Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon logo This series is currently on a hiatus from September 10, 2020, due to the owner wanting to focus on completing other projects, and is expected to return on late-2023.
Power Rangers Fanon logo This series has been voted the winner of the Featured Series of the Month award in October 2020.
Under Construction
This article is currently undergoing construction, and the author promises to make an update soon or is doing so now.

Power Rangers Magical Squad is a fanfictional Power Rangers series based on the 14th Power Rangers Series, Power Rangers Mystic Force and it's Super Sentai counterpart, Mahou Sentai Magiranger. It is created by SnowGabe and adopted by DecadeWolf.


"When evil creatures from the Underworld rise up after years of imprisonment, five young wizards come together to save Magiworld and Earth from destruction as the Power Rangers Magical Squad!"

Many ages ago, Hellades, ruler of the Underworld, tried to exterminate both Earth and the Magiworld by destroying the source of all magic, the Crystal of Light. However, five powerful wizards bravely fought against Hellades' huge army of monsters and sealed them back to the Underworld! 5,000,000 years later, the monsters are escaping and now, they are aiming to revive their master and destroy Earth and Magiworld! The only hope of all creatures rest in the hands of five young wizards-in-training, who need to awaken their true powers and save both worlds before it's too late!!


More characters to be confirmed by RB-Man


Ranger Designation Name Element
Magical Squad Red Ranger Fabian Fiamma Fire
Magical Squad Yellow Ranger Logan Tuono Lightning
Magical Squad Blue Ranger Shirley Marea Sea
Magical Squad Pink Ranger Wanda Aria Wind
Magical Squad Green Ranger Elijah Boschi Earth
Magical Squad White Ranger Iris Neige Ice
Magical Squad Solar Ranger Seth Soleil Sun
Magical Squad Lunar Ranger Fiero Fiamma Fire


  • Mr. Luxstar (One of the Rangers' teachers.)
  • Aladdicat (Seth's partner.)
  • Pyrodragon (Fiero and Fabian's pet dragon.)
  • TBC (To be announced.)
  • TBC (Coming Soon.)
  • TBC (Coming Soon.)

More to be confirmed by RB-Man.


  • Leader
    • Hellades
  • Generals
    • Irondark
    • Vampiria
  • Foot Soldiers
    • Undeads
  • Monsters of the Week
    • TBC (1)
    • TBC (2)
    • TBC (3)
    • TBC (4)
    • TBC (5)
    • TBC (6)
    • TBC (7)
    • TBC (8)
    • TBC (9)
    • TBC (10)
    • TBC (11)
    • TBC (12)
    • TBC (13)
    • TBC (14)
    • TBC (15)
    • TBC (16)
    • TBC (17)
    • TBC (18)
    • TBC (19)
    • TBC (20)
    • TBC (21)
    • TBC (22)
    • TBC (23)
    • TBC (24)
    • TBC (25)
    • TBC (26)
    • TBC (27)
    • TBC (28)

More to be confirmed by RB-Man.


  1. First Spell: The Magic is Unleashed
  2. Spell 2: The Power of Teamwork
  3. Spell 3: Release the MagiTitans
  4. Spell 4: The Book of Chaos
  5. Spell 5: Travel to Earth
  6. Spell 6: Fabian's Crush
  7. Spell 7: TBA
  8. Spell 8: TBA
  9. Spell 9: TBA
  10. Spell 10: Vampire War, Part 1
  11. Spell 11: Vampire War, Part 2
  12. Spell 12: Rise of the Gatekeeper
  13. Spell 13: TBA
  14. Spell 14: TBA
  15. Spell 15: TBA
  16. Spell 16: TBA
  17. Spell 17: TBA
  18. Spell 18: Behold, the Gold Ranger
  19. Spell 19: TBA
  20. Spell 20: TBA
  21. Spell 21: TBA
  22. Spell 22: TBA
  23. Spell 23: TBA
  24. Spell 24: TBA
  25. Spell 25: TBA
  26. Spell 26: TBA
  27. Spell 27: TBA
  28. Spell 28: TBA

More to be confirmed by RB-Man.


  • The story is inspired by J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World.
  • Hellades is a mix between the words Hell and Hades.
  • Like Mystic Force, the Rangers aren't siblings.
  • Unlike both Magiranger and Mystic Force, the Rangers are from the Magiworld instead of Earth.
  • Each of the Rangers' surnames mean elements in Italian and/or French.
    • Elijah's surname (Boschi) means "woods" in Italian.
    • Wanda's surname (Aria) means "air" in Italian.
    • Shirley's surname (Marea) means "tide" in Italian.
    • Logan's surname (Tuono) means "thunder" in Italian.
    • Fabian and Fiero's surname (Fiamma) means "flame" in Italian.
    • Iris' surname (Neige) means "snow" in French.
    • Seth's surname (Soleil) means "sun" in French.
  • This is the first and only Power Rangers series by SnowGabe (A.K.A., FirebirdRise) to not be deleted, it would've been the last series to be deleted by him, if RB-Man hadn't asked if he could adopt it.
    • Thus, making it the first Power Rangers series to be adopted by RB-Man.
  • Mr. Luxstar's name is a play with the word Lux, that means "light" in Latin.
  • Aladdicat's name is a mix between the words Aladdin and Cat.

See Also

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