[[Category:Power Rangers Hexagon]]
The Phantom Megazord is the Megazord of the Phantom Rangers. Unlike other Megazords, it requires a 4th piece, the Battle Zord, which they share with the Hexagon Rangers.
Main Zords[]
- Jet Zord-Jackson's Zord themed to an Air Force jet. It forms the head/cockpit of the Megazord
- Biplane Zord-Turin's Zord and forms the right arm. It has a Gatling gun attached to it and does not switch with auxiliary zords.
- Phantom Chopper Zord-Chelsea's Zord and forms the left arm, but transfers with auxiliary zords. It has a saw blade attached
Auxiliary Zords[]
- Storm Zord-The Storm Zord allows for Thief Break and Phantom Strike for a final attack. It Megazord form is called Phantom Cyclone Megazord.
- Sword and Blade-Sword and Blade are a pair of Zords that when apart of the Megazord, it is called Phantom Knight Megazord.
- Hammer Zord-When Unwritten tried to manipulate the Megazord, it only changed the sword into a Hammer and squashed him. It later returned to sword form. Thus, its name is Phantom Knight Megazord-Hammer.
- Magic Zord-The Magic Zord is a blimp shaped zord that replaces both the Jet and Chopper zords. It's combination is however called Black Magic Megazord. In Power Rangers: Sisterhood, Genova formed the arm normally made up by the biplane zord to create Hexagon Magic Megazord.
- It can also use the Light Rail Zords to become Phantom Rail Megazord.
- When the Magic zord and the Rescue Zord are used together (along with the Battle Zord), they form Fahrenheit Megazord.
- The Storm Zord was used by the Hexagon Rangers first (Specifically, by Bristol)
- Sword and Blade can become a Boomerang in Battle Mode, making Jackson the first ranger to use this weapon, followed by Vierra/Invertigo (Comics Only), Ezra/Ziz (and for a Megazord).
- It appears more than Hexagon Megazord
See Also[]
- Mecha (Lupinranger)-Sentai Counterpart