Template:Series Template
In the year 3021, a team of 4 humanoid robots have freed earth from each and every evil. They decide to go to other planets and do the same. But they need three more rangers(silver ranger, gold ranger,purple ranger) to do so. When the making of the other three rangers was in progress, the silver ranger gets infected by a part of Evox virus who lived in a pen drive for a thousand years. The silver ranger becomes Evox' body. Gold and purple ranger also get infected by Evox virus and are declared as Evox' generals. Evox and his generals steal a time machine and visit every part of time to find evils and make them join army. Finally they visit the year 2021 and decide to attack there so that the past changes and the present also becomes Evox' empire.
Cyborg Police Rangers[]
Cyborg Red Ranger
Cyborg Blue Ranger
Cyborg Green Ranger
Cyborg Pink Ranger
- Dr. Park -> A famous scientist of 31st century. He is the creator of the cyborg rangers and their weapons and zords.
- Evox -> A virus destroyed by Power Rangers Beast Morphers in 2020 but a part of it survived and became evil cyborg silver ranger in 3021. With the help of many evils who lived before 3021, he tried to rule 2021. He is the main villain of this series.
- Evil Cyborg Gold Ranger -> Evox' General
- Evil Cyborg Purple Ranger -> Evox' General
- Dr. Scott -> An evil scientist from the 25th century. In reality he died by an explosion in his lab but Evox made him the scientist of his army and he also went back to 2021.
- Terrabots -> Dr. Scott made a machine which can cause large amount of lightning from the sky. Every machine which comes in contct with the lightning gets transformed in Evox' footsoldiers called terrabots.
- Pettabots -> When a 50 to 100 terabots get killed, there bodies together form a single giant robot called Pettabot.
- Fire Reptiles -> Reptile resembling creatures made by Dr. Scott. They were the footsoldiers of Evox. They had the ability to cause fire and control it. Fire can't harm them but it would make them even stronger. They also used swords or spears as weapons
- Monsters (Cyborg police)
- Shogun
- Metalhand
more will be added
Good zords[]
Cyborg Police Rangers have the ability to transform into zords
- Cyborg Lion
- Cyborg Gorilla
- Cyborg Cheetah
- Cyborg Eagle
- Cyborg police megazord
Evil zords[]
Evil Cyborg Rangers also have the ability to transform into zords
- Cyborg Dragon
- Cyborg Wolf
- Cyborg Bull
- Power Sword-> Each Ranger(both good and evil) has a sword
- Power blaster-> Each Ranger(both good and evil has a gun
Arsenal(Good Cyborg Rangers)[]
- Power Kusarigama-> Red Ranger's personal weapon
- Power Hammer -> Blue Ranger's personal weapon
- Power Bow and arrow -> Green Ranger's personal weapon
- Power Axe -> Pink Ranger's personal weapon
- Super Destructor -> Mixture of all 4 personal weapons of rangers. A combo of hammer, axe and kusarigama acted as an arrow. The bow of power bow and arrow acted as the bow.
Arsenal(Evil Cyborg Rangers)[]
- Power Trident-> Evil Silver Ranger's personal weapon
- Power Scythe-> Evil Gold Ranger's personal weapon
- Power Claws-> Evil Purple Ranger's personal weapon
more episodes will be added