Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

"These are the legendary Paragon Prisms. Their incredible power transcends space and time, good and evil."
ā€•Talon expounding on the Energems and their nature.[src]

The Paragon Prisms are metallic and mineral crystals used by the Dino Super Charge Rangers.


Ten Paragon Prisms were created by the Morphin Masters using the Morphin Grid following the adventures of the Dino Charges Rangers and sent into the universe to fight evil. They were entrusted to Talon, who recognized their immense power and kept them from falling into the wrong hands.

Around sixty-five million years ago during the prehistoric age of the dinosaurs, Keeper was on the one from the ruthless bounty hunter Sledge, who was determined to obtain the Energems. After crash-landing on Earth, Keeper entrusted the Energems to 10 of the world's bravest dinosaurs for safekeeping, bonding the objects with their dinosaur spirits. Unfortunately, their whereabouts were lost when a subsequent rain of asteroids led to the extinction of the dinosaurs, which was indirectly caused by the struggle between Sledge and Keeper. Powers From the Future

Shortly after Keeper's disappearance, Talon came to Earth and entrusted the Paragon Prisms to 10 other of the world's bravest dinosaurs for safekeeping, binding the items to their dinosaur minds. He then created the Dino Charge Zords and Dino Super Charge Zords in order to protect the Energems and Paragon Prisms from harm, designing them to wake up when their Prisms respective were found and linked to a host.

At an unknown time, Lucas and Kiera Coleman, two employees of the Amber Beach Dinosaur Zoo, found Talon and was informed of the existence of the Paragon Prisms. The three began working together to find them, while covering it up from the general public as a standard fossil search.

After Sledge's defeat by the Dino Charge Rangers, the Paragon Prisms began to resurface. A year before Lord Washercon arrived on Earth, a young man named Kyle Coleman found the Blue Prism after his sister dropped it. After finding the courage to save a little boy from a car, the Blue Prism bonded directly with him. After warning his brothers and sisters, he decided to work in the Dino Lab alongside them.

At another unknown point in time, and also after Sledge's defeat, An unknown woman acquired the Black Prism through unknown means. Later, when James Perez helped him with his business, this lady gave him the Prism, and it then bonded with him. Lucas found out about this and asked James to come work with him, Talon and his sister, Kiera. The latter accepts and finds themselves on a quest to find the other Paragon Prisms.

Lucas later found and bonded with the Red Prism while it was being attacked by General Regravus. Shortly after, Ryan Leafs and Sadie Roberts rushed to the Green Prism and the Pink Prism when they found them near one of the sewers. From that point on, the new team of Power Rangers fought the forces of the evil Dinosaur Lord who had been blasted into space by Talon.

When the Ankylo Hammer Zord was revealed to be active in 2023, Talon stated that it could only have awakened if someone had already found the Aqua Prism and bonded with it. This person turned out to be Ana Curry, who later joined the team.

Through unknown means, an unknown young man came to have the Gold Prism. After realizing that the Stone was active and linked to a person, the Rangers decided to use this discovery to their advantage and discovered a new Rangers who attacked them in the process.

When the Rangers decided to fight Dino Super Charge Gold Ranger, they later discovered that Loather had his memories erased after discovering that Sami was holding the Gold Prism, under the orders of Lord Washercon. After coming to his senses, Sami fights alone against an army of Vivix and Spikeballs and at the same time, he and Loather begin to maintain a feud between them throughout the series.

Workers discovered the skeleton of Pachycephalosaurus which had received Graphite Prism, and its skull was brought by his father to Felix Smith, who removed the Prism from the fossil. He didn't bond with him, so he went to his friends, since he knows they are the Dino Super Charge Rangers, to ask them how their Paragon Prisms bonded with them, and learned that he had done it because he felt it was worth it. Felix tried many methods to try to prove himself worthy of the Prism, but his efforts proved futile. After about a week, he admitted the truth to the Rangers, intending to join them. They were interrupted by an attack from Loather, who knocked the Prism away from him. During the battle, Felix saved a stray dog ā€‹ā€‹from his attacks, causing the Graphite Prism to return to his hand and bond with him, making him the Ranger he wanted to be. During the fight, he also learned how to use a Dino Super Charger to summon the Pachy Flail Zord with James' guidance. After the battle, Felix takes the Energem with him when he returns home, but gave the associated Dino Super Chargers to the other Rangers so that they can summon the Pachy Flail Zord as needed.

After another battle, during which Washercon revived Iceage, Kiera was trapped by the monster. The Rangers came to her rescue and received the Purple Prism from Lucas who was able to find it and give it to her to prove to her that she can also be a Ranger. After getting her Prism, she and her brother were reunited and were able to narrowly escape, only to encounter some Vivix. In response to Kiera fighting against them, the Purple Prism bonded with her. Subsequently, while the Rangers occupied Iceage, Lucas and Kiera joined them to fight and win the battle.

