Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers: Year One
Author User:Billy2009
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Power Rangers: Year One is a graphic novel based on the Power Rangers franchise, like the 2017 Power Rangers film, its re-imagine the origins, but more mostly based on the original 1993 TV series.

Story Plot[]


When evil inter-galactic witch Rita Raspula begins her attacks on Earth after being free from her million of years imprisonment, Zordon, know that he's too old to fgiht against, summon six young teenagers with attitude to become the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers where they works together of stopping Rita from attacking their home planet.

Full Plot[]



Color Name
Red Ranger Jason Lee Scott
Green Ranger Tommy Oliver
Black Ranger Zachary Taylor
Blue Ranger Billy Cranston
Yellow Ranger Trini Kawn
Pink Ranger Kimberly Ann Hart


  • Zordon
  • Alpha 5


  • Rita Raspula
  • Goldar
  • Finster
  • Squatt
  • Baboo
  • Putty Patrollers


  • This universe bring in different elements:
    • Tommy Oliver is the team's founding members, instead of being the team's sixth member like the original series.
    • Zordon is not trap on a time vortex, instead he is a elderly man.
  • The Rangers' costume are a hybrid version of both the original series and the 2017 film.