Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers Card Angels is the 16 instalment of Carltonwillingham's Power Rangers and is adapted from Tensou Sentai Goseiger it follows the story of 5 angels from the land Goseia, but after Bannseija killed Goseia they thought he destroyed every angel alive, 5 still remained and trained themselves to unlock Powers from cards, even if they don't get along all the time, they are determined to save the world from Bannseija.


Sky Tribe Ryan of Sky
Sky Tribe Kayla of Sky
Land Tribe David of Land
Land Tribe Chelsey of Land
Water Tribe Pedro of Water
Card Angel Knight
Water Tribe Rigdle (deceased)


  • Datado
  • Markus
  • Master Headder


  • Bannseija
  • Haiteku
  • Fushizenna tamashi
Card Angels

Card Angels


  • Gosei Buster



  1. From The Heavens
  2. A World To Protect
  3. Earthquake
  4. Ryan’s Promise
  5. Wave of Memories
  6. Clashing Wind
  7. The Dance
  8. Amazing, Gosei Power
  9. True Faith
  10. So Close, Yet So Far
  11. Good To Know You
  12. Battles
  13. Begin Anew
  14. Trust and Purity
  15. Chances
  16. He Enters


See Also[]

Power Rangers TakeoffPower Rangers RagePower Rangers Farm ForcePower Rangers Police Task ForcePower Rangers CountryPower Rangers ShurikenPower Rangers HidePower Rangers Pirate PowerPower Rangers Codename ForcePower Rangers Card AngelsPower Rangers Mountain DefendersTenki Sentai JirikigerPower Rangers Police Task Force