Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon logo This series has been voted the winner of the Featured Series of the Month award in August 2018.
Power Rangers Fanon logo This series has been voted the winner of the Featured Series of the Year award in 2018.

Power Rangers EDF (Earth Defense Force) is the twenty-sixth series in the Alternate World Power Rangers. It is based on Kyuranger and common Comic Book tropes, primarily from the Avengers. It is the first season in the Destiny Shard Saga.


When G.U.A.R.D found the mysterious Star Orb, they invited a whole host of evil to want the powers it hold. These evils, like Madame Medusa, Big Brain, and Fuden are some of the most fearsome villains ever. To combat them, the Power Rangers EDF are commissioned. Together, these extraordinary people will defend the Earth from destruction.

However, after defeating all of these evils, once, twice, and some of them even thrice, the Rangers' enemies team-up to form the Sinister Six Fists, and create the most fearsome being of all time. At the same time, the first Destiny Shard is revealed opening up a much bigger world...


EDF Logo Ep 1-22


Red Calvin Roosevelt
Blue Ryan Royleā–ŗAshley Finn
Pink Ayumi Asakura
Yellow Raiden, The Thunder Prince
Green Dr. Will Dillards
Navy Lt. Col. James Thompson
Orange Lara MĆ¼ller
Cyan Peter MĆ¼ller
Silver Julian Lewis
Purple Andy Finn
Camo Micheal Tran
White Aaron Jacobs




The Quasar Empire

Agents Of Evil[]

Takaharan Threats

U.L.S.A.R And His Hosts

The Zero Institute

SNAKE Operatives

Dark Androids



Destiny Shards Featured

Transformation Devices

  • Defend Changerā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Atom Metamorpherā—†
  • Overload DANGER Driverā—†

Side Arms

  • Defend Blasterā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†

Team Weapons

  • (Super)Defender Rifle

Multi-Use Devices

  • EDF Reactorsā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†

Individual Weapons

  • Star Shield ā—†
  • Laser Arm Cannon ā—†
  • Thunder Inazuma ā—†
  • Canary Tonfas ā—†
  • Fury Fists ā—†
  • Missile Pack ā—†
  • Mind Braces ā—†
  • Speed Cleats ā—†
  • Atom Armaments ā—†
  • Eagle Pack ā—†
  • Astro Lens ā—†
  • Illusion Pendant ā—†



  1. Case File 1: They Came From Raiden's Basement 
  2. Case File 2: Defenders, Unite!
  3. Case File 3: Sibling Rivalry
  4. Case File 4: Virus Found
  5. Case File 5: Bad For Business
  6. Case File 6: An Old Wound
  7. Case File 7: Reactor Rage
  8. Case File 8: December 1, 1974
  9. Case File 9: Twins Of Doom
  10. Case File 10: Morning Dew
  11. Case File 11: The Incredible Fury 
  12. Case File 12: Silver Thief 
  13. Case File 13: Splitting The Atom, Part 1
  14. Case File 14: Splitting The Atom, Part 2 
  15. Case File 15: A Fledgling Hero
  16. Case File 16: Ayumi's Old Friends
  17. Case File 17: Astral Projection
  18. Case File 18: Trust Nobody...
  19. Case File 19: SNAKE Strikes! Part 1
  20. Case File 20: SNAKE Strikes! Part 2
  21. Case File 21: T-Minus 5, 4, 3, 2...
  22. Case File 22: The Wingman
  23. Case File 23: Beauty And The Beast
  24. Case File 24: Trading Faces
  25. Case File 25: A Winning Proposition
  26. Case File 26: It's Not A Bug, It's A Feature!
  27. Case File 27: The Fastest Man Alive
  28. Case File 28: It's All An Illusion!
  29. Case File 29: Deja Vu...
  30. Case File 30: Jiro's Fury
  31. Case File 31: The Return Of The Thunder Prince
  32. Case File 32: Reactor Meltdown
  33. Case File 33: And Then There Was One...
  34. Case File 34: The Bridge
  35. Case File 35: Benningtech's Big Break
  36. Case File 36: Hitting Close To Home
  37. Case File 37: Depowered
  38. Case File 38: The Ultimate Virus

See Also[]

Alternate World Power Rangers
Super Sonic' (1993-1994) ā€¢ Jungle Storm (1994) ā€¢ Thunder Ninja (1995) ā€¢ Sky Combat (1996) ā€¢ Nitro (1997) ā€¢ Astro Force (1998) ā€¢ Super Beasts (1999) ā€¢ Super Rescue (2000) ā€¢ Airforce (2001) ā€¢ Cyberbeasts (2002) ā€¢ Shinobi Charge (2003) ā€¢ J.A.K.Q (2004) ā€¢ Galaxy Guard (2005) ā€¢ Nexus Knights (2006) ā€¢ Engine Steel (2007) ā€¢ Ki Aura (2008) ā€¢ Dino Hunters (2009) ā€¢ Blade Splash (2011) Supernova (2012) ā€¢ Time Bandits (2013) ā€¢ USB (2014)ā€¢ Turbo Drive (2015) ā€¢ Ninja Heat (2016)ā€¢ Ultra Heat (2017)ā€¢ Bio OverTech (2018)ā€¢ EDF (2019)ā€¢ Star Chase (2020)ā€¢ X-Energy (2021)ā€¢ 3000 (2022)ā€¢ Spirit Nova (2023)ā€¢ The Destiny Wars (2023)ā€¢ 007s (2024)
Greek Gods ā€¢ Galaxy Force
Other Series
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