Power Rangers Dino Fury: Red vs. Gold Dino Battle is a special episode of Power Rangers Dino Fury.
After arguing about whose costume is better, Zayto and Aiyon go outside with their costumes to be judged by the public. Unexpectedly, they are laughed at due to their silly costumes. Just then, they notice a familiar voice echoing all over town, which Aiyon depicts as Reaghoul, an event in spring where he would revive the Sporix Beasts and planning to destroy the entire town.
However, due to Void Knight's defeat, Zayto occurs immediately bringing the Sporix to Reaghoul and bringing back Shockhorn, Vypeera, Draknarok and horde of Hengemen plus Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' Putty Patrollers and Power Rangers Dino Thunder's Triptoids. In the competition to see who can defeat the most opponents, Zayto and Aiyon morph and quickly curb-stomp the revived villains, only to result in a tie.
As they argue about whose preformace was better, Reaghoul grows giant, Zayto and Aiyon proposes they summon their zords, but the Dino Fury Red Ranger activates a special clothing Dino Fury key which strengthens the T-Rex Champion Zord, allowing them to destroy Reaghoul.
The two once again debate their performance as they return to the Dinohenge, where, to their surprise, where they find Solon trying on an odd costume.
Dino Fury Rangers[]
Dino Fury Red Ranger: Zayto
Dino Fury Gold Ranger: Aiyon
Putty Patrollers from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Triptoids from Power Rangers Dino Thunder
See Also[]
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: AkaNinger vs. StarNinger Hundred Nin Battle! - Super Sentai counterpart in Shuriken Sentai Ninninger.