Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
PR2020 logo This article is about a/an series entry (the "34th") in the Power Rangers franchise.

Power Rangers Hyper TQG is the 34th season of Power Rangers, & the second season of Power Rangers TQG. The series borrows footage, costumes, & props from Ressha Sentai ToQger.


With Emperor Zedd & the forces of the House of Zedd getting stronger, the Train Quantum Guardians must find a way to get stronger as well. Luckily, their wish is answered when they receive the ability to upgrade into the all-new Hyper Mode. With this new power, the Train Quantum Guardians can unlock new weapons & a new zord. Later on, as they continue to fight the House of Zedd, the siblings become haunted by strange revelations about their family.


Train Quantum Guardians[]

Main article: Train Quantum Guardians
Color Role Actor
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 1 Russell Merville Eli Baldwin
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 2 Niles Merville Noah Schnacky
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 3 Melanie Merville
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 4 Irving Merville Gunnar Young
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 5 Rosa Merville Emma York
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 6 Aaron Reyn Robinson
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 7 Herbert Merville


Rainbow Line[]

Other Allies[]


House of Zedd[]

  • Leaders
Ranger 6 Emperor Zedd



Morphing Devices[]

Multi-Use Devices[]


Individual Weapons & Team Weapon[]



  1. TBA: Russell tries to use the Hyper Trainzord to liberate the next Shadow Town, but his body cannot handle the strain. Elsewhere, new members of the House of Zedd appear.
  2. Halloween Special
  3. TBA: The massive monster’s darkness has engulfed Russell, Niles, & the others on the Trainzords & the whole city. Russell cannot face Zedd even using the darkness & he is unable to imagine himself being victorious. Just when he has run out of options, Niles & the others appear to save him. Then, among the darkness, they can see the lights of the lamps for the Star Festival…
  4. Christmas Special: Back in their hometown, the Merville siblings plan to celebrate Christmas with their parents, after long ten years of separation. Unfortunately, they're forced to protect GrPleiadeseach when General ScVandun turn fsrom thi song banishment.  

