Power Rangers Jurassic Patrol (often abbreviated as PRJP) is the second power rangers season created by UnderFist.
- Jurassic Morpher: Morpher of the Jurassic Rangers, activated by pushing the green button.
- Tyranno Morpher: Morpher of the Tyranno Ranger, activated by opening the mouth and then pushing the green button.
- Sauria Morpher: Morpher of the Sauria Ranger, activated by pushing the green button.
- Tria Dagger: Defense weapon of Warrior Threehorn.
- Jurassic Weapons: Assortment of personalized weapons used by Jurassic Rangers.
- Tiny-Saur: Miniature robot dinosaur that becomes a blaster.
- Jurassic Dagger: Standard Ranger weapon.
- Sword of Skybax Rider: Weapon for Battilized armor.
- Firebreak Skybax Rider: Dinosaur used for flying.
- Gallimimus Riders: Personal transportation for the power rangers.
- Jurassic Zords
- Jurassicsaurus Megazord (combination of Apatozord, Styracozord, Stegozord, Pteranozord, and Parasaurzord)
- Ophthalmo Mode (Ophthalmozord replaces Styracozord)
- Ovirapto Mode (Oviraptozord replaces Parasaurzord)
- Dimetro Mode (Dimetrozord replaces Parasaurzord)
- Therizino Mode (Therizinozord replaces Styracozord)
- Tricera Mode (Tricerazord becomes giant sword)
- Guardian Mode (Microzord becomes body armor, wings, and sword)
- Predaraptor Zords
- Predaraptor Megazord (combination of Tyrannozord, Rhamphozord, and Elasmozord)
- Sauria Zords
- Saurianodon Megazord (combination of Ankylozord and Iguanozord)
- Tricerabolt Megazord (Tricerazord)
- Skybax Megazord (combination of Quetzalcozord, Styracozord, Stegozord, Pteranozord, and Parasaurzord)
See Also