Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers: Spy Ops is the sixth series created by Talix now owned and written by Starlina. It tells the story about five teenagers from ST. Claire High School as they are mysteriously recruited to a high secret organization and become the Spy Ops Power Rangers to battle a ruthless sadistic empire.


Not far from Angel Grove where the Power Rangers first began in Santa Claire, CA is a quiet suburban city where everything seems ordinary. However, until one day an evil organization known as MagnaCorp is starting to corrupt the world with darkness, a super elite squad of secret agents from a unit known as Gamma5 recruits an obnoxious guitar player, a shining high school basketball star, a future fashion designer, an outsider who just moved into town and a gifted genius along with their unique personalities and espionage skills to become Power Rangers to defeat MagnaCorp and save the world.


Gamma5 Rangers[]

Color Role
Eagle Christian West
Condor Mercedes Diaz
Hawk DJ Jenkins
Crane Yasmine Bloomington
Owl Ralph Princeton

T.I.T.A.N Rangers[]

Color Role
Ruby Lewis
Sapphire Daphne
Emerald Hampton

Indigo Ranger[]

Color Role
Garuda Commander Aden


  • Commander Aden - He is the commander of Gamma5 and mentor to the rangers. He is skillful in training Christian, Yasmine, DJ, Ralphie and Mercedes the tricks of spying. He will later join the rangers as the Indigo Ranger.
  • Dr. Lana Willows - She is the creator of all Gamma5 technical weapons and rides, and she is mostly responsible for the Rangers' arsenal.
  • Captain Samuel T. Rogers- Commander of the T.I.T.A.N group
  • Skillz- He is one of Christian's best friends and is the lead drummer in the band, "The Hypnotics". A Bulk-like character.
  • Bonz - He is another one of Christian's best friends and is the second guitar player for "The Hypnotics". A Skull-like character.
  • Brooke Thorndale- She is the most popular girl in school and the head of the cheer leading team lastly a shameless snob. Since day one, she dislikes Mercedes and soon on becoming bitter rivals; she is soon competing against Mercedes for an intern spot for a+ fashion company.
  • Laura - She is Yasmine and Mercedes' best friend. She strongly despises Brooke for her rudeness towards Mercedes believing Mercedes is an innocent victim.


Morphing Device[]

  • Gamma Box (A sleek box-like tool that contains several modes)
    • Gamma Morphers: Rangers' primary mode that has two sub modes.
      • Morph mode
      • Undercover mode - allow each ranger to change into several different disguises.
    • Gamma T.I.T.A.N Morphers: The T.I.T.A.N Rangers' primary tool.
      • Gamma T-Sabers: Each T.I.T.A.N ranger contains a saber corresponding with their color.
      • Gamma T-Scanner Shades:
    • Gamma Command Morpher: Indigo Ranger's primary tool.
    • Gamma Blades: Gamma Box's second mode that can change into sword-like weapons.
    • Gamma Tri-blasters: Gamma Box's third mode transforming into laser firers.

Gears and Vehicles[]

  • Gamma Cycles: Ranger's motorcycles
  • Spy Scopes: Each ranger can access the scopes with while undercover; or in their ranger mode can access the scope from their helmet visor.
  • Spy Camera: Each ranger contains special cameras while they are undercover.
  • Celestial Rod: A powerful weapon which was gained by the Indigo Ranger in the 2-part episode, The Celestial Case
  • Gamma Battlizer: Red Ranger's Battlizer weapon. Dr. Willows mentioned this was her proudest creation.

Gamma Zord System[]

Gamma Megazord[]

  • Zords
    • Eaglezord
    • Hawkzord
    • Condorzord
    • Cranezord
    • Owlzord

Gamma Celestial Megazord[]

    • Garudazord
    • Celestial Rod

Gamma Predator Megazord[]

    • Falconzod
    • Vulutrezord

GammaMax Ultrazord[]

    • Gamma
    • Celestial
    • Predator

Gamma T.I.T.A.N Megazord[]

    • Titan-1 zord
    • Titan-2 zord
    • Titan-3 zord



  • Mr. Adrian Toomes/Magnatron-He has a split personality: CEO of one the most corrupted organization in the world and a sick-minded creature living inside of him.
    • Sally Rune/Sable- She is the secretary of MagnaCorp, yet she reveals her true self as a android warrior known as Sable; she is the second-in-command. She alongside with Trunks battles the rangers constantly.
    • Troop Victor/Trunks- He is the head security of MagnaCorp, yet his true self is an ape-like creature and is the third-in-command.
    • Rhaspodin - A sound baron/bounty hunter who tends to reappear a lot and proves to be a equal nuisance to Magnatron. (First appear in Raise the Noise)
    • Netdrones-are human security guards at MagnaCorp, yet reveal themselves as Magnatron's foot soilders.
    • Flurions-are the high forced super soldiers in Magnatron's army and is only use in emergencies.


