Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers: Heroes of Time & Space is a special published by Boom! Studios. It is based on the 1994 short 3D film Super Sentai World.


The special involves the team-up of five different Ranger teams from time & space (the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers & Aquitian Rangers from the main universe, the Supersonic Rangers & Squadron Rangers from the BOOMverse, & a yet unnamed team that has yet to appear), who must defend the timeline from an evil extraterrestrial warlord.

Continuity & Placement[]



The special features 25 heroes from the aforementioned Ranger teams. Only the initial members of each team appear in the special; thus Tommy Oliver (Green Ranger/White Ranger) of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Trek/Supersonic Green of the Supersonic Rangers, & Xev/Black Squadron Ranger of the Squadron Rangers are absent as a result.

The main megazords of each team also appear in this special: the Dino Megazord, Thunder Megazord, & Shogun Megazord from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Supersonic Megazord, & a yet unnamed Megazord.

Power Rangers[]

Red Ranger Jason Lee Scott
Black Ranger Zack Taylor
Blue Ranger Billy Cranston
Yellow Ranger Trini Kwan
Pink Ranger Kimberly Ann Hart

Aquitar Rangers[]

Red Aquitar Ranger Aurico
White Aquitar Ranger Delphine
Blue Aquitar Ranger Cestro
Yellow Aquitar Ranger Tideus
Black Aquitar Ranger Corcus

Supersonic Rangers[]

Supersonic Red Ace
Supersonic Blue Brute
Supersonic Black Gent
Supersonic Pink Star
Supersonic Yellow Pyre

Squadron Rangers[]

Dairanger (Super Sentai World)

The Squadron Rangers

Red Squadron Ranger Rhian
Green Squadron Ranger Telosi
Blue Squadron Ranger Orisonth
Yellow Squadron Ranger Phiro
Pink Squadron Ranger Aleia


Red Ranger TBA
Black Ranger TBA
Yellow Ranger TBA
White Ranger TBA
Blue Ranger TBA



