Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
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Power Rangers Cyber Beasts is a fan adaption of Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters.

Its Morphin Time!



Techno City is a bustling metropolis run by an energy field known as the Energrid. The Energrid provides unlimited clean energy for the entire city from Energrid towers which are dotted all over the city. The towers are managed by the Energrid Mangement Centre (EMC). When a mysterious group known as The Dark Network begins to steal energy from the Energrid to power an army of robots to attack the city, Cyber Ops, a secret organisation assembles special team known as the Power Rangers Cyber Beasts to fight this evil with animal power, advanced weapons and dynamic Zords while being assisted by their robotic allies, The Cyber Beasts.

Cyber Beast Rangers[]

  • Red Cyber Beast Ranger - Evan Buckley: 22 years old, The team leader and youngest member who was not chosen by Cyber Ops for the Ranger Program but accidentally used the Red Cyber Morpher during the first Dark Network attack and bonded with it. Evan is the typical nice guy, determined and brave but is a little reckless, if somebody is in need he will jump in to help even if not exactly the smartest thing to do. He is just after leaving college so he can be naive to the way the world works and a bit idealistic who has to learn the hard lesson that you can`t save everybody especially those who don`t want to be saved. Despite this he can shows off vast insight such as figuring out villain schemes or identifying villain weakness. Evan can sometimes doubts himself due to his inexperience but his team believes in him which gives him confidence in himself and he grows into a true leader. He is also the best fighter on the team but has a bit of catching up to do in other aspects of being a Cyber Ops agent like stealth, disguise and gadget use. His Beast Ability is Cheetah Speed but if it used for too long his entire body will cramp up and he will be immobilized for several minutes. Evan has a strong believe in humanity and protecting others which are the complete opposite beliefs of The Dark Network and sets him up as a rival to the villain Hack. He has a crush on Lexy but is too shy to tell her as he feels she doesn't feel the same and it may interfere with the mission. After defeating the Dark Network Evan continues working at Cyber Ops training new recruits while dating Lexy.
  • Blue Cyber Beast Ranger - Manny Rodríguez: 26 years old, The oldest on the core team who plays the big brother always looking out for his team mates. Manny was an engineer with the Energrid Management Center before being recruited by Cyber Ops for the Ranger program. He is the team tech expert and sharp shooter. He is cool headed, intelligent and slow to anger unless he uses his Beast Ability, Gorilla strength, for too long. If this happens he becomes an wild brute that will fight friend or foe until he "cools off". Manny tends to hold back in battle so not to lose control and hurt his team mates. The possibility of harming his friends is a constant worry for him which he tries to hide but later learns to open up about it. He is shown to sometimes miss his old life as an engineer but knows what he is doing now is for the best of mankind. Manny is also a great cook. Vira develops a fascination with him as she sees him a worthy opponent. After his duties as a Ranger are complete Manny returns to being an engineer and is in a relationship with Nicole a coworker.
  • Yellow Cyber Beast Ranger - Lexy Daniels: 25 years old, A former investigative journalist that discovered Cyber Ops while trying to uncover the truth about the rumored thefts of energy for around the city. Originally, she was going to expose Cyber Ops to the public and use it to launch her journalism career but decided that it was selfish move and never published the story. Lexy was then recruited to the Ranger program for her intelligence, tenacity and resourcefulness. She is the teams best spy and disguise expert. She is very kind hearted and often worries about Evan because of his inexperience and youth. She eventually grows to have romantic feelings for him but knows they can`t act on them because of their mission. Her Beast Ability is Rabbit leaping but if used for too long she will become exhausted. Has a rivalry with Veronica a fellow journalist and former coworker who often mocks Lexy for not being able to make in the world of journalism, completely unaware of truth of Lexy`s current occupation. Despite this Lexy helps Veronica when she is in need. Lexy returns to being a journalist working alongside her former rival now friend Veronica while dating Evan.
  • Gold Cyber Beast Ranger - Director Jill Takaki: In her mid 30s, The smart, serious and strict leader of Cyber Ops. She cares for the team very much even if she does push them hard. She was originally going to be the Red Ranger but before she could use the morpher the Meta Borg she was fighting knocked it away, Evan a bystander used it accidentally and it bonded with him. After he saves her from the Meta Borg as the Red Ranger she recruits him to Cyber Ops. She has history with AIGOS which she initially hid from the Rangers. AIGOS was responsible for killing her Father Roy Takaki, who was the founder of the Energrid and creator of the Cyber Beasts. This makes the battles with Dark Network personal. As AIGOS grows stronger she realizes that 3 Rangers are not enough so has Doc create the Gold and Silver Ranger powers for her and Beet. As the Gold Ranger she acts as second in command but she and Beet only leave the Cyber Ops base as backup when the core Rangers are in need. Her Gold Ranger powers are tied to Beet just like how all the other Rangers powers are tied to their Cyber Beast partner. Her Beast Ability is Beetle senses, the drawback is that the enhanced sense are sometimes too much for her brain to handle resulting in severe headaches. She is also a talented artist and paints in her spare time. At the end of the series she continues to serve as the Cyber Ops director but has more time to focus on her own life.
  • Silver Cyber Beast Ranger - Beet: An advanced robot created with Beetle D.N.A who is also The Silver Ranger. He was the personal Cyber Beast of Dr. Roy Takaki who was killed in the AIGOS incident. Beet survived but was baldy damaged and put offline and put into storage. He is repaired and upgraded by Doc to become the Silver Ranger and acts as the power source for the Gold Ranger powers as well. He is self absorbed show off, obsessed with looking awesome and he admits it!. However, he does deeply care for Jill, the other Rangers and Cyber Beasts even if he wont admit it. He often picks fights with Cruise calling him "Bike Boy". Beet has a great for love for nature which was instilled in him by Dr. Takaki. At the end of the series Beet spends his free time out in the woods trying to understand everything he can about nature.

