Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers Bomber Force will be a Super Bomberman R2-based adaption of Bakuage Sentai BoomBoomGer. Vehicle themes will be replaced by various Super Bomberman themes, as well as various "B-Da Armor" adaptions from Bomberman B Daman anime (being made into giant robots, upgrades of the mecha seen in BoomBoomGer).

It will be created by Hasbro, Universal Studios, Konami, and Nintendo.


A brilliant but antisocial nihilist, Fusell, experiments with creating a new race of creatures called Ellons in his laboratory, from carbon, ellonite, and aquamarine materials. However, he quickly grows frustrated as Ellons refuse to obey his evil commands, so Fusell collaborates with Mujoe/Mr. Meanie to convert the most disobedient Ellons into Lugions, using dark materials such as onyx. Soon, Fusell grows to hate humanity, with Mr. Meanie helping him to convert Lugions from Ellonite-mining dwarves, into murderous Lugibon footsoldiers to terrorize society.

Another evil genius, MechaBuggler (based on Bagura/Buggler with a metallic "Terminator Robot" style) develops various monsters/cross-bred monsters inspired by various enemies in the 90's Super Bomberman Games (1-5, all of them from the SNES games).

Therefore, White Bomber, Pink Bomber and the siblings must team up (replacing the former BoomBoomGers) as Bomber Force, multicolored Bomber Rangers with various explosive-themed weapons in their arsenal. They have various Giant Mecha (based on B-Da Armors, alongside MMPR/Zyuranger Mecha) to defeat these Lugibon footsoldiers, convert Lugions back into Ellons, defeat various enlarged monsters, and ultimately defeat the monsters' masters.


  • The vehicle/car-themed assets of BoomBoomGer will be almost fully replaced with various Super Bomberman/Explosives-themed assets, various Bomberman Series Bombs, missiles, and more.
  • The default Bomber Force heroic mecha resembles Daizyujin as a white tiger with gradient rainbow stripes.
  • This series will be filmed partly in Mexico and Florida.