Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will be an adaptation of Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger. In 2023, The first 13 episodes of Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will be dubbed in Korean as Power Rangers Cosmic Force. In 2023, the first 13 episodes of Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will be dubbed in Japanese. Theres 65 episodes planned. This show will air on Netflix. There will be 2 seasons of this seires.
Zayto-Zenith Cosmic Fury Ranger/Red Cosmic Fury Ranger/White Cosmic Fury Ranger
Ollie Akana-Blue Cosmic Fury ranger/Aqua Cosmic Fury Ranger
Amelia Jones- Red Cosmic Fury Ranger/Green Cosmic Fury Ranger (Kyuranger suit)
Izzy Garcia- Green Cosmic Fury Ranger/Yellow Cosmic Fury Ranger
Javi Garcia- Black Cosmic Fury Ranger/Orange Cosmic Fury Ranger
Aiyon- Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger/Silver Cosmic Fury Ranger
Terrick-Orange Cosmic Fury Ranger
Patrick- Phoenix Cosmic Fury Ranger
AI rangers[]
PinkBot- pink cosmic fury ranger (voiced by Ciara hanna (requested).)
commander dragonfire-Violet cosmic fury ranger
Jark Empire (Villians)[]
hypertox (PR Exclusive ranger, green repainted ransik costume. Minor villian,comedy relief character, with a lack of intelligence.)
Jarkmen (footsoldiers)
Season 1[]
1-13 TBA
Episode 14 Powers gone
Episode 15 New Rangers
Episode 16 New Cosmic Fury Powers! (Adaptation of kyuranger episode 1)
Episode 17 gold ranger!
Episode 18 orange ranger cursed!
Episode 19 new pink ranger!
Episode 20 A Giant Purple Monster! (Megaranger episode 8 adaptation, digitally altered zord battle.)
Season 2 (30-63)[]
Episodes 20-65 TBA
The rangers will lose their cosmic fury powers after the tenth episode. The AI rangers will be mostly stock footage, all footage containing the AI Rangers with the Cosmic fury rangers will have the kyurangers digitally replaced by the cosmic fury rangers. The seires will have 59 episodes. Episodes 14-65's names have been leaked by hackers, hasbro has yet to make a statement about it (fanon only).