Cyber Beasts[]

  • Cruise: An advanced robot created with Cheetah D.N.A, partnered with Evan. While usually laid back he gets serious when he has to and always watches Evan's back. He can transform into the Cheetah Cycle. He doesn't take well to insults often argues with Bugsy and Beet. Cruise has not real combat ability so he "cheers on" the Rangers from a safe distance. Later he does learn martial arts to be more of a help on the battlefield. Co-pilots the Cheetah Cruiser.
  • Rillo: An advanced robot created with Gorilla D.N.A, partnered with Manny. Rillo is a bit clumsy and a worrywart but is good with tech. He is the peace keeper between Cruise, Bugsy and Beet. Rillo also tries to ease Manny's worries about hurting the other Rangers if he loses control of his gorilla strength and tries to prevent it from happening. Co-pilots the Gorilla Rumbler.
  • Bugsy: An advanced robot created with Rabbit D.N.A, partnered with Lexy. The only female Cyber Beast. She is snarky and smart which often leads to arguments with Cruise. While she comes across as aloof she really does care for the team especially Lexy. Co-pilots the Rabbit Chopper.
  • Beet: See above
  • Froggy: The prototype Cyber Beast created with frog D.N.A. It is used to pilot the Frog Sub to aid the Rangers in Tokyo. Unlike the later Cyber Beast models it is not sentient.

Cyber Ops[]

  • Dr. Ray “Doc” Wilson: Mid 40s, The chief scientist at Cyber Ops, who built the Cyber Morphers, the Rangers weapons and designed their Zords. Extremely intelligent but lighthearted often telling the Director shes going to hard on the team. He has a strained relationship with his family because of his demanding job at Cyber Ops. He initially deemed the Lion Racer his biggest failure as he could not control it and it had to be locked away. He continues to act as head scientist at Cyber Ops at the end of the series but has more time for his family.
  • Donna: Mid 20s, Dr. Wilson's assistant, smart and capable. Monitors for the arrival of Meta Borgs and Mega Borgs in the city. Thinks her fellow assistant Ricky is a bit of goof but gradually grows to like him more and at the end of the series they start dating.
  • Ricky: Late 20s, Dr. Wilson's other assistant, smart but goofy. He idolizes the Rangers and his plans to help them always blow up in his face. He has a not so secret crush on Donna. The two start dating in the end of the series while still working at Cyber Ops.

The Dark Network[]

