This is the theme song for Power Rangers: Rescue Rails. It has some elements from the theme songs from Power Rangers Turbo, Ninja Steel, and Jungle Fury, while also having some lyrics taken from it's Sentai counterpart, Ressha Sentai ToQger.
Go! Go! Power Rangers: Rescue Rails!
Go! Go! Power Rangers: Rescue Rails!
All aboard a super exciting Rainbow Express Train,
Ride on these clanking tracks! Locomotion's the name of the game!
Stay behind the white line!
We will always arrive on time!
Zooming all throughout the night!
We're Rescue Railers, time to fight!
Let's Go!
Red! Blue! Yellow! Green! Pink! (Later episodes: Orange!) Rescue Rails! All Aboard!
Here come the Power Rangers! (Rescue!)
Go, Go, our Power Rangers! (Rails!)
Here come the Power Rangers!
Power Rangers: Rescue Rails!
Come on! The Power Rangers! (Rescue!)
Move out, our Power Rangers! (Rails!)
Here come the Power Rangers!
Power Rangers: Rescue Rails!
Go! Go! Power Rangers: Rescue Rails!
Go! Go! Power Rangers: Rescue Rails!
- After the power is introduced, Aiden will be seen going into Rainbow Ranger mode.