Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers Dino Charge is a fanfictional season of Power Rangers,based on Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger. It follows a dinosaurs/weaponry motif, joining Kamen Rider MagusIcon-crosswiki and later Kamen Rider CitrusIcon-crosswiki as part of StarGlobe Network's KiddieZone programming block. The series succeeded Power Rangers Beast Vanguard and was eventually succeeded by Power Rangers HT .


When ancient alien forces threaten Earth's existence, a team of courageous heroes, armed with the power of dinosaurs, must come together to defend humanity across timelines. The story follows their journey from a Mesozoic battleground to the modern era, culminating in a battle for Earth's survival across generations.



The Dino Charge Rangers

Together we rise, a force untamed! Power Rangers Dino Charge, forever acclaimed!

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Color Role
Dino Charge Red Lachlan ā–ŗ Evander
Dino Charge Black Thorian ā–ŗ Caius
Dino Charge Blue Osric ā–ŗ Oberon
Dino Charge Green Renard ā–ŗ Soren
Dino Charge Pink Fiora ā–ŗ Nyra
Dino Charge Gold Patrick McDowell ā–ŗ Paris McDowell

Other Rangers[]

Dino Charge Cyan Harald ā–ŗ Ravina ā–ŗ Nyra
Dino Charge Gray Kaelen ā–ŗ Leif ā–ŗ Soren
Dino Charge Violet Dr. Preston ā–ŗ Tahlia Preston ā–ŗ Paris McDowell
Dino Charge Silver Aviros ā–ŗ Alder ā–ŗ Caius
Dino Charge Navy Grimclaw ā–ŗ Evander
Auxiliary Rangers[]
Dino Charge Yellow Paul Ortiz
Dino Charge Orange Michael Lee
Dino Charge Aqua Shonda Manuel
Dino Charge Magenta Douglas Izzo
Dino Charge Crimson Martin Rogers
Dino Charge Indigo John Harvey
Dino Charge Vermillion Titus Brown
Dino Charge Lavender Kathryn Mitchell
Dino Charge White Lea Hogan
Dino Charge Lime Lauren Martinez
Dino Charge Cobalt Emily Simpson
Dino Charge Scarlet Victor Bullock
Dino Charge Pale Alvin Turner

Future Dino Charge Rangers[]

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Together we rise, a force untamed! Power Rangers Dino Charge, forever acclaimed!

Dino Charge Navy Evander
Dino Charge Silver Caius
Dino Charge Blue Oberon
Dino Charge Gray Soren
Dino Charge Cyan Nyra
Dino Charge Violet Paris McDowell


Kamen Rider Magician Henry Spellman
Kamen Rider Leo Leonard Budocha
Platinor P-Model Rob
Rubyor Jack


  • Ludwig - Dan's deceased best friend from Germany.
  • Alice - Lucy's daughter & Baron's niece.
  • Richard - Lucy's deceased husband & Baron's brother-in-law.
  • Edward - Parry's strict father
  • Baldwin - Sadie's butler who accommodates all of her needs.
  • Daisy - a girl from Reese's past he met in France.

Mood Collective[]

The Mood Collective are the foes of the Dino Charge Rangers. During the age of dinosaurs, an alien menace known as Lord Malice attacked Earth to commence an extinction era before it was sealed by the Dino Charge Zords in ice. In the present day, Lord Malice's followers are thawed out & proceed to obtain human souls as part of their goal to revive their leader & herald a new extinction era on Earth's current dominant lifeform: humans.

  • Mothron - The creator of the Mood Collective.
  • Amphibius - The new spokesman of the Mood Collective.
    • Lord Malice - The dormant plant-like master of the Mood Collective.
      • Pontifex - The spokesman of the Mood Collective.
      • Bliss - The happy general of the Mood Collective.
      • Ragefire - The angry general of the Mood Collective.
      • Despair - The sad general of the Mood Collective.
      • Jester - Bliss's childish subordinate who serves as the spy for the Mood Collective.
      • Grudge - The resentment general of the Mood Collective.
      • Glee - The new happy general of the Mood Collective.
      • Mourne - The new sad general of the Mood Collective.
        • Nulls - The paramecium-like footsoldiers of the Mood Collective.
          • Giant Nulls - Monstrous versions of the Nulls, formed when the Nulls fuse together.
        • Emotrons - A guardian knight that is 100 times stronger than any Nulls.
        • Mood Monsters

Future Mood Collective[]

  • Malachi - The spokesman of the Future Mood Collective
  • Penitent - The regret general of the Future Mood Collective.
  • Surrender - The submission general of the Future Mood Collective.
  • Envier - The envy general of the Future Mood Collective.


