Power Rangers Desert Crusade (often abbreviated as PRDC) is the sixth series of the Blade Series. Its Japanese Counterpart is Jūjigun Sentai Sabakuranger (literally Crusade Squadron Desert Ranger). It chronologically follows Power Rangers Paradox Initiative. It is succeeded by Power Rangers Forbidden Quest.
After gaining the rights to own the undisputed territory of Bir Tawil and renaming it the State of the Alcaeus. His workers unearthed the power of Apep and his army of demons and shabti. Now Matthew Colburn hires in some help from former rangers and includes his own daughter into a new team to fight back this threat with the help of patron gods and his own resources.
Main Arctice: Scarab Rangers
Yellow | Laura Colburn | |
Red/Pharaoh | Connor Piraino | |
Black | Stuart Worrall | |
Blue | Fraser Zook | |
Pink | Hannah Penley | |
Naval | Cameron Worrall |
Main Arctice: Ranger Knights
AmonKnight | Isaac Schuster | |
KhonsuKinght | Victoria van Vurren |
Sir Matthew Colburn KG - CEO of Colburn Corporation and the Govenor of the Alcaeus. Laura's father. Knight of the Garter
Bes - God of Dwarves, Protector of Men
Bast - Goddess of Cats, Protector of Kings
The Pharoah Gods
- Ptah - The First Pharaoh of the Gods, Husband of Nunet, Father of Ra, Amon and Khonsu. God of Craftsmenship and creator of man
- Ra - The Second Pharaoh of the Gods, Husband of Iusaaset, Father of Shu,Tefnut, Sobek, Thoth, Mayat, Bes and Bast. God of the Day. The Embodiment of Ma'at (Order)
- Shu - The Third Pharaoh of the Gods, Husband of Tefnut, Father of Geb and Nut. God of the Wind
- Geb - The Fourth Pharaoh of the Gods, Husband of Nut, Father of Osiris, Haroeris, Setesh, Isis and Nephthys. God of Earth
- Osiris - The Fifthh Pharaoh of the Gods, Husband of Isis, Father of Horus. God of the Underworld
- Horus - The Seventh Pharaoh of the Gods, Husband of Hathor, God of the Heavens (Duat)
- Thoth - The Eighth Pharaoh of the Gods, Husband of Mayat, Brother-in-Law of Horus, God of Wisdom
- Mayat - The Ninth Pharaoh of the Gods, Wife of Thoth, Goddess of Order
Amon - God of the Sun
Khonsu - God of the Moon
Sobek - God of the Sea
Power Operative Rangers - The Sands of Time are spilled which brings in the five former rangers to 2018, Adam and his new team reuse the Chronos Staff to travel back also, sot he team may fight together again.
T'namad | Terradamos Geogorizenn/"Adam Gregory" |
Longon | Power Operative Red ► Lucius Claudius Artorius Draco (temporary) ► Power Operative Red |
Calcatrix | Power Operative Blue ► "Jo d'Arc" (temporary) ► Power Operative Blue |
Phinx | Power Operative Yellow ► "Cleo Lagid"(temporary) ► Power Operative Yellow |
Rok | Power Operative Green ► "Agustín Arámburu"(temporary) ► Power Operative Green |
Khiimori | Power Operative Bronze ► "Temüjin Borjigin" (temporary) '►' Power Operative Bronze |
Apep - The embodiment of Isfet (Chaos) the enemy of Ra, God of Chaos
Setesh/Seth - Ra's former lieutenant and Apep's new commander. The Brother of Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and Haroeris, uncle of Horus. The Sixth King of the Gods. God of Storm and the Desert
Anubis - Son of Setesh and Nephthys. God of the Dead. Reluctantly aiding his father.
Sakhmet - Bloodthirsty Half of Hathor, Goddess of War
Neith - Goddess of the Hunt
Babi - God of Baboons
Nekhbet - Goddess of Vultures
Serqet - Goddess of Poison
Sek - One of Apep's demon servants
Mot - One of Apep's demon servants
Shabti - Apep's Grunts, clay figures that come to life, though some have pieces of themselves missing
- Scarab Morphers
- Sheild Mode
- Khepresh Morpher
- Teutonic Morphers
- Divine Blessing
- Spirit of Isis
- Spirit of Haroeris
- Spirit of Ptah
- Spirit of Thoth
- Spirit of Nephthys
- Spirit of Sobek
- Spirit of Amon
- Spirit of Khonsu
- Papyrus Scroll
- Sahara Sword
- Yellow Daggers
- Red Sword
- Black Axe
- Blue Staff
- Pink Bow
- Naval Spear
- Solar Sheild
- Lunar Lance
Legend:◆ pilot zord, ❖ aux zord,★ battlezord, ➲ carrier zord
- Nile Delta Megazord◆◆◆◆◆◆
- Sahara Megazord◆◆◆◆◆
- Lion Walker Zord◆
- Falcon Flyer Zord◆
- Elephant Hauler Zord◆
- Baboon Climber Zord◆
- Shark Swimmer Zord◆
- Nile Megazord◆
- Croc Crawler Zord◆
- Sahara Megazord◆◆◆◆◆
- Templar Megazord◆◆
- Solar Chariotzord◆
- Lunar Chariotzord◆
- Pharaoh Megazord Warrior Mode➲★
- Pharaoh Tomb Megazord➲
- Pharaoh Tomb Pyramid Zord➲
- Alcaeus the Battlezord★
- Pharaoh Tomb Megazord➲
- Alternate Combonations
- Nile Crawler Megazord◆◆
- Nile Flyer Megazord◆◆
- Nile Hauler Megazord◆◆
- Nile Climber Megazord◆◆
- Nile Swimmer Megazord◆◆
- Knight Templar Megazord◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
- Solar Sahara Megazord◆◆◆◆◆◆
- Lunar Sahara Megazord◆◆◆◆◆◆
- Forgotten Sands Part 1
- Forgotten Sands Part 2
- Forgotten Sands Part 3
- Lion-oh
- Falconry
- The Ivory
- Going Ape
- Shark Attack
- Daddy's Little Girl
- In the Navy Part 1
- In the Navy Part 2
- In the Navy Part 3
- Bond Between Brothers
- It's a Kind of Magic
- God of War
- Pottery Smith
- Wisdom and Writing
- Aqua Vitae
- Friends till the End
- Crawling In
- Flying High
- Hauling and Mauling
- Take a Climb
- When in Doubt, Swim
- Two Knight Part 1
- Two Knight Part 2
- Delta and Omega
- Pharoah's Saga
- Pharaoh's Return
- Alcaeus
- 20th
- 21st
- 22nd
- 23rd
- 24th
- 25th
- 26th
- Sands of Time Part 1
- Sands of Time Part 2
- Sands of Time Part 3
- Sands of Time Part 4
- 28th
- 29th
- 30th
- Halfway to Hell
- Deserted Part 1
- Deserted Part 2
- Deserted Part 3
- Deserted Part 4
- Deserted Part 5
- The series uses elements from Egyptian Mythology as the main plot