Power Rangers Delta Squadron (Often abbreviated as PRDS) is the 7th series created by Dragonzeron and is planned to be followed by
In the far future a peace is shattered by an organization known as 'The Seven' and their leader Citizen Zero awakens an ancient evil,the only hope of protection for the city of Inkling Cove is to activate the newest technology available,the Deohn Power Morphers,created by the Deohn Corporation. 4 officers of the law are called to become the newest Power Rangers.
1/Red | Trevor |
2/Green | Dylan |
3/Blue | Ryan |
4/Pink | Jada |
5/Yellow | Mia |
6/Purple | Yumi |
7/Orange | Talon |
8/Gold | Jane |
9/Silver | James |
10/Aqua | Daniel |
11/Crimson | Timothy |
Commander Ladrum
1/Red | Deohn 1 |
2/Green | Deohn 2 |
3/Blue | Deohn 3 |
4/Pink | Deohn 4 |
5/Yellow | Deohn 5 |
6/Purple | Deohn 6 |
7/Orange | Deohn 7 |
8/Gold | Deohn 8 |
9/Silver | Deohn 9 |
10/Aqua | Deohn 10 |
11/Crimson | Deohn 11 |
Deohn Megazord-A combination of units 1-4,with unit 1 forming the the chest,unit 2 forming the legs,unit 3 forming the arms and unit 4 forming the head,shield and sword
Double Deohn Megazord-A combination of units 1-7,with unit 1 forming the the chest,unit 2 forming the legs,unit 3 forming the right arm,unit 4 forming the head and blaster,unit 5 forming the sword and shield,unit 6 forming the wings and unit 7 forming the left arm.
Triple Deohn Megazord-A combination of units 1-11,with unit 1 forming the the chest,unit 2 forming the legs,unit 3 forming the right arm,unit 4 forming the head and blaster,unit 5 forming the sword and shield,unit 6 forming the wings,unit 7 forming the left arm,unit 8 forming the left shoulder gatling cannon,unit 9 forming the right shoulder gatling cannon,unit 10 forming the increased chest armor and unit 11 forming the increased lower body armor
See Also[]
Dragonzeron |
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