  • AIGOS / AIGOS 2.0: (Artificially Intelligent Grid Operational System) The series first main villain and original leader of The Dark Network. AIGOS is cold, cruel and calculating AI out to destroy humanity as it sees them as weak and unfit to rule Earth. Appears as a shadowy figure on a computer screen monitoring Hacks activities and progress. He and his forces reside in the Dark Network Fortress which is protected by a force field. He was created by the EMC to monitor and maintain the Energrid. But three years prior to the series he was somehow corrupted by the Energrid and gained full sentience. AIGOS escaped the EMC but not before killing various scientists including Dr.Roy Takaki. For the next three years it begun building up and army to destroy humanity. Cyber Ops and the Ranger programme was established to combat him. Despite his evil nature he does seem fond of his "daughter" Vira but shows distrust and dislike for Hack for simply being human. Eventually after successfully draining huge amounts of energy from the Cyber Ops base, AIGOS prepares to launch a full scale attack on Techno City with an army of Mega Borgs. The Rangers however attack the Dark Network Fortress forcing AIGOS to download himself into a robot body he refers to as his Battle Form to fight the Rangers alongside Hack, Vira and several rebuild Meta Borgs. When his core is destroyed AIGOS himself is destroyed with most of his base. It is later revealed that AIGOS was backed up by Hack in data cards which could be used to reboot him. On Christmas Eve Vira finally manages to reboot him as AIGOS 2.0. He battles the Rangers but is destroyed for good.
  • Hack / Dark Cyber Beast Ranger: Mid 20s, A human servant of AIGOS and computer hacker who creates Meta Borgs and Mega Borgs to steal energy from the city. He later becomes the main villain of the series. While he comes across as very theatrical he is just as cruel and calculating as his Master. Why he works for AIGOS was initially unclear but it is later revealed that as a child he was an orphan named Mitch who was moved from foster home to foster home until he ran away. As he puts it "learned the cruelties of the world at a young age" and resented humanity for it. As he got older he became a skilled computer hacker and was approached by AIGOS who had a common belief. It may seem that Hack thinks his Masters plans are an entertaining game he really believes that humans need to be wiped out and the world rebuilt. Hack has as a particular dislike for the Red Ranger. Hack sometimes fights the Rangers using different styles of Battle Armour. His sun glasses scan for Energrid energy and use holographic projection to allow him to disguise himself. When Vira is created he is demoted to third in command of Dark Network and begins to resent his Master. After successfully infiltrating and hacking the Cyber Ops base to transfer huge amounts of energy to his Master Hack overhears AIGOS and Vira talking about disposing of him once the Rangers are defeated. This makes Hack decide he needs to take action, During the Rangers attack on the Dark Networks Fortress Hack fights Evan in the Cheetah Cruiser with a rebuilt Hack Megazord but is thought to have been destroyed but actually survives with a new plan! Having backed AIGOS up in data cards in starts creating Hyper Meta Borgs which can become new bodies for AIGOS but it seems he may have other motives. He mysteriously gains the ability to transform into a robotic Battle Form which is later revealed as part of his master plan. He realized that AIGOS was flawed and only a perfect being can make the world perfect so he set out to become that being by transforming himself into a cyborg. He fused the last data card into himself fusing AIGOS consciousness with his own to become a human/AI hybrid at the cost of his sanity. He then puts his master plan into effect becoming the Dark Cyber Beast Ranger after hacking the Rangers own technology, destroying the Cyber Ops base and crippling the world computers with a virus but he is ultimately defeated by the Rangers showing his flaws and the strength of humanity.
  • Vira: An android built by AIGOS to aid in his schemes as Hack was failing too often and replaces him as the second in command. Despite her beautiful appearance she is a bloodthirsty warrior who is well able to hold her own with the Rangers. She is armed with two blasters and wears sun glasses with same abilities as Hack`s pair. She is incredibly loyal to her Master who she refers to as "Father" and hates disappointing him. Vira is constantly searching for a worthy opponent. During the Rangers attack on the Dark Networks Fortress she fights the Gold and Silver Rangers and is horrified when her Father is destroyed. She vows revenge on the Rangers. After discovering that Hack backed up AIGOS in data cards she reluctantly begins working with him to reboot her father but suspects he has other motives. Hack upgrades her with a Battle Form later in the series. On Christmas Eve Vira finally gets fed up with Hack`s schemes and decides to reboot her father herself and succeeds reboot him as AIGOS 2.0 but he is destroyed by the Rangers. She is reprogrammed by Hack to become completely obedient to him and upgraded with a Bio Battle Form. She is destroyed by Manny and Lexy.
  • Meta Borgs: The Dark Networks robotic warriors created by Hack and later Vira. They are fully sentient and come in variety of forms.
  • Hyper Meta Borgs: Meta Borgs that contain a data card. They are much more powerful than regular Meta Borgs and have the potential to become new bodies from AIGOS if the card is left in the Borg for extended period and acquires enough power.
  • Bio Meta Borgs: Meta Borgs that have living tissue in them either from plants or animals. They are the most powerful Meta Borgs to date.
  • Zetabots: The Dark Networks mass produced foot soldiers.
  • Mega Borgs: Giant sized robots designed to steal energy from Energrid towers. Their designed by Hack and later Vira and are based on Meta Borgs.
  • Mega Zetabots: Giant sized Zetabots that act as backup for Mega Borgs.
  • Hack Megazord: A powerful evil Megazord piloted by Hack.
  • Vira Megazord: A powerful evil Megazord piloted by Vira. It later becomes the body for AIGOS 2.0
  • Hack Megazord 2.0: Hack`s final Megazord used in the finally to battle the Rangers.