Arsenal (Dino Charge (Fanon Version))


This page lists all the battle machines known as zords used by the Dino Charge. Below is the inventory, which also reflects on the Dino Charge (Fanon Version) series page as well as the team page of the Dino Charge.



Main article: Triassic Zord (Dino Charge (Fanon Version))
Eleven Zyudenryu

During the Mood Collective's centuries-long attack, twenty four prehistoric animals obtained the power to fight the invaders. Ten of them were dinosaurs modified to become the Triassic Zord, while thirteen were altered for a different purpose. Following the Collective' defeat, the latter group was destroyed, and half of the Triassic Zord (Ptera, Ankylo, Pachy, Plesio, and Brachio) were lost, while the remaining members stood watch, should the Mood Collective return.

Triassic Zord[]

Legend:ā—† piloted mecha, ā— other mecha; see Style Guide for rules on icon colors
  • Dino Charge Ultrazord ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
    • Dino Charge Megazord ā—†ā—†ā—†
      • T-Rex Triassic Zord ā—†
      • Stego Triassic Zord ā—†
      • Tricera Triassic Zord ā—†
    • Parasaur Triassic Zord ā—†
    • Raptor Triassic Zord ā—†
    • Brachio Triassic Zord / Brachio Prime Megazord ā—†
  • Ptera Triassic Zord / Ptera Rumble Megazord ā—†
  • Plesio Triassic Zord / Plesio Marine Megazord ā—†
  • Spino Strike Megazord ā—†ā—†ā—†
    • Spino Triassic Zord ā—†
    • Ankylo Triassic Zord ā—†
    • Pachy Triassic Zord ā—†

Addtional Formations[]

Dino Charge Megazord[]

  • Dino Charge Megazord Stego-Raptor ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Dino Charge Megazord Parasaur-Raptor ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Dino Charge Megazord Tricera-Ankylo ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Dino Charge Megazord Parasaur-Stego ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Rumble Charge Megazord ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Magus Charge Megazord ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—
  • Boost Charge Megazord ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Dino Charge Megazord Ankylo-Pachy ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Dino Charge Megazord Baseball ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—
  • Lion Vanguard Charge Megazord ā—†ā–ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Dino Charge Megazord Excalibugā—†ā—ā—ā—ā—
    • T-Rex Triassic Zord ā—†
    • Dragonfly Swarmzord ā—
    • Mantis Swarmzord ā—
    • Butterfly Swarmzord ā—
    • Wasp Swarmzord ā—

Ptera Rumble Megazord[]

  • Ptera Rumble Megazord Parasaur-Raptor ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Ptera Rumble Megazord Ankylo ā—†ā—†
  • Ptera Rumble Megazord Pachy ā—†ā—†
  • Ptera Rumble Megazord Parasaur ā—†ā—†
  • Ptera Rumble Megazord Tricera ā—†ā—†

Plesio Marine Megazord[]

  • Plesio Marine Megazord Pachy ā—†ā—†
  • Plesio Marine Megazord Raptor ā—†ā—†
  • Plesio Marine Megazord Parasaur ā—†ā—†
  • Plesio Marine Megazord Ankylo ā—†ā—†
  • Plesio Marine Megazord Christmas ā—†

Spino Strike Megazord[]

  • Spino Strike Megazord Parasaur-Raptor ā—†ā—†ā—†



  1. Ultimate Giga War
  2. Power Rangers Dino Charge-The Musical
  3. Mighty Dino Vanguard


  1. Power Rangers Dino Charge: Next Generation


  • This series is the first series where the villains' base is located in the South Pole.
  • This is the first season since Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers to start off with four male Rangers & one female Ranger.
  • This is the third season to have a male Ranger with a light blue suit; the first is Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, & the second Power Rangers Jungle Fury.
  • This is the second season to have rangers based off Auxiliary Zords; the first is Power Rangers Jungle Fury.