Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
PR2020 logo This article is about a/an Super Sentai adaptation in the Power Rangers franchise.
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"May the power protect you."
This series has been completed. No other edits are to be made to this page nor the pages that correspond with this series.
Power Rangers Fanon logo This series has been voted the winner of the Featured Series of the Month award in January 2020.

Power Rangers Electric Fighters is the 4th fanfictional season of Power Rangers created by Gokai-Volt, serving as an adaptation of the 4th Super Sentai series, Denshi Sentai Denziman.


―series tagline

Centuries ago, on a planet, in a galaxy far, far, away; a battle raged on for the mysterious energy source; the Power Rings. A probe containing these rings was evacuated from the planet, to a unknown destination.

A couple of centuries later, the probe crash lands on Earth and the rings were scattered across the United States.

One by one, the rings were found by five teenagers, each of whom were bounded by the ring's energy. However, it was not long before the villainous Curator Clan, discover that the rings were safely on Earth and being to plan their revenge to make them their own.

Sensing the approaching danger, the rings alert the teenagers together, to become the Electric Rangers to protect the Earth from the Curator Clan and to avoid a repeated history.




Electric Rangers

Main article: Electric Rangers
Designation Name
Electric Red Alfred Cahill
Electric Blue Schuyler Larson
Electric Yellow Vance Becker
Electric Green Martin Wharmby
Electric Pink Lauren McAllister


Planet Ele[]

  • Ele Computer
  • Nico
  • Princess Elle

Other Allies[]

  • William Becks
  • Angie Hurley
  • Arthur Myers
  • Lenny Collins
  • Hazel Chambers
  • Officer Adams
  • Officer Crane
  • All Power Rangers


The Curator Clan[]

  • Empress Magina
  • The General
  • Sheila and Mira
  • Calamity King Calamo
    • Calamity Monster
  • Skeletans
  • Curator Monsters


Transformation Devices[]

  • Power Rings


  • Fighter Stick
  • Fighter Boxer


  • Electric Motor
  • Electric Buggy
  • Electric Airboat


Legend: team piloted Zord, carrier Zord

  • ElectricFortress
  • ElectricFighter / Great ElectricFighter


Main article: Electric Fighters Episodes

The episodes in this season are referred to as Electron.

  1. Sparks are Born!
  2. Arrival of The Curators
  3. Slippery Slopes
  4. Castle Hike
  5. Strange Flowers
  6. Who's Who?
  7. A Ring’s Tale, Part 1
  8. A Ring’s Tale, Part 2
  9. Telephone Calls
  10. Mystery Meat
  11. Electro Secrets
  12. Dangerous Spy
  13. Popping Schemes
  14. After School Club
  15. Encoded Messages
  16. Smash the Bacteria
  17. Legendary Creatures, Part 1
  18. Legendary Creatures, Part 2
  19. The "Prince" from Outer-Space
  20. Rampaging Flowers
  21. Circus Grimms
  22. A Strange Phenomenon
  23. Superhuman
  24. Tiger, Tiger
  25. Galaxy Melody
  26. Rare Beetles
  27. Haunted House
  28. The Detective's Raid
  29. What's Missing is Found, What's Found is... Missing?
  30. Secret Magic Arts
  31. Weaving Puzzles, Part 1
  32. Weaving Puzzles, Part 2
  33. The Saviour is a..... Puppy?
  34. Calamity Brute
  35. Eternal Maze
  36. Magic Manipulation
  37. Curator Knock Out
  38. The Greatest Battle, Part 1
  39. The Greatest Battle, Part 2
  40. Spectrum
  41. A Strange Light
  42. Spitting Image
  43. Morning Sunrise
  44. Beginning of the End, Part 1
  45. Beginning of the End, Part 2
  46. Castle Raiders
  47. The Spark of Hope, Part 1
  48. The Spark of Hope, Part 2


  • The title for the first episode, Sparks Are Born! is a play on Stars Are Born!


See Also[]

Power Rangers 2020 Logo
The Power RangersLucky AcesWorld FrontierElectric FightersSolar BrigadeVictory VDynaforceB.I.O.Mythical ChargeNova FlashAura SurgeDivided FatesRedlineSonic BattalionAero StormThunder MastersMiracle GuardHigh TideDyno ByteRail ThunderShuriken SteelLost KingdomOdysseyVersusKnight FuryCrystalizersZord WarriorsSunrise Heroes
Grid Champions
Giga Tokusatsu Adaptations
Original Versions
Secret SquadronTrump CardsInterstellar ForceJura Knights

Main Series
The Power RangersThe Power Rangers: Lucky AcesPower Rangers World FrontierPower Rangers Electric FightersPower Rangers Solar BrigadePower Rangers Victory VPower Rangers DynaforcePower Rangers B.I.O.Power Rangers Mythical ChargePower Rangers Nova FlashPower Rangers Aura SurgePower Rangers Divided FatesPower Rangers Nitro RacersPower Rangers Sonic BattalionPower Rangers Aero StormPower Rangers Thunder MastersPower Rangers Miracle GuardPower Rangers High TidePower Rangers Dyno BytePower Rangers Rail ThunderPower Rangers Shuriken SteelPower Rangers Lost KingdomPower Rangers OdysseyPower Rangers VersusPower Rangers Knight FuryPower Rangers CrystalizersPower Rangers Zord WarriorsPower Rangers Sunrise HeroesPower Rangers Insectors
Power Rangers Grid Champions
Giga Toku Adaptations
Power Rangers Hyperspace
Original Versions
Power Rangers Secret SquadronPower Rangers Trump CardsPower Rangers Interstellar ForcePower Rangers Jura Knights