Other Characters[]

  • Mayor Simpson: 50 something years old, The blustering bumbling Mayor of Techno City who is not a fan of the Rangers as they steal his spotlight.
  • Veronica: 25 years old, An arrogant journalist who works for the same paper as Lexy used to. Always out to prove shes a better reporter than Lexy was and is determined to find out the Rangers identities. Eventually she learns the Rangers identity but inspired by Lexy kindness she doesn't reveal it.
  • Nicole: 26 years old, Manny's crush who he worked with at the EMC. She is an intelligent and excellent engineer who in the episode "Heart Quaker" worked with Manny on blueprints for a new Zord but they were almost stolen by Hack. She encourages Manny to live up to his responsibility as the Blue Ranger and not get distracted by lamenting his old life. She seems to have romantic feelings for Manny. Later in the episode "Trapped" she designs the prototype armourizer for the Rangers.
  • The New Guyz on The Block: A boy band that had their concert targeted by Hack and the Speaker Borg in the episode "Face The Music".
  • Sasha Pierce: Mid 20s, A self absorbed famous actress who is a dead ringer for Lexy that came to shoot a movie in Techno city in the episode "Lexy Undercover". She was targeted by Hack and Copy Borg so Lexy took her place to set a trap for the villains. Lexy teaches her to be unselfish.
  • Evans parents: Appear in the episode "The Quick And The Red". They are critical of Evan not accepting an offer for well paid job back in his home town which would of meant giving up being the Red Ranger. They become aware of his secret identity they try to convince him to give it up but he refuses. In the end they accept Evan is grown up and has to make his own choices.
  • Dr. Roy Takaki: Deceased, Jill`s Father and one of the worlds greatest scientists who discovered a unlimited energy field running through the universe. He developed technology to harness this energy field to provide unlimited clean energy for the people of Techno City and hopefully someday all of earth. He also discovered that the energy field or Energrid as he named it could be used to manipulate organic and inorganic matter. He created the Cyber Beasts by harnessing the Energrid to combine animal D.N.A with robotics. He theorized that animal D.N.A and the raw energy of the Energrid itself could also be combined with human D.N.A to create enhanced individuals although it would be risky. This would later became the basis of the Ranger Programme. Three years, before the years before the series began he was called on the deal with AIGOS when it first gained sentience and escaped the EMC. He and several other scientists were killed in the incident but his personal Cyber Beast, Beet survived.
  • Lana: 23 years old, a old crush of Evan`s that he used to attend college with. In the episode "Date And Disaster " she comes to Techno City and Evan asks her out on a date to the street festival but the date is interrupted by Vira and Meta Borg attack. After she is saved by the Red Ranger Lana suspects he is really Evan. At the end of the episode Evan realizes he would only put her in danger and they decide to be just friends.
  • Gretchen and Bobby: Two high school students that were trapped with Cruise inside the Hourglass Borg. After the Borg was destroyed they were released.


  • Cyber Morpher: A wrist worn morpher that utilizes energy from the Energrid and animal D.N.A from the Cyber Beasts to allow the core team to morph into their Ranger forms. Bonds to the users D.N.A. Can be used as a communication device.
  • Cyber Morph Blaster: The morpher and blaster weapon of the Gold and Silver Rangers. Bonds to the D.N.A of the user. Can be used as a communication device.
  • Cyber Blazer: A blaster weapon for the core team.
  • Cyber Saber: A sword weapon for the core team.
  • Cyber Combo Blazer: A combination of the Cyber Blazer and Cyber Saber.
  • Drive Blade: The Gold and Silver Rangers sword weapon which is also used to pilot their Zords.
  • Spy Cams: Small cameras that transmit visuals to the Rangers or Cyber Ops.
  • Transmitters: Devices that allow the Rangers to listen in on suspicious activity
  • Scanner Shades: Sun glasses that allow the wearer to scan the surrounding area for danger.
  • Cyber Multi-tool: A device with several different functions to help the Rangers in the field. 
  • Armourizer: A special device that when attached to the Cyber Morphers will allow the Rangers to access Cyber Beast Armour Mode. 
  • Cyber Beast Armour: A powerful armour wore by the Rangers in Cyber Beast Armour Mode. It is formed from the Cyber Beasts.  
  • Lion Racer Control Panel / Cyber Cannon: A control panel used to by a Ranger to pilot the Lion Racer which can double as a powerful cannon to destroy enemies. It can become the Cyber Cannon Strike Mode if a Cyber Saber is combined with it and will boost its power. It can also detect and track unusual energy signatures.  

Cyber Beast Armour Mode[]


A power up mode for the core Rangers. This mode enhances all the Rangers stats considerably and will allow them to access to Super Beast Abilities with no drawbacks. If the Cyber Beast are not available or unwilling the mode will not work. If a Ranger and Cyber Beast are not in sync the mode will also become unstable.