Several of the monsters seen below used human disguises just like Magnatron and his generals, but are soon defeated in their monster form. Their monster forms have a second life resulting in them to grow huge.

  • Vrag (Spying Out 1-3)
  • Birdbrain (Watch the Birdie)
  • Steelbot (Stealing Wheels)
  • Yurain (Unknown Circumstantial)
  • Hoopster (Love and Basketball)
  • Matadron (When in Rome)
  • Impbot (Mistress of Disguise)
  • The Rage Brothers (Enter T.I.T.A.N and Dancing with Evil)
  • Dytox (War of the Rangers 1-2)
  • Omegus (The Leavers' Dance)
  • Largo (Summoning Indigo 1-2)
  • Hackerbot (The Celestrial Case 1-2)
  • Jasper (Ring Around the World)
  • Spinrella (Fashion Victimized)
  • Impostro (Until Proven Guilty)
  • Praxin (Downward Spiral)
  • Alpheus (Losing Earth 1-2)
  • Mad Mastra (The Mad Plan)
  • Nero (Monster Takeover)
  • Wadden (History Lesson)
  • Aris (Chain of Command 1-2)
  • Toadbot (Respect is Earned)
  • Golemhead (Desert Warriors)
  • Spiderbot (Loyalty)
  • Copperhead (Remember the T.I.T.A.N)
  • Chessbot (The Checkmate)
  • Magnabot (Calling All Spies 1)


  1. Spying Out (1)
  2. Spying Out (2)
  3. Spying Out (3)
  4. Watch The Birdie
  5. Stealing Wheels
  6. Unknown Circumstantial
  7. Love and Basketball
  8. Raise The Noise
  9. When In Rome
  10. Mistress of Disguise
  11. Enter T.I.T.A.N
  12. War of the Rangers (1)
  13. War of the Rangers (2)
  14. Gaining Hope
  15. The Leaver's Dance
  16. Banded Together
  17. Summoning Indigo (1)
  18. Summoning Indigo (2)
  19. The Celestial Case (1)
  20. The Celestial Case (2)
  21. Ring Around the World
  22. Fashion Victimized
  23. Dancing with Evil
  24. Until Proven Guilty
  25. Downward Spiral
  26. From Sapphire with Love
  27. Losing Earth (1)
  28. Losing Earth (2)
  29. The Mad Plan
  30. Rise of the Eagle (1)
  31. Rise of the Eagle (2)
  32. The Master Plan
  33. Monster Takeover
  34. History Lesson
  35. Seize from Within
  36. Chain of Command (1)
  37. Chain of Command (2)
  38. Respect is Earned
  39. Desert Warriors
  40. Exit Strategy
  41. Loyalty
  42. Remember the T.I.T.A.N
  43. The Checkmate
  44. The Endgame
  45. Calling All Spies (1)
  46. Calling All Spies (2)

See Also[]

Power Rangers - The Next Generation
Power Rangers SpyForce ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Voyagers ā€¢ Power Rangers Squadron ā€¢ Power Rangers: SPD - The Next Generation ā€¢ Power Rangers T.Q.G (Starlina's Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers Supersonic ā€¢ Power Rangers: Prism ā€¢ Power Rangers Shaolin Roar (Starlina's Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers: Beast Masters ā€¢ Power Rangers AirForce (Starlina's Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers Blitz Charge ā€¢ Power Rangers Lost Galaxy - The Next Generation ā€¢ Power Rangers Quad Claw ā€¢ Power Rangers Neo-Squadron ā€¢ Power Rangers Wild Force: The Next Generation (Starlina's Version) ā€¢ Mighty Morphin Aquitar Power Rangers - The Next Generation ā€¢ Power Rangers Turbine (Starlina's Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers: Mystic Force - The Next Generation ā€¢ Power Rangers: Solar Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Army Patrol ā€¢ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Next Generation ā€¢ Power Rangers: Time Force - The Next Generation ā€¢ Power Rangers Samurai - The Next Generation ā€¢ Power Rangers Dino Charge - The Next Generation ā€¢ Power Rangers Zeo - The Next Generation ā€¢ Power Rangers MegaForce - The Next Generation ā€¢ Power Rangers Super MegaForce - The Next Generation ā€¢ Power Rangers Auto Ace ā€¢ Power Rangers: Beast Brigade ā€¢ Power Rangers: Electro Force ā€¢ Power Rangers: Astro Strike ā€¢ Power Rangers: Anima S.H.I.E.L.D ā€¢ Power Rangers Wild Prime ā€¢ Power Rangers SpyForce - 10 years Later ā€¢ Power Rangers Jungle Force (Starlina's Version)
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