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Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers: Hexagon X-Treme is a potential sequel to Power Rangers: Hexagon, which was Amit Bhaumik's fanfiction proposal for Power Rangers Ninja Storm. Hexagon X-Treme would be based on Tokumei Sentai Gobusters


Over 10 years after the events of Hexagon, the invasion of the Armada prompts Tommy Oliver to re-establish the Hexagon Headquarters to protect Earth from any future incident. This time, however, it's run by Dr. Anton Mercer, who has been experimenting with radical new forms of biotech to create an ideal team of protectors of Earth. However, as in Hexagon, it is split into two different factions : those who support Hexagon and those who are against it.


Hexagon Rangers ("X-Treme" Teams)[]

Hexagon X-Treme Rangers[]

Red Clayton Hobson
Blue Ralph Drogo
Yellow Dana West

X-Treme Beetle Rangers[]

Gold Lars Jardine
Silver Maria Duncanson

See Also[]

Power Rangers: Hexagon X-Treme ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Platoon ā€¢ Power Rangers: Rail Guardians ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Starz
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