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Power Rangers Dino Thunder Charge [Pawārenjā Sentai dainosandāchāji] (often abbreviated as "PRDTC" or referred to as "Dino Thunder Charge") is a reimagined and an inspiration series mix up of Power Rangers Dino Thunder and Power Rangers Dino/Super Charge. It is the second series created by Master DA.


An evil breeder comes to Earth to find the Earth's prehistoric dinosaurs from the Triassic age, Jurassic age and Cretaceous age for her evil schemes. But she was stopped by an ancient Guardian and frozen him into a fossil for centuries. The ancient Guardian places the spirits of the dinosaurs into special dino devices to keep them out of evil hands. Centuries later she breaks out of her fossil prison and continues to search for them. Until the Guardian sends out the devices to find their worthy "Dino Masters", take control and fight the evil menace.


Dino Rangers[]

Ranger Color Name Zords Codenames Ultimate Form
Red Ranger (Leader) Jason Henders Tyrannozord Dino Red Jurassic Red
Blue Ranger Alex Mason Tricerazord Dino Blue Jurassic Blue
Yellow Ranger Lisa Gibson Pterodaczord Dino Yellow Jurassic Yellow
White Ranger Nina Ashley Tupuxuzord Dino White Jurassic White
Black Ranger Tommy Oliver Brachiozord Dino Black Jurassic Black

Extra Dino Rangers[]

Ranger Color Name Zords Codenames Ultimate Form
Pink Ranger Lily Ginace Tricerazord (Pink Version) Dino Pink Jurassic Pink
Green Ranger Nelson Carter Raptorzord Dino Green Jurassic Green
Golden Ranger Lancer Hilton Petrazord (Golden Version) Dino Gold Jurassic Gold
Silver Ranger Lex Anderson Pachyzord Dino Silver Jurassic Silver
Purple Ranger Janice Kimberly Plesiozord Dino Purple Jurassic Purple

Special Rangers[]

Ranger Color Name Zords Codenames Ultimate Form
Aqua Ranger Emma Olivia Ankylo Zord Dino Aqua Jurassic Aqua



  • Royal Ohara; The Breeder (Represents Royal Pain from the Sky High movie)
  • Vale (Adaption of Volcancer a mirror monster from Kame Rider Ryuki)
  • Kaiser (Adaption of Biogreeza a mirror monster from Kame Rider Ryuki)
  • WildClaw (Adaption of Destwilder a mirror monster from Kame Rider Ryuki)
  • Shana (Adaption of Aquarius from Kamen Rider Fourze)


Ranger Weapons

  • Dino Morphers
  • Dino Energems (Morphers)
  • Dino Blade
  • Tyranno Staff (Red Ranger)
  • Tricera Shield (Blue Ranger)
  • Ptera Grips (Yellow Ranger)
  • Brachio Staff (Black Ranger)
  • Drago Sword (White Ranger)
  • Shield of Triumph (Triassic Ranger)
  • Thundermax Blaster/Saber (Red/Blue/Yellow)
  • Z-Rex Blaster


  1. Rise of the Dinos
  2. Power
  3. Roar of the Night
  4. Back in Black
  5. The Missing Code
  6. Mind games
  7. Royal Strike
  8. White Dino
  9. Dino Stars
  10. Happy Ending
  11. Date with Destiny
  12. Lost and Founded (New Rangers)
  13. Loose Ends
  14. Centuries Combine Part 1 (Power Rangers Special Forces Crossover)
  15. Centuries Combine Part 2 (Power Rangers Special Forces Crossover)
  16. Doom Bringer
  17. Excalibur
  18. Age of Extinction Part 1
  19. Age of Extinction Part 2
  20. Last Stand

Gallery []
