Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers Galactic Stars is the second season in the Rangerverse.



Following the events of the previous season, the remaining Wild Rangers gain new powers and meet new friends to save the planet from The Doomstar.



Color Role Actor
Galactic Red Ranger Cliff Brandon Rogers
Galactic Orange Ranger Adrian Roshon Fegan
Galactic Blue Ranger Holt Zayn
Galactic Gold Ranger Zamo Ethan Dolan
Galactic Black Ranger Dillon Dillon Power
Galactic Silver Ranger Zuro Grayson Dolan 
Galactic Green Ranger Sarah Liza Koshy

Galactic Pink Ranger

Ariel Hayley Kiyoko
Galactic Yellow Ranger Leon

Jorge Blanco

Galactic Purple Ranger Prismo Robert Downy Jr.
Galactic Aqua Ranger Diego Diego DomĆ­nguez
Galactic Crimson Ranger Starly Brenda Song


  1. Space Powers
  2. Twin Trouble
  3. Rebel
  4. Pink Love
  5. Teamwork
  6. Dancing Lion
  7. Birthday Bash
  8. The Master's Secret
  9. Cooking
  10. Bear to the Rescue
  11. Training Grounds
  12. Mystical Forest
  13. Sibling Rivalry
  14. Evil Come
  15. Faith of Trust
  16. Total Recall
  17. Next Stage
  18. Wild Help, Part 1
  19. Wild Help, Part 2
  20. Crimson Arrives
  21. Truce
  22. Spellbound
  23. Breaking the Curse
  24. Swapped
  25. Dares
  26. Searching
  27. Untold Truth
  28. Bake Off
  29. Day Out
  30. Racing to Your Heart
  31. Against Each Other
  32. Ultimate Attack
  33. More
  34. Time for a New Plan
  35. Possessed
  36. Saving Our Friend
  37. Earth's Only Hope
  38. Final Battle
  39. Halloween Candy
  40. Chistmas Joy

