Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
PR2020 logo This article is about a/an fanfictional Super Sentai adaptation in the Power Rangers franchise.

Power Rangers Gem Squad is the fifth Power Rangers series by Wikidude135. It is based on the 44th Super Sentai series, Mashin Sentai Kiramager, and replaces Power Rangers Track Force.

The show's theme is gemstones and vehicles.

It is then followed by Power Rangers Legendary.


Centuries ago, the Crystal Kingdom was at war with the Dark Empire, but the queen and king used 5 powerful Gems to get rid of them, sacrificing their whole kingdom. Now, the Dark Empire has returned, ready to destroy the Earth. But the Gems have been found, and have selected 5 warriors to protect the world. They are Power Rangers Gem Squad!



MSK-Kiramagers (All Six)

Gem Squad Rangers

Main article: Gem Squad Rangers
Designation Name
Ruby Red Ranger Nicky Gareth
Quartz Yellow Ranger Ethan Francis
Emerald Green Ranger Julia Diva
Sapphire Blue Ranger Maxwell Auslin
Diamond Pink Ranger Casandra Roxie
Glitzy Silver Ranger Sean Rogers



King Krystal

Queen Krystal



Emperor Terron







Transformation Devices[]



Crystal Arrow

Individual and Team Weapons[]

Glitz Breaker


Gem Sword

Gem Shot

Gem Buster


Fire Gem Zord

Digger Gem Zord

Car Gem Zord

Jet Gem Zord

Copter Gem Zord

Express Gem Zord

Train Rex Zord

Glitzy Driller Zord

Crystal Phoenix Zord

Golden Aircraft Zord

Sharkspress Zord

Carrier Gem Zord

Steam Roller Gem Zord

Lift Gem Zord

Dump Gem Zord

Mixer Gem Zord


Gem Squad Megazord

Crystal Express Megazord

Glitzy Driller Megazord

Crystal Kingdom Masterzord


Episode 1: Gemstones Discovered

3 friends, Nicky Julia and Ethan, discover 6 powerful gemstones that show them what happened to the ancient Crystal Kingdom. After rescuing a young princess named Jewelia, they are attacked by the same monsters that the Crystal Kingdom had gotten rid of.

Episode 2: Shine Like Stones

Now that Nicky is the Red Ranger, he and his friends are out to find more people to use the power of the rest of the gemstones. Ethan and Julia want to become the Yellow and Green Rangers, but will they prove themselves?

Episode 3: Ranger Round-up

The rangers, now up to 3 members, end up meeting 2 other friends who seem like theyā€™d make for good Pink and Blue Rangers. Do they have what it takes to join their ranks? The only way to find out is to take out their newest threat.

Episode 4: Dino Dangers

Now with 5 Rangers, Moonegro decides to awaken the Train Rex Zord. The Rangers have to do the best they can to take the Zord for themselves and put it in their arsenal.

Episode 5: Lift, Carry and Roll

Princess Jewelia tells the Rangers that they need to acquire more Zords if they wanna take down the Dark Empire. Their first targets are a trio of Zords that will help with their Megazord. But will their new threat make that difficult?

Episode 6: Smile For the Camera!

The monster Picster begins taking away people within his photographs, and plans on doing the same to the Rangers. Will the rangers take down this threat?

Episode 7: Freezer Burn

The Freezer Burn Duo of monsters begin to attack the city. The rangers have to work together to fight them off. Meanwhile, Princess Jewelia tells them that the best way to get the Train Rex Zord is to find the Express Gem Zord.

Episode 8: All Aboard!

The rangers find the location of the Express Gem Zord. But Byrn is still around, and looks to stop the rangers from getting to it. Itā€™s a race against the clock!

Episode 9: The Ultimate Card Game

The monster Decker begins using his dangerous cards to attack people, and challenges Julia to a game. Will she accept the offer? And more importantly, will she win?!

Episode 10: Rock-a-bye

Maxwell and Casandra end up being attacked by a music monster named Lulla-cry, who wants to put the whole world to sleep. Now they have to face the music head-on, and silence his song before itā€™s too late!

Episode 11: A Never-Ending Loop

Ethan ends up being defeated by a monster, and every time he loses, time loops on and on. If time loops on and on forever, heā€™ll never be able to avenge the Crystal Kingdom. He needs to team up with the other rangers to stop it!

Episode 12: Go For the Glitz! Part 1

Sean Rogers arrives from out of the rangersā€™ town. After a mishap, he ends up seeing the rangers morph and demorph in battle. Whatā€™s he going to do? Tell the world, or keep it to himself?

Episode 13: Go For the Glitz! Part 2

Sean is welcomed to join the team after agreeing to keep their secret. He looks to become the new silver ranger, but he has to prove himself first.

Episode 14: Shine like Silver

The new monster Chugga is looking to take down the silver ranger. With Sean still being inexperienced, heā€™s scared that he may end up losing. Will the rangers be able to help him out?

Episode 15: Royal Dreams

Maxwell begins having dreams about meeting Queen Krystal in person. He has a suspicion that this dream is trying to tell him something, but what?

Episode 16: Sweet Tooth

Marshaggedon is ready to destroy the city with sweet fluffiness. The rangers now have to resist the allure of eating his marshmallow attacks, or succumb to the worst sugar rush ever.

Episode 17: Hammer Time!

The new monster arrives to play a game of whack-a-ranger. The rangers must use their strengths together to take him down, while hunting down more power gemstones that will help them.