When the Rangers and Talon discover that the Silver Prism is on Earth, they race to find it. Washercon revives the monster Doomwing, who fights against the Rangers to capture the Prism. After a fierce fight, Talon seizes the Silver Prism and transforms into the 10th and final Rangers of the Dino Super Charge Zords.

After the final battle, Talon gave the Paragon Prisms to their owners and their predecessors, just as the Mophin Masters in the shadows, congratulate them on being able to save Earth.


  • Give anyone the power to do everything - Washercon wanted the Prisms to rule the entire universe.
  • Create time portals.
  • Gives anyone the power to resist a specific element
  • Indefinitely retain its holder's current physiological characteristics.
  • Protect Barriers.
  • Morph into Rangers.
  • Merge - Paragon Prisms were merged with the dinosaurs.
  • Gives anybody longevity.

List of Paragon Prisms[]

Red Energem
  • Red Prism: In prehistoric times, it bonded with the soul of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. It has bonded with Lucas Coleman, giving him both its power and the T-Rex's strength and making him the permanent Dino Super Charge Red Ranger. The Prism allows him to resist Fire attacks.

Black Energem
  • Black Prism: In prehistoric times, it bonded with the soul of a Stegosaurus. It has bonded with James Perez, giving him both its power and the Stegosaurus' strength and making him the permanent Dino Super Charge Black Ranger. The Prism allows him to resist ground attacks.

Blue Energem
  • Blue Prism: In prehistoric times, it had bonded with the soul of a Triceratops. It bonded with Kyle Coleman, giving him both its power and the Triceratops' strength and making him the permanent Dino Super Charge Blue Ranger. The Prism allows him to resist water attacks.

Green Energem
  • Green Prism: In prehistoric times, it bonded with the soul of a Parasaurolophus. It has bonded with Ryan Leafs, giving him both its power and the Parasaurolophus' strength and making him the permanent Dino Super Charge Green Ranger. The Prism allows him to resist forest attacks.

Pink Energem
  • Pink Prism: In prehistoric times, it has bonded with the soul of a Velociraptor. It has bonded with Sadie Roberts, giving her both its power and the Velociraptor's strength and making her the permanent Dino Super Charge Pink Ranger. The Prism allows her to resist wind attacks.

Gold Energem
  • Gold Prism: In prehistoric times, it had bonded with the soul of a Pterodactyl. It bonded with Sami Knight, giving him both its power and the Pterodactyl's strength and making him the permanent Dino Super Charge Gold Ranger. The Prism allows him to not only resist lightning attacks but also use lightning attacks.

Aqua Energem
  • Aqua Prism: In prehistoric times, it bonded with the soul of an Ankylosaurus. It bonded with Ana Curry, giving her both its power and the Ankylosaurus' strength and making her the permanent Dino Super Charge Aqua Ranger. The Prism allows her to resist ice attacks.

Graphite Energem
  • Graphite Prism: In prehistoric times, it bonded with the soul of a Pachycephalosaurus. It has bonded with Prince Phillip III, giving him both its power and the Pachycephalosaurus' strength and making him the permanent Dino Super Charge Graphite Ranger. The Prism allows him to resist metal attacks.

Purple Energem
  • Purple Prism: In prehistoric times, it had bonded with the soul of a Plesiosaurus. It bonded with Kiera Coleman, giving her both its power and the Plesiosaurus' strength and making her the Dino Super Charge Purple Ranger. The Prism allows her to resist snow attacks.

"The Silver Energem chose me."
ā€•Talon taking the stolen Prism from Doomwing.
Silver Energem
  • Silver Prism: In prehistoric times, it bonded with the soul of a Titanosaurus. It bonded with Talon, giving him both its power and the Titanosaurus' strength and making him the Dino Super Charge Silver Ranger. The Prism allows him to resist lights attacks.


  • The Energems were originally called Paragon Prisms during early production, being the reason for their names in this adaptation.
  • As with Energems, most Paragon Prisms do not immediately bind to a person in contact, unless that person is deemed suitable; this is demonstrated by the Rangers holding their respective Energems without immediately bonding to them (or at all).
  • As with Energems too, The Prisms act very similar to the Dino Gems from Power Rangers Dino Thunder: They are both used for the Rangers morphing ability, and are target after the main antagonist of both seasons (Mesogog and Lord Washercon respectively) Coincidentally, both objects and villains are Power Rangers Exclusive. In fact, after the Rangers are bonded to them they get a vision of their respective dinosaur. The only difference is that the only way for the bond of a Dino Gem to be broken is that if its owner is destroyed while the bond of Prism can be severed by the power of Talon's energy.
  • Unlike the Energems, there is no Dark Prism in the series despite the fact that Deathryuger was adapted.
  • The appearance of Paragon Prisms is exactly the same as Energems.
    • This is due to the fact that Prisms are recycled from Energems.


See Also[]
