Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers Dino Thunder is an American adaptation of Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger.


Former Power Ranger Tommy Oliver had focused his new career goals on being a paleontology and his friend Anton Mercer was working on Dino DNA projects. One of the projects exploded and changed Anton into a human/dinosaur hybird called Mesogogg. Tommy, and three of his student tapped into amazing powers using "dino gemes" that gave them the powers of the dinosaurs and made them the Power Rangers Dino Thunder. Anton's son Trent found a white Dino Gem and became the evil White Dino ranger, before he was freed from its evil influence and was able to use his powers for good to fight the evil creature his father had become. Along the way the Rangers would discover new teens with Dino Gems and Zords to enhance their team.


Dinosaur Role Actor Ranger
Tyrannosaurus Conner James Napier Red Ranger
Triceratops Ethan Kevin Duhaney Blue Ranger
Pteranodon Kira Emma Lahana Yellow Ranger
Brachiosaurus Tommy Jason David Frank Black Ranger
Tupuxuara Trent Jeffrey Parazzo White Ranger
Styracosaurus Corey James Napier Triassic Ranger
Dimetrodon Aaron Daniel Desanto Cyan Ranger
Pachycephalosaurus Serena Karen Cliche Violet Ranger
Parasaurolophus Gerry Unknown Green Ranger
Ankylosaurus Ben Frankie Muniz Orange Ranger
Stegosaurus Sean Justin Berfield Crimson Ranger
Carnotaurus Devin Tom Hern Indigo Ranger
Chasmosaurus Cassidy Katrina Devine Silver Ranger
Spinosaurus Lucien Tracy Morgan Gold Ranger
Saber-Toothed Tiger Hayley Ismay Johnston Pink Ranger
Mammoth Manny Dominic Sherwood Gray Ranger

Lost Rangers[]

Dinosaur Role Actor Ranger
Allosaurus Carlton Unkown Phantom Dino Ranger
Edaphosaurus Blayze Unknown Pyro Ranger



See Also[]

Power Rangers Rescue Sentinels ā€¢ Power Rangers Animal Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Flight Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Racers ā€¢ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1 (Fanon Version) ā€¢ Mighty Morphin Ninja Rangers ā€¢ Mighty Morphin Thunder Rangers ā€¢ Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers (Fanon) ā€¢ Power Rangers Shaolin ā€¢ Power Rangers Star Beasts ā€¢ Power Rangers Wild Force Origins ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Storm (Fanon Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers Dino Thunder (Fanon Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers Jungle Fury (Fanon Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers RPM (Fanon Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers Pirates ā€¢ Power Rangers Gear Beasts ā€¢ Power Rangers Eco Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Cosmos ā€¢ Power Rangers Dyna-Saurs ā€¢ Power Rangers Train Guards ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Stars ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Strike ā€¢ Power Rangers Dragon Blitz ā€¢ Power Rangers DNAā€¢ Power Rangers V-Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Morphin Charge ā€¢ Power Rangers Legend Knights ā€¢ Power Rangers Zodiac
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