Cyber Beast Armour Red: Super Beast Ability is short range teleportation and special attack is "Cheetah Charge" which is strong enough to destroy enemies.

Cyber Beast Armour Blue:Super Beast Ability is inorganic matter duplication and special attack is "Gorilla Mega Punch".

Cyber Beast Armour Yellow: Super Beast Ability is limited gravity manipulation and special attack is "Rabbit Super Kick".


  • Cheetah Cycle
  • Cyber Ops SUV

Cyber Zords[]

  • Cheetah Cruiser (Vehicle mode, Beast mode and Warrior mode)
  • Gorilla Rumbler (Vehicle mode and Beast mode)
  • Rabbit Chopper (Vehicle mode and Beast mode)      
  • Beetle Claw (Vehicle mode, Beast mode and Warrior mode)      
  • Beetle Jet (Vehicle mode and Beast mode)      
  • Frog Sub (Vehicle mode and Beast mode)      
  • Lion Racer (Vehicle mode, Beast mode and Warrior mode)      


Go-Buster Oh
TSGB - Buster Hercules
Cyber Beast Megazord Cyber Buster Megazord Cyber Beast Ultrazord
SpyForce Ultrazord
Go-Buster LiOh
Go-Buster King
Cyber Beast Buster Megazord Cyber Max Megazord Cyber Buster Max Megazord