Episode 18: A Royal Search

Sean begins having dreams about Queen Krystal just like Maxwell. But they seem to be more serious. Jewelia believes these dreams to have an important secret, but she has no idea what it could be. So, the rangers begin following them as best as they can to find out.

Episode 19: Rough-Housing

Nicky continues to help the others find out what these strange dreams mean, and it leads them to finding the new monster: House-in. The rangers have to work harder than they ever have before.

Episode 20: Sticky Situation

The monster Stickson uses his powers to make Nicky and a high school girl get stuck together. Now he canā€™t unmorph or let her find out his secret!

Episode 21: Witchy Ways

Sinthyia and Kryptiana decide to work together to take down the rangers together. Princess Jewelia is taken away by the 2 of them, and the rangers have to get her back.

Episode 22: Bite of the Shark

The Sharkspress Zord has been located, and the rangers decide to test it out. That way, when they go out to rescue Princess Jewelia again, theyā€™ll most likely have a good shot at it.

Episode 23: Secrets Unlocked!

The rangers continue to have their dreams about Queen Krystal. The new monster, Lox arrives to make mischief. Jewelia believes the secrets to the Queen Krystal dreams are locked within Loxā€™s head!

Episode 24: Let's Rock!

The rangers are hypnotized by the monster Boombox into forming a band called the Crystal Rockstars. They are so wrapped up in being this band that they are unable to be rangers now.

Episode 25: Boom Boom!

The new monster Ka-blow arrives to blow up the city, and take down the rangers. Will they defuse Ka-blowā€™s plan, or will they go up in a fiery explosion?

Episode 26: Crystalized Power

The rangers find out about the legendary Crystal Arrow, which can make them even more powerful than before. But theyā€™ll have to go through a lot of work to get it.

Episode 27: An Old Friend

Crazeeglu arrives to make things worse than Stickson did. The rangers are unable to beat him, so they turn to a man named Robert James for help. But they learn a very interesting secret about him.

Episode 28: A Powerful Aircraft

The rangers hear about something destroying the city, and assume it's a monster attack. But what they find is that itā€™s actually a lost Crystal Zord. Now they have to get onto it and gain control of it before itā€™s too late.

Episode 29: King Krystal's Return!

King Krystal is alive! The rangers manage to find him and figure out what he wants now that the gemstones have found worthy warriors.

Episode 30: Golden Guy

Marvin decides he wants to be just like the rangers, and pretends to be a warrior of his own. But the rangers have to tell him that a cosplayer shouldnā€™t be trying to fight monsters.

Episode 31: Toying Around

The rangers realize that their Zords are being sold all across the city as toys, and they could possibly become a worldwide phenomenon. But as they agree to let this happen, their REAL Zords suddenly go missing.

Episode 32: Romantic Rangers

Casandra is out on a date with an old friend of hers. What could her date have to say to her? Well, whatever it could be, Cassandra ends up in a situation with the new monster, Riddlin.

Episode 33: Relationship Struggles

Casandraā€™s boyfriend was hypnotized into turning into a soldier for the Dark Empire. Is she going to find a way to bring him back to her side, or will this relationship go up in smoke?

Episode 34: Go, Go, Bros!

Maxwell and Ethan begin to hang out with each other more, unintentionally making Nicky jealous. Thatā€™s when the Train Rex Zord begins to get out of control. Will Nicky let his jealousy overtake him when heā€™s forced to fight with them?

Episode 35: Fore-saken!

The new monster Clubster arrives to make things go crazy. But thatā€™s only half of the rangersā€™ issues. Because now, not only do they have a monster to fight, Jewelia is gone!

Episode 36: Drop the Beat

A new evil rapper from the Dark Empire named DJ Dark arrives to challenge the rangers to a rap battle. He specifically wants Nicky to go for it. But Nicky doesnā€™t know how to rap!

Episode 37: The Ultimate Army

Julia and Casandra are on break at the local smoothie bar. But the bar is quickly torn down by Emperor Terron! He sends a large army of Mucksters to attack everyone in the city! This is the rangersā€™ most intense battle yet.

Episode 38: The Tooth Hurts

The monster Toothayk arrives to give the rangers the most painful cavities ever. This gives them a distraction from Moonegro, who wants to fight against Sean. Time for the fight of the ages.

Episode 39: General Skull

The Dark Empire monster General Skull arrives to destroy the rangers. The rangers have to use all their powers even harder then they ever have to even stand a chance against this new monster.

Episode 40: Lights Out!

The new monster Zappa-bat arrives to cause mischief to the town. Nicky now has to conquer his fear of the dark in order to take him down.

Episode 41: The Full Eclipse

Moonegro's Power becomes so uncontrollable he turns into Lord Nightmare, and dethrones Emperor Terron. Now the Rangers are up against possibly their biggest threat ever.

Episode 42: Reign of the Moon

The Rangers are all put up against the furious Lord Nightmare, and Jewlia's life is at stake! How will the Rangers be able to get out of this one alive?

Episode 43: Shining Brighter than Before!

Masqueraidance, Kryptiana and Sinthyia are now out to take down the rangers. They are the greatest threat theyā€™ve had yet. Do the rangers have what it takes?

Episode 44: The Final Stretch

Emperor Terron has had enough, and is ready to destroy the rangers once and for all. It all comes down to this. Will the rangers shine like stars, or will they fall down into the ground, failing the Crystal Kingdom?
