Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon logo This series is currently on a hiatus from November 22, 2022, due to author working on other projects as well as a lack of ideas, and is expected to return on undetermined.

Power Rangers Jungle Pride is the 32nd season of Power Rangers. It is based on Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger.


It's been 20 years since the invasion of the United Alliance of Evil. Since then, the world has been at peace, with teams of heroes stepping up to face every new foe that comes our way. However, within the shadows, a new alliance has been forming from the ashes and have begun making plans for an invasion of earth.

In the present day, the newly form Neo Alliance of Evil invades Earth with one mission: to finish what Dark Specter had started. Now, one human and four Animarians must unite to defeat these new foes by harnessing the powers of the Animal Spirits awaken their instincts to become the Power Rangers Jungle Pride!



Main article: Jungle Pride Rangers
Red Eagle Ranger
Red Gorilla Ranger
Evan Myers
Red Whale Ranger Cetus ā–ŗ Evan Myers
Blue Shark Ranger Sera ā–ŗ Sara Cooper
Yellow Lion Ranger Leon ā–ŗ Leo Brooks
Green Elephant Ranger Tuscany ā–ŗ Eli Taylor
White Tiger Ranger Amu ā–ŗ Amy EnrilĆ©
DoMerrick Hargan
Orange Falcon Ranger Bud Falco
Purple Condor Ranger Evan Myers & Bud Falco



  • Uncle Mario



Fury Rider Ghost Oscar VenkmanIcon-crosswiki

Ranger Legends[]

Red Legend Red Legend
High Seas Red Captain Marvelous
High Seas Blue Joe Carter
High Seas Yellow Lola Carter
High Seas Green Donny
High Seas Pink Allie Famille
High Seas Silver Orion
Red Ranger Jason Lee Scott
Black Ranger Zack Taylor
Blue Ranger Billy Cranston
Yellow Ranger Aisha Campbell
Pink Ranger Kimberly Ann Hart
Green Ranger Tommy Oliver
Quantum Ranger Eric Myers
Red Wild Force Ranger Cole Evans
Yellow Wild Force Ranger Taylor Earhardt
Blue Wild Force Ranger Max Cooper
White Wild Force Ranger Alyssa EnrilĆ©
Lunar Wolf Ranger Merrick Baliton
Red Wind Ranger Shane Clarke
Yellow Wind Ranger Dustin Brooks
Jungle Fury Red Ranger Casey Rhodes
Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger Robert James
Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger Dominic Hargan
Jungle Fury Elephant Ranger Elephant Spirit Ranger
Jungle Fury Bat Ranger Bat Spirit Ranger
Jungle Fury Shark Ranger Shark Spirit Ranger
Black Lion Warrior Jarrod
Gold Samurai Ranger Antonio Garcia
Robo Knight Robo Knight
Dino Charge Blue Ranger Koda
Express Ranger 6 Lyle Jackson


Supporting Characters[]

  • to be added


Main article: Arsenal (Jungle Pride)

Morphing Devices[]

Multi-Use Devices[]

to be added

Individual Weapons & Team Blaster[]




Legend:ā—† piloted mecha, ā—„ā–ŗ 2-person mecha, ā– auxiliary mecha


Alternate Combinations[]

  • Jungle King Megazord with Octo Power ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–
  • Jungle King Megazord: Totem Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Jungle King Megazord: Wild Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Jungle King Megazord: Wild Formation with Giraffe Power ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–
  • Jungle King Megazord: Quake Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Jungle King Megazord: Kneeclaw Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Jungle King Megazord: Chomper Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Jungle King Megazord: Attack Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Jungle King Megazord: Preda Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Wild Konga Megazord with Mole and Bear Power ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–ā–
  • Wild Konga Megazord: King Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Wild Konga Megazord: King Formation with Mole Power ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–
  • Wild Konga Megazord: Savage Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Wild Konga Megazord: Aqua Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Wild Konga Megazord: Heavy Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Wild Konga Megazord: Attack Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Wild Konga Megazord: Preda Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Wild Konga Megazord: Special Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–ā–
  • Wild Konga Megazord: Special Formation with Panda Power ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–ā–ā–
  • Wild Jet Megazord: King Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Wild Jet Megazord: Aqua Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Wild Jet Megazord: Savage Formation ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Wild Jet Megazord: Fierce Formation ā—†ā–ā—†
  • Wild Jet Megazord: Heavy Formation ā—†ā–ā—†
  • Wild Jet Megazord: Aqua-Wolf Formation ā—†ā—†ā–
  • Wild Jet Megazord: Attack Formation ā—†ā—†ā–
  • Wild Jet Megazord: Preda Formation ā—†ā–ā–



  • to be added

Main Series
Power Rangers Express Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Jungle Pride ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Patrol ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Patrol Elite ā€¢ Power Rangers Soul Savers ā€¢ Power Rangers Project G.E.A.R. ā€¢ Power Rangers Rising Sun ā€¢ Power Rangers Kingdom Come ā€¢ Power Rangers WarpDrive ā€¢ Prowler Rangers ā€¢ Power Rangers Element Fury
Power Rangers High Seas ā€¢ Power Rangers of Atlantis ā€¢ Power Rangers Firestorm ā€¢ Power Rangers USAF ā€¢ Power Rangers Sports Strikers ā€¢ Power Rangers Shinobi Strikers ā€¢ Power Rangers Nitro Charge ā€¢ Power Rangers: Masters of Kung Fu ā€¢ Power Rangers: Rivals ā€¢ Power Rangers Super Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Wrecking Crew
LOST Series
Power Rangers Dino Giga Charge
Hexagon Series
Power Rangers Thunder Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Sky High ā€¢ Power Rangers EDF ā€¢ Power Rangers Turbo X ā€¢ Power Rangers Wild Charge ā€¢ Power Rangers Battle Blitz ā€¢ Power Rangers Astro Flash ā€¢ Power Rangers Power Pride ā€¢ Power Rangers Mythic Fury ā€¢ Power Rangers Bio Warriors ā€¢ Power Rangers Dynamo ā€¢ Power Rangers V-Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Solar Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Electro Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers GRT ā€¢ Power Rangers Battelite 5
Power Rangers Fury Guardians ā€¢ Power Rangers SPG ā€¢ Power Rangers: Beyond
Power Rangers Megaforce ā€¢ Power Rangers Grid Busters ā€¢ Power Rangers Dino Masters
Power Rangers Thunderbirds ā€¢ Power Rangers Mighty Thunderbirds
Spin-off Series'
Rescue Heroes
Power Rangers: Rescue Heroes ā€¢ Rescue Heroes: Fire Squad
Fury Warriors
Season 1 ā€¢ Season 2 ā€¢ Season 3 ā€¢ Warriors Forever
Mystic Knights
Mystic Knights: A Power Rangers Series
Power Rangers: High School Heroes ā€¢ Power Rangers: Outsiders
Power Rangers Generations
Ninja Storm ā€¢ S.P.D. ā€¢ Mystic Force ā€¢ RPM ā€¢ Dino Thunder

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