  1. Protect the Energrid part 1: Cyber Ops deploys The Power Rangers Cyber Beasts to combat the first attack of The Dark Network. But in the struggle a bystander accidentally activates the Red Cyber Morpher and morphs into the Red Cyber Beast Ranger! (Monster of the day: Digger Borg)
  2. Protect the Energrid part 2: Evan is brought to the Cyber Ops base and has the situation explained to him. He is asked to join Cyber Ops since he is the only one who can use the Red Cyber Morpher now. Evan decides to join and helps Manny and Lexy fight off another attack on the city. (M.o.t.d: Flamethrower Borg)
  3. Hospital Havoc: Evan starts learning the ropes of begin a Ranger and a Cyber Ops agent meanwhile the Dark Network attack a hospital. (M.o.t.d: Needle Borg)
  4. Hack Attacks!: Hack confronts the Rangers for the first time. (M.o.t.d: Saw Borg)
  5. Manny Goes Wild!: While fighting another of Dark Networks robots Manny loses control of his super strength and begins attacking the other Rangers! (M.o.t.d: Racer Borg)
  6. United: Evan must learn to believe in himself in order to save the other Rangers when Hack leads a sneak attack on the base. (M.o.t.d: Sprayer Borg)
  7. Heart Quaker: Manny works with an old colleague on designs for a new zord but Hack plans to steal them! (M.o.t.d: Drill Borg)
  8. Reporting For Danger: Hack captures Lexy`s rival Veronica and blackmails the Rangers to give him the designs for the new zord to ensure her release. (M.o.t.d: None)
  9. Spanner In The Works: Ricky`s attempts to "help" the Rangers causes serious problems! (M.o.t.d: Train Borg)
  10. Face The Music: The Rangers set a trap to stop Hack and his latest Meta Borg from attacking concerts. (M.o.t.d: Speaker Borg)
  11. The Quick And The Red: Evan must convince his parents he is old enough to make his own choices while foiling Hacks latest scheme. (M.o.t.d: Turbo Borg)
  12. Beast Friend Forever: Rillo tries to help Manny deal with Beast Abilities drawback while Hack tries to exploit it! (M.o.t.d: Fan Borg)
  13. Lexy Undercover: Lexy takes the place of a famous actress in order to protect her from Hack. (M.o.t.d: Camera Borg)
  14. Day Off Part 1: The Rangers and the Cyber Beasts take a well deserved day off but the fun quickly comes to an end when Hack launches an ambush! (M.o.t.d: Tuba Borg 1)
  15. Day Off Part 2: The Rangers must foil Hacks scheme with the odds firmly stacked against them as their morphers are damaged but the team refuses to give in! (M.o.t.d: Tuba Borg 2)
  16. Gold And Silver Part 1: The Rangers notice that Director Takaki and Doc have acting secretive lately. Meanwhile Hack begins stealing parts to build more powerful robots. The Rangers get help from two new mysterious Rangers, Gold and Silver. Gold is Director Takaki and Silver is a strange Cyber Beast named Beet! (M.o.t.d: Vacuum Borg)
  17. Gold And Silver Part 2: Director Takaki explains the origins of AIGOS, Beet, Cyber Ops and the Ranger Programme. (M.o.t.d: Aerial Borg)
  18. The Good, The Bad And The Beet: The Team struggle to work with the rather self absorbed Beet. (M.o.t.d: Blade Borg)
  19. Cruise`s Confidence Crisis: Cruise begins to question his worth when compared to Beet. Hack takes to opportunity to try and capture him! (M.o.t.d: Spanner Borg)
  20. A Hole Lot Of Trouble: The team must figure out a way to defeat an underground enemy. (M.o.t.d: Upgraded Drill Borg)
  21. Showdown In Tokyo!:The Rangers travel to Tokyo to oversee the conversion of Tokyo Tower into an Energrid Tower but Hack attacks the Tower with a Meta Borg and his own Megazord! To defeat him the Rangers will need help from a prototype Cyber Beast and Zord.(M.o.t.d: Steamer Borg)
  22. Bye Bye Blue: Manny loses control after his Beast Ability again and he decides to give up being the Blue Ranger to prevent endangering his team. But when his team really needs him will he find the courage to help them? (M.o.t.d: Dumbbell Borg)
  23. Rangers On Film: When Evan is asked by Lexy to go to the movies with her he wonders if its a date? But first he and the other Rangers must escape from Projector Borgs movie dimension, break through a force field and utilize a new Megazord! In the end its revealed its....not a date Lexy only thinks as him as a friend! (M.o.t.d: Projector Borg)
  24. Hack`s Story: To appease of his Master`s wrath at his recent failures Hack decides to take the down Rangers once and for all starting with Evan! While fighting him Evan discovers Hack`s past and how he came to work for AIGOS. (M.o.t.d: Scrapheap Borg)
  25. Locked In: Vira makes her presence known to the Rangers by locking civilians into a building and daring the Rangers to rescue them. (M.o.t.d: Lock Borg)
  26. Stuck On You!: Lexy helps a desperate Veronica get an interview with a Power Ranger to help her keep her job. Vira creates a new Meta Borg which sticks the Rangers together. (M.o.t.d: Magnet Borg)
  27. Date And Disaster: Evan runs into an old crush but the reunion is cut short by Vira and a Meta Borg. (M.o.t.d: Cotton Candy Machine Borg)
  28. Trapped!: The newest Meta Borg lures the Rangers into (you guessed it!) a trap while Nicole designs the prototype armourizer for the Rangers. (M.o.t.d: Trapper Borg)
  29. Masterpiece: Director Takakai is commissioned to produce a painting for a charity event. This gives Vira an idea on how to defeat the Rangers by creating Ranger clones. (M.o.t.d: Upgraded Sprayer Borg)
  30. Fear Itself: On Halloween, Vira creates a Meta Borg that can use the Rangers worst fears against them! (M.o.t.d: Candle Borg)
  31. Small But Mighty: Hack creates a Meta Borg that infiltrates the Cyber Ops base and takes it over by hacking into the mainframe! With the Rangers battling Mega Borgs with weakened Zords its up to Doc, Donna and Ricky to drive out the intruders and save the base! (M.o.t.d: Micro Borg)
  32. AIGOS Unleashed Part 1: Having stolen huge amounts of energy from the Cyber Ops base in the previous episode AIGOS is able to power up an army of Mega Borgs and plans to attack the City! The Rangers decide the only way to stop the invasion is to launch a risky sneak attack on the Dark Networks Fortress....but AIGOS is waiting from them! (M.o.t.d: None)
  33. AIGOS Unleashed Part 2: The Rangers clash with AIGOS, Hack and Vira in all out battle to save the world! Evan and Cruise destroy the main core of AIGOS destroying him and most of the Dark Networks Fortress bringing the threat to an end..... or does it? (M.o.t.d: Several rebuilt Meta Borgs)
  34. All In The Data Cards: Evan goes undercover at a high school to investigate strange energy readings. It turns out Hack and Vira are behind it with a new weapons: AIGOS data cards! Using a card a new type of Meta Borg is created. In order to defeat it the Rangers must access Cyber Beast Armour mode. (M.o.t.d: Hourglass Borg)
  35. Puppet On A String: Director Takakai Beetle Senses make her susceptible the Puppeteer Borgs mind control abilities. While Evan tries to snap her out of it the other Rangers battle Mega Borgs but suddenly a mysterious new Zord shows up! (M.o.t.d: Puppeteer Borg)
  36. Taming The Lion: The Rangers must try to tame the Lion Racer to get it on their side but then Hack shows up wanting the Zords power for himself (M.o.t.d: None)
  37. The Cyber Beasts Dilemma:The Cyber Beasts question if they have more in common with the Dark Network than the Rangers. (M.o.t.d: Bulldozer Borg)
  38. To Catch A Thief: The Rangers must infiltrate a high tech military compound to retrieve an prototype weapon before Thief Borg does! Will their spy skills be enough? (M.o.t.d: Thief Borg)
  39. Battle Of The Brides: When Vira and her latest Borg begin attacking weddings Lexy decides to set a trap with her posing as a bride and Evan as her groom! (M.o.t.d: Bride Borg)
  40. Fists Of Fury: After being overpowered by the Karate Borg the Rangers undergo special martial arts training with an old friend of Director Takakai. He teaches Manny to use his Gorilla strength to defeat the Borg. (M.o.t.d: Karate Borg)
