Power Rangers Dino Knights is a season based on dinosaurs and has a Knights theme.
- Super Dino Knight Megazord
- Spinosaurus Knightzord
- Ceratosaurus Knight Megazord
- Pteranodon Knight Megazord
- Pteranodon Knightzord
- Baby Pteranodon Knightzord
Alternate Combinations[]
- Dino Knight Megazord Alternate Formation 1 (Triceratops, Tyranno, Ankylosaurus)
- Dino Knight Megazord Alternate Formation 2 (Ankylosaurus, Tyranno, Triceratops
- Dino Knight Megazord Lance Formation (Tyranno, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Sabertooth Tiger)
- Dino Knight Megazord Needle Formation (Tyranno, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Miragaia)
- Dino Knight Megazord Volcano Formation (Tyranno, Dimetrodon)
- Dino King Megazord (Tyranno, Mosasurus, Pteranodon)
- Power Rangers Dino Knights and Ryusoulgers have a Knights and Dragons theme.
- Despite having a Knights and Dragons theme, the zords are dinosaurs.
- It's more of a Knights and Dinosaurs theme.
- The Rangers have similarities to previous Rangers.
- The gloves and boots have gold trimming similar to the Green Ranger's from MMPR Season 1 and the Rangers from Power Rangers Dino Thunder.
- The belt design is similar to the one used by the White Ranger from Power Rangers Dino Thunder.
- This is the first team since:
- Power Rangers Dino Charge to have only one female, as well as both Black and Green Rangers in the core team alongside a sixth Gold Ranger, and to not have a Yellow Ranger.
- Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Season 1 to have a tiger-themed ranger in a dinosaur/pre-historic-based-themed team.
- Power Rangers Dino Thunder to have a Blue Ranger with a Triceratops motif. The very first before them was in Zyuranger.
- The name of the main Megazord, Dino Knight Megazord, is similar to the Dino Knight Megazord from my friend Future Beetle 's Power Rangers Dino Quest.