Beast Morphers
Power Rangers Beast Morphers (Fanon Version)/Theme Song
Original airing:
March 2019
This is the fanon version of Power Rangers Beast Morphers , the 26th season of Power Rangers .
Plot [ ]
Set in the future, a secret agency combines a newly discovered substance called “Morph-X” with animal DNA to create the Power Rangers Beast Morphers team. The Rangers must fight off an evil sentient computer virus bent on taking over the source of all Ranger power, the Morphin Grid itself.
Characters [ ]
Rangers [ ]
Allies [ ]
Hexagon [ ]
Director Rocky DeSantos (Steve Cardenas) - Director & agent of Hexagon & past Power Ranger.
Agent Valerie (Audrie Pursch) - Agent of Hexagon & second-in-command, next to Director DeSantos.
Agent Mandy (Molly Elizabeth Robbins) - Agent of Hexagon & ally of the Beast Rangers. She & Ferris serve as the comedy relief duo.
Agent Ferris (Danny Healy) -
Beast Bots [ ]
Felix - Brandon's Beast Bot
Prime8 - Jordan's Beast Bot
Jackie - Daisy's Beast Bot
Sting - Sid's Beast Bot & robot form of the Silver Beast Ranger
Other Allies [ ]
Villains [ ]
Venjix Computer Network [ ]
Dark Ranger
Todd E. Burk
Melissa (Cara Lyonnais)
Other Villains [ ]
Supporting Characters [ ]
Arsenal [ ]
Morphers [ ]
Sidearms [ ]
Team Blaster [ ]
Power-Ups [ ]
Other Devices [ ]
Vehicles [ ]
Zords [ ]
Exo Beast Megazord
Gear Beast Megazord
Cheetah RacerZord - The Red Beast Ranger's personal zord; a cross between a cheetah & a racecar.
Gorilla TruckZord - The Blue Beast Ranger's personal zord; a cross between a gorilla & a loader truck.
Rabbit CopterZord - The Yellow Beast Ranger's personal zord; a cross between a rabbit & a helicopter.
Exo Megazord
Beetle CraneZord - The Gold Beast Ranger's personal zord; a cross between a rhinoceros beetle & a giant crane truck.
Stag JetZord - The Silver Beast Ranger's personal zord; a cross between a stag beetle & a jet fighter.
Lion TrikeZord/Panthera Megazord - An auxiliary zord; a cross between a lion & a three-wheeled motorcycle.
Frog SubZord - An auxiliary zord; a cross between a frog & a submarine.
Episodes [ ]
Movies [ ]
Un:Broken Bonds - A Power Rangers Movie
Notes [ ]