  41. Dome Of Doom: While preparing for a martial arts tournament Evan and Cruise inside the Cheetah Cruiser get trapped inside Hacks`s Dome Of Doom and must fight their way out while the other Rangers try figure a way to save their leader.(M.o.t.d: Dome Borg)
  42. Sad Beet True: When Beet discovers that part of Dr. Takakai consciousness was transferred to AIGOS during the AIGOS incident he becomes protective of the latest Hyper Meta Borg since he believes part of the the Doctor lives in it.The other Rangers try to convince him otherwise but its too late AIGOS begins rebooting inside the Borg. Beet has to make the hard choice to destroy the Borg and the last trace of his best friend but before he can Hack interrupts in his new Battle Form and steals that data card back from the Borg claiming in will be very useful to him. (M.o.t.d: Upgraded Aerial Borg)
  43. Runaway Train: The team tries to stop an Upgraded Train Borg that has several civilian trapped inside it. Lexy and Manny manage to get inside the Borg to stop it and save the civilians while Evan battles Hack in his Battle Form and tries to figure out what he is planning! (M.o.t.d: Upgraded Train Borg)
  44. The Reboot Before Christmas Part 1: While the Rangers are preparing to celebrate Christmas Hack and Vira unleash Knight Borg which has two data cards in it making it incredibly powerful. Evan manages to defeat it while the others destroy its Mega Borg counterpart but Hack reclaims the data cards before their destruction. Vira realizes she cannot trust Hack to reboot her father and double crosses him by taking the new Megazord he built for her and the last data card. After unleashing the Vira Megazord on the city she then steals the two data cards from Hack and merging them the final card and with the Megazord to reboot AIGOS! (M.o.t.d: Knight Borg)
  45. The Reboot Before Christmas Part 2: The Rangers desperately try to stop Vira from completing the reboot but with Evan badly injured they cannot. AIGOS 2.0 in born and devastates the city and the Ranger`s Zords. Evan returns to help and with the Cyber Buster Max Megazord and a lot of hope the team destroy AIGOS for good! The team then celebrate Christmas while Hack pulls a damaged Vira from the rubble ready to put his master plan into effect! (M.o.t.d: None)
  46. Hack`s Trump Card Part 1:Vira wakes up strapped to an operating table. Hack says he needs to reprogram her to serve him and aid in his master plan. The Rangers then receive two strange energy signals and go to investigate. In the city Director Takakai and Beet battle a strange Beetle like Borg while in the woods Evan, Manny and Lexy encounter Hack and the newly reprogrammed Vira. Hack reveals he has created a new breed of Meta Borgs that have living tissue within them making them stronger. Vira in her Bio Battle Form battles Manny and the two get washed away down the river. The other Rangers come to rescue him but he is consumed with rage having lost control of his Gorilla strength. Evan defeats Vira while Lexy and Rillo snap Manny out of his rage. Hack is revealed to still be in possession of one last data card! (M.o.t.d: Beetle Borg)
  47. Hack`s Trump Card Part 2: Hack has the Beetle Borg, Vira and the Beetle Mega Borg attack the city while he begins the final stages of his plan. Evan and Director Takakai destroy Beetle Borg before going to aid Beet destroy the Mega Borg while Lexy and Manny destroy Vira. Hack then shows up to battle Evan once more and reveals that during his time serving AIGOS he realized that AIGOS was flawed and only a perfect being can make the world perfect so he over the course of the last few months he has being making himself the perfect being, a human with the strength of a machine and the mind of an AI by converting himself into a cyborg (explaining his Battle Form) and that just a few hours ago he fused the last data card (the one he took from the Upgraded Aerial Borg that Vira didn't know about). Evan claims that every human is flawed because they have hearts and machines and AI`s are flawed because they don`t meaning that if Hack is now a machine that is part human or human that is know part machine he still will be flawed. Hack is furious and dares the Evan to prove him wrong! Evan then blasts Hack using the cyber cannon seemingly destroying him but it is revealed he escaped the blast just in time but the Rangers are oblivious to this. (M.o.t.d: Beetle Borg)
  48. The End Game Part 1: With the battle against the Dark Network seemingly over the Rangers contemplate what to do next. Hack meanwhile prepares the end game. First he sends a hideous Vira Bio Borg clone to attack the city in order lure the Rangers away from the base while he attacks it. All the Rangers but Evan fight the Vira clone while he heads to the base. Hack uploads a virus into the Cyber Ops mainframe and sets the base to explode while sealing off all the exits. Evan fights Hack but he escapes and nothing Doc, Donna or Ricky can do can override the self destruct or lock down commands. Meanwhile the other Rangers destroy the Vira clone after it grows to giant size and race to the base. Evan and Cruise use the Cheetah Cruiser to smash open an exit getting them and all the Cyber Ops staff out just in time as the base explodes! (M.o.t.d: Vira Clone Borg)
  49. The End Game Part 2: The team wonder what to do next after losing their base. Evan and Cruise go off to confront Hack to convince him to stop his plans. Hack just laughs saying he is only a few hours away from creating the perfect world and nobody can stop him! They battle but Evan is outmatched as Hack seems to be able to counter his every move. The other Rangers arrive but they too are overpowered as Hack reveals that when he uploaded the virus into the base he also stole data on the Rangers technology. The Rangers watched horrified as Hack shows off his Dark Cyber Morpher and morphs into the Dark Cyber Beast Ranger! With his new power he easily defeats the Rangers before departing to enact the next stage of his plan. Hack uploads his and AIGOS`s merged consciousness into a virus that infects every computer around the world totally disabling them! The world is thrown into chaos as Hack delivers his ultimatum: The governments of the world have 24 hours to surrender to him or he will start destroying entire cities and just to show he is "serious" he will destroy Techno City at sunrise and dares the Rangers to stop him! The Rangers are devastated as all hope seems lost........ (M.o.t.d: None)
  50. The End Game Part 3: Hack begins converting Energrid towers into strange cocoons before unleashing an army of Zetabots to attack the city. The Rangers decide to fight even though their chances of victory are slim. As the Rangers fight hoards of Zetabots the cocoons merge into a new Megazord for Hack. He activates a force field around the city and the Rangers call on their Zords to battle the new Megazord. After an intense fight the Rangers destroy it and the force field while Doc, Donna and Ricky manage to hack into Hack`s own virus and consciousness. The Rangers and Hack face off in the final battle. At first Hack has the upper hand in his Dark Cyber Beast Ranger form but Doc, Donna and Ricky manage to disable it weakening him greatly. Evan uses a Cheetah Charge with the other Rangers strength combined into it to destroy Hack for good ending his virus and the threat. Several months later, things have returned to normal, Cyber Ops is rebuilt and continuing to monitor for threats. Director Takakai, Doc Ricky, Donna and the Cyber Beasts are back in their usual positions. Evan still works for Cyber Ops training new recruits as agents, Manny returns to the EMC as a engineer, while Lexy is back being a reporter. The Cyber Morphers are locked away until the day the Power Rangers are needed again if that day ever comes.........The End


