Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers Knights of Era (often abbreviated as PRKE or PRKoE) is the third series of the Adamant Series, based on the original idea by Orange Lightspeed Ranger. Its Japanese Counterpart is Nōburu Sentai Naitoger (Noble Squadron Knightranger). It chronologically follows Power Rangers Earth-Five. This season is followed by Power Rangers Divine Voltage.


1500 years ago, the Grand Order of the Round Table fought against the forces of dark magic, eventually driving it back into the depths of the earth, at a terrible price. To prepare the future for their eventually return, King Arthur was laid to sleep in the mountains until the evil arose again. In present day, the evil and Arthur have reawaken, and now a team of the original knights descendants and a whole new set of artillery at their disposal are their only hope.


Main Article: Knight Rangers
Main Article: Avalonian Rangers
Lion Lance Morris
Pegasus Elian Morris
Unicorn Hadina "Dinah" Tokugawa
Camelopard Gawain "Wayne"
Turul Yapesi "Percy" Tokugawa
Hawk Ewan Saunders
Tiger Sophia Saunders
Main Article: Logrisian Rangers
Dragon Lionel Sathor
Griffin Tristan Daon
Wolf Eric Kristan
Stag Eleanor Marshall
Phoenix Mora Newton


Captain Hector Morris - Leader of Project:Avalon and father of Lance and Elion Morris

Lucius Claudius Artorius Draco/King Arthur - Legendary King of the Britons and Grand Master of the Knights of the Round Table. Former Red Power Operative Ranger

Doctor Washington - Leading scientist of Project:Avalon, and inventor of all the equipment the rangers use.

Sebaian Rangers - Rangers from Earth-Five, an alternate dimension where humans were evil and the monsters are heroes.

αʹ (Alef) Norotagem/"Norot"
βʹ (Bef) Umirukusatus/"Umi"
γʹ (Gymal) Ubeuazer/"Ubway"
δʹ (Dalef) Akkarukadnas/"Akkar"
εʹ (Hei) Ijakus/"Jak"
ϛʹ (Waw) Uyrihsek Ateonik/"Reesek"

Power Operative Rangers - King Arthur's former allies return for a temporary drop in while the current rangers are in need of rest and recovery.

T'namad Terradamos Geogorizenn/"Adam Gregory"
Longon King Arthur Pendragon/Lucius Claudius Artorius Draco
Calcatrix Joan of Arc/"Jeanne 'Jo' d'Arc"
Phinx Cleopatra VII Ptolemy/"Cleo Lagid"
Rok Augustine I of Mexico"Agustín Arámburu"
Khiimori Genghis Khan/"Temüjin Borjigin"


King Dracon - King of the Glatisant, a race of dark magi-beasts.

Chirao - White Knight, embodied with the ability to drain light as energy

Skarus - Black Knight, embodied with the ability to suffocate energy in shadows

Shade Soldiers - Basic foot grunts of the Glatisant


  • Knight Sword
    • Lion Blade
    • Pegasus Axe
    • Unicorn Bow
    • Camelopard Staff
    • Turul Mace
  • Knight Joust
    • Hawk Dagger
    • Tiger Saber


  • Stallion Cycles


Legend:◆ pilot zord, ◆◆ shared zord
  • Templar Master Ultrazord
    • Imperial Knight Megazord
      • Heraldric Megazord
        • Lionzord
        • Unicornzord
        • Pegasuszord
        • Camelopardzord
        • Turulzord
      • Arms Master Megazord
        • Hawkzord
        • Tigerzord
        • Elephantzord
    • Auxiliary Warrior Megazord
      • Crimson Dragonzord
      • Griffinzord
      • Wolfzord
      • Stagzord
      • Phoenixzord
  • Alternate Combonations
    • Hierarchic Megazord
    • Auxiliary Master Megazord
    • Heraldic Warrior Megazord
    • Heraldic Master Megazord
    • Arms Herald Megazord
    • Arms Auxiliary Megazord
    • Auxiliary Herald Megazord
    • Auxiliary Armour Megazord
    • Mounted Knight Megazord


  1. A Knight's Tale Part 1
  2. A Knight's Tale Part 2
  3. Avalon
  4. Quest to Camelot
  5. The Round Table
  6. The Sword in Stone
  7. Gleni River
  8. Eire
  9. The Lady of the Lake
  10. Hen Ogledd
  11. Duglas
  12. Vortigern
  13. The Kings of Cantwareburh
  14. The Knights of Lloegyr Part 1
  15. The Knights of Lloegyr Part 2
  16. Alba
  17. House of the Dragon
  18. Sudrey and Man
  19. Merlin Ambrosias
  20. Troia Nova
  21. Woad Part 1
  22. Woad Part 2
  23. Ni!
  24. River Bassas
  25. Lance du Lac
  26. Celidon Woods
  27. Gurnion Castle
  28. Excalibur
  29. Monmouth Chronicles
  30. Caer Leon
  31. Gawain and the Black Knight Part 1
  32. Gawain and the Black Knight Part 2
  33. The Saxons
  34. White Dragon and Red
  35. Trat Treuroit
  36. The Pantheon
  37. Warriors of the Fifth Earth Part 1
  38. Warriors of the Fifth Earth Part 2
  39. Cat Bregion
  40. Badon Hill
  41. Black and White
  42. Le Morte d'Artorius
  43. The Paradox Soldiers Part 1
  44. The Paradox Soldiers Part 2
  45. Twelve Battles Conclude
  46. Camlann
  47. The Bear
  48. Knights of the Grail Part 1
  49. Knights of the Grail Part 2
  50. Knights of the Grail Part 3


  • The series is influenced by the Arthurian Legend and the Medieval Knight's Code.

See More[]

Blade Series
Power Rangers Rainbow ForcePower Rangers NovaPower Rangers Worlds UnitedPower Rangers Spectrum
Power Rangers Paradox InitiativePower Rangers Desert CrusadePower Rangers Forbidden Quest
Power Rangers DynatheosPower Rangers Grimm TalesPower Rangers Transcendent Kai
Adamant Series
Power Rangers Art of WarPower Rangers Earth-FivePower Rangers Knights of EraPower Rangers Divine Voltage
Power Rangers Virtual NytesPower Rangers Royal DragonsPower Rangers Sky Raiders
Power Rangers Ultra GuardiansPower Rangers Spirit LegendsPower Rangers Trigram
Nova: A Power Rangers MoviePower Rangers: Go Rescue and Grimm Tales
Power Rangers: SCANNERZ and Earth-Five: Battle For Cyberworld
Power Rangers Super Megaforce (Blade Series)Blade Series Morphing CallAdamant Series Morphing Call