Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Phoenix Rocket Voyager[]

The Phoenix Rocket Voyager is primarily piloted by Zayto.

It can fire blasts from below the nose. It forms the majority of the Cosmic Phoenix Megazord.

Phoenix Satellite Voyager[]

The Phoenix Satellite Voyager is a satellite-like Voyager. Forms the chest and arms of the Cosmic Phoenix Megazord while parts of it's panels become the Blaze Blades.

In battle, the Phoenix Satellite Voyagers can use its two panels to defect attacks and perform a spinning attack capable of cutting an enemy's arms off.

Phoenix Station Voyager[]

The Phoenix Station Voyager acts as the Phoenix Rocket Voyager's self-propelled launch pad where it is stored between missions. It forms the legs of the Cosmic Phoenix Ultrazord.