  • "Its Morphin Time!" (Morph Call)
  • "Target Eliminated! Mission Accomplished!" (Victory catchphrase)
  • "Deploy Zords!"
  • "Red Ranger Ready! Blue Ranger Ready! Yellow Ranger Ready! Gold Ranger Ready! Silver Ranger Ready! Power Rangers Go!" (Roll call)
  • "Lets Armour Up! Cyber Beast Armour Mode Activate! (Activating Cyber Beats Armour Mode)
  • "Cyber Beast Armour Red! Cyber Beast Armour Blue! Cyber Beast Armour Yellow! (Cyber Beast Armour roll call)


File:Speed Megazord.jpg
The Cyber Beast Rangers and the Cyber Beasts Cheetah Cruiser Warrior Mode The Full Team
Gobusters Movie
The Core Team Lion Racer Warrior Mode Team Ready!
Vaglass Logo
The Dark Network Logo The Dark Networks Fortress An example of a Meta Borg An example of a Mega Borg
Thisfilehasnosubs-spec-ops-cell-go-busters-30-d03491d9-mkv snapshot 11-37 2012-09-21 22-25-35
AIGOS Battle Form Vira Battle Form Hack Battle Form Dark Cyber Beast Ranger

Notes []

  • This series takes place in its own continuity separate from all other previous Power Rangers seasons.
  • A running theme in this season is what measures are non-human?
  • The Rangers all have secret identities.
  • A running gag in this season is characters mistaking Evan the Red Ranger for being younger then he is.
  • The Cyber Ops base is located under the Energrid Management Center which the Rangers all pretend to work at in their civilian identities.
  • The Rangers wear leather jackets in their civilian identities similar to the RPM Rangers.
  • The Energrid is this universes version of the Morphing grid.
  • The Father / Daughter relationship between AIGOS and Vira is similar to Scorpius and Trakeena in Lost Galaxy.
  • AIGOS in many ways is similar to Venjix from RPM but more cold.