Far beyond the Milky Way, across the deepest points of outer space, there is an evil race of aliens known only as Dark Matter, led by the evil King Armage, Dark Matter has raged war upon many planets across space and time for centuries, evilly successfully winning each battle with triumph! Now, King Armage and Dark Matter have set their sights upon the planet Earth, due to the humans polluting and causing damage upon their precious planet, King Armage decide that Dark Matter shall declare war upon the Earth and destroy it so that humanity can understand what their awful ways would result in!
In order to save the world, a team of alien-like heroes known as Team Cosmic has been created, led by the heroic Chief AlphaTron, the Cosmic Soldiers, Harry and James from Earth, and Champ from Planet Maniac, along with their robotic aid, Mistress from Planet Mech, are always ready to combat any Dark Matter threat that comes their way. However, during one of Team Cosmic's training missions, the team accidentally come in contact with an Earthling named Lucy who wants to join Team Cosmic so that she can find her family who have been abducted by Dark Matter to be used for evil experiments. After much hesitation, Team Cosmic ultimately decides to let Lucy join them which makes her the official Cosmic Chameleon Ranger of the team.
Team Cosmic also recieves new recruits from different planets beyond space and time, along with Mistress who becomes the official Cosmic Eagle Ranger, so now, with Power Rangers Cosmic Soldiers now assembled, they will stop at nothing to bring Dark Matter to justice and restore peace throughout Earth!
Cosmic Lion Ranger
Cosmic Scorpion Ranger
Cosmic Wolf Ranger
Cosmic Scales Ranger
Cosmic Bull Ranger
Cosmic Snake Ranger
Cosmic Chameleon Ranger
Cosmic Eagle Ranger
Cosmic Swordfish Ranger
Cosmic Commander Ranger
Chief AlphaTron
Cosmic Bear Ranger
Phoenix Soldier
Evil Rangers[]
Dark Rangers Invasion Squad[]
Invasion Red Ranger
Invasion Red Ranger
Invasion Blue Ranger
Invasion Blue Ranger
Invasion Black Ranger
Invasion Black Ranger
Invasion Yellow Ranger
Invasion Yellow Ranger
Invasion Commander Ranger
Invasion Commander Ranger
Fake Cosmic Soldier Rangers[]
Cosmic Wolf Ranger
Fake Wolf Ranger
Cosmic Snake Ranger
Fake Snake Ranger
Cosmic Chameleon Ranger
Fake Chameleon Ranger
Cosmic Eagle Ranger
Fake Eagle Ranger
Chief AlphaTron (Cosmic Commander Ranger)
Normal Allies[]
Richie (James' little brother and a fan of Power Rangers Cosmic Soldiers)
Scorpio (Stinger's twin brother)
Jessica (Harry's older sister who is a college attendant and a big fan of space travelling)
Masked Riders[]
Masked Rider Arcade
Masked Rider RPG
Masked Rider Paintball
Masked Rider Racer
Masked Rider Para‑DX
Masked Rider Dancer
Power Rangers[]
Green Chameleon Warrior | Green Chameleon Warrior (Phantom Beast Mode)
Tiger Master Ranger
Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers Ninja Steel
Power Rangers Beast Masters
Power Rangers Phantom Squadron
Power Rangers Police Justice
Hyper Sherriffs[]
Hyper Sheriff Silver Code‑G
Captain Chaku
Hyper Sheriff Blue
Dark Matter[]
King Armage
Vice Invaiders (The generals)
Dark MatterTrons (The monsters of the week)
Invaiders (The putties)
Dark Rangers Invasion Squad
Cosmic Blaster (The main morpher for all nine of the Cosmic Soldier Rangers, it has two modes; Morpher mode and Blaster mode)
Commander Staff (The main morpher for Chief AlphaTron, it has two modes; Staff mode and Rifle mode)
Phenoix Sword & Shield (The main morphers for Henry)
Dark Cosmic Blaster (The seperate morpher used by a brainwashed version of Connor)
Multi-Use Devices[]
MeteOrbs (A Multi-Use Device used by the Power Rangers Cosmic Soldiers)
Cosmic Armorey[]
Cosmic Sword
Cosmic Spear
Cosmic Claw
Cosmic Crossbow
Cosmic Axe
Cosmic Sickle
Cosmic Rapier
Cosmic Shot
Cosmic Slasher
Other Devices[]
Cosmic Tumbler
Cosmic Megazord
Cosmic Lion Zord
Cosmic Wolf Zord
Cosmic Bull Zord
Cosmic Chameleon Zord
Cosmic Swordfish Zord
Cosmic Commander Megazord
Cosmic Dragon Zord
Cosmic Scorpion Zord
Cosmic Bear Zord
Phenoix Rocket Megazord
Phenoix Rocket Zord
Phenoix Station Zord
Phenoix Base
Cosmic Scales Robo Zord
Cosmic Snake Robo Zord
Cosmic Eagle Zord
Cosmic Orion Battle Zord
Cosmic Orion Voyager Zord
Episodes, Movies & Specials[]
Voyage Of Team Cosmic
Gold & Silver
The Lone Scorpion
Mistress To The Rescue
Cosmic Soldiers Have Been Formed
Rise Of The Pegasus
An Evil Birthday
Chief AlphaTron's Secrets
Cosmic Commander Ranger (Episode)
In Pursuit Of A Bear
Three Zord Combination
Soldiers Of Space
A Scorpion's Challenge
Hunter, Are You Okay?
The Aquatic Planet
Sibling Reunion
Brother Sun, Sister Moon
Cosmic Crossover
The Princess Of The Forest
Scorpion Justice
The Soldier In Crimson
Phenoix Soldier (Episode)
Ranger Rivalry
A Tough Assignment
Tom's Determination
The Brainwashed Silver Ranger
Dark Rangers Invasion Squad (Episode)
Battle Between Friends
King Armage's Revolution
Cosmic Battlizer Formation
Broken Spells
Orion Shall Live On
Cosmic Orion Battle Zord (Episode)
The Mysterious Clone Of Champ
Idol Catastrophe
Awakening The Lion
Harry's Trial
The Nine Challenges
Fantasy Conquest
Galactic Home Run
The Final Battle Is Upon Us
Lucy's Family's Footsteps
The Battle Before Christmas
An Evil Identity
Henry's Past Conquest
Hope VS Despair
We Must Fight Together
Farewell, Team Cosmic
Masked Rider VS Power Rangers: Neo Generations
Power Rangers Cosmic Soldiers: Galactic Counterattack
Power Rangers Cosmic Soldiers: Stinger's Adventure
Power Rangers Cosmic Soldiers: Return Of The Hyper Sherriffs
Power Rangers Phantom Squadron VS Power Rangers Police Justice VS Power Rangers Cosmic Soldiers
Power Rangers Cosmic Soldiers: A High School Catastrophe