Thunder Tribe and presumbly as the "Extra" Rangers in the team.

See Also[]

Power Rangers Jewel ForcePower Rangers Super Jewel ForcePower Rangers Fairy StrikersPower Rangers RPM: Engine GenerationPower Rangers Happiness ChargeMighty Morphin Mystic RangersPower Rangers MacelarariPower Rangers MagilikaPower Rangers Squadron★StarsPower Rangers KombateiPower Rangers Starlight Shuffle
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