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Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Universe.
Red alert WARNING. This episode contains scenes of blood. Viewer discretion is advised!.

Paradise Mercifully Departed is the thirty-eighth episode of Power Rangers Universe, and is the second episode in a four-episode arc revolving around the full reveal of His Magnificence and the introduction of the Universal Sector Key.


Arthur, 263, Moose, Dimitri and Ryan are forced to adapt to a new way of life as they await rescue on O'Thala, but are embroiled in a quest involving what is said to be the most powerful of the Sector Keys ever to exist. Meanwhile, as the Arkeyans mount a coordinated attack on the Destiny, Colonel Xiao attempts to get a hold of Arthur and the others' destination, and begins to mount a rescue mission.


Arthur, 263, Ryan, Moose and Dimitri are continuing to adapt to a new way of life on O'Thala, as ten days have passed since they were left stranded, and there is very little hope of rescue. Arthur has been attempting to discover ways to get the Destiny to recognise O'Thala on the index so they can be rescued, but his efforts so far have been little to none. For the past several days, Hercule and Leon have been attempting to keep the group nourished, although the planet's food supply is fundamentally low. Elsewhere on the planet, Orion Pax, alarmed by the presence of the mysterious sector key, is roaming the island in search of it, and believes that this is what Arthur Morgan needs to end the war. Meanwhile, the Arkeyan High Council meets with Malvor on his Xibalba. Councillors congratulate him, and see him as a potential senator. Looking on, Gazla deduces that Malvor is not fit to be a senator; motivated by recent events, he has a proposal for His Magnificence: now that the rangers are in their worst shape with five rangers stranded on unchartered ground, with the rest very short-handed, he sees this as the perfect advantage to wage an attack on the Destiny itself. On the Destiny, As Megan remains despondent over the supposed disappearance of Arthur, Russell is having no luck at all locating any particular planets near the cosmic storm where the Orion vanished. This leaves him fearing the absolute worst for the remaining rangers, including Arthur.

On O'Thala, Arthur, Dimitri, 263, Ryan and Moose take part in a pilgrimage trail, as part of some pastimes Hercule has laid on for them as efforts to get them home are underway, as they have no interplanetary transport of any kind on the planet. 263 ridicules Hercule a lot during the pilgrimage, and claims that they're only doing it just in case they starve to death on the planet. Moose indicates that he'll probably survive the island since he's not an organic being like the others, as Arthur points out that the people on the island could probably survive a lot longer if Moose helped out. As they begin some routine pastoral activities, A horde of Roswells attack. Unmorphed, the group takes on the incoming horde, but things get more intense, as 263 is the first to morph. He takes care of several, while the others face a good deal of distraction, as Malvor looks on, keen to manipulate the proceedings. Just as the situation intensifies, Orion Pax saves them, and calls them over, as 263 powers down. Arthur has an emotional reunion with Orion Pax, having thought he had perished all those years back, before Pax reveals a forbidden truth about the planet they are all on. During the height of the Arkeyan conquest, there were twelve great Universal Sectors, which were all qualifying factors for the ones that would later be found by Star Battleforce. Orion tells them that, having lived for centuries, he was able to sample a small portion of their power and consolidate them into one, but while the ensuing experiment was a success, it was deemed too powerful, and had very high risk of fracturing the universe, so Orion decided to hide it on O'Thala, and to ensure no one would ever search for it, convinced the Universal Alliance to remove it from the Universal Index. To concludes, he will help them leave the island and return home if they find the Sector Key, as one of the feats required is to find a way to re-register the planet on the index. To do that, they are going to have to trek the entire planet for labours, much to Arthur's shock, even as Ryan points out that none of them are in any physical condition to complete Pax's challenge.

Regardless, Orion Pax immediately sends the group to complete his assigned feats. Among their first labours is to climb the Wall of Sights, which induces hallucinations to those who climb up it; as Ryan has hallucinations of "Ten Minute Hate", and Moose has hallucinations of himself being tortured by Professor Cornwall, along with Arthur seeing another vision of his past, 263 is able to use the Phoenix Saber/Shield to outmanoeuvre the others, claiming that it's amazing what the Phoenix Sector Key can do if someone tries. As time goes on, the trials become more life-threatening, as Malvor, looking on from afar, has found new information about the mysterious Sector Key, as Gazla catches him off guard. He senses that Malvor intends to seize the Universal Sector Key for himself, so His Magnficence can use it for evil. After several rigorous challenges, the group reaches their fifth - repairing a signal. Arthur believes that this must be the way to establish contact from the planet so they can all be rescued. 263 believes that it's old, and is in no condition to even be used again, so he reckons it could be hard for them to fix it, but notes that the Phoenix Sector Key can regenerate matter. After Arthur, Ryan and Moose unsuccessfully re-align the satellite, Dimitri, tired of watching the group fail, uses the Plasma Sector Key, which restores power to the satellite. At the same time, Colonel Xiao is alerted to a new planet detected on the Universal Index - thus revealing O'Thala, and to everyone's surprise, Arthur, 263, Ryan, Moose, and Dimitri are all reported to be alive. Russell, overjoyed, summons Wild Bill, Megan, and Bronzee to the bridge, as he attempts to get contact with Arthur. However, the communication signal is unstable.

Before they can report to Orion Pax, Arthur and the others are ambushed by Malvor, who has snared them into a trap. He claims to be aware of the rangers’ pursuit of the Universal Sector Key, seeing as its the only “way out” of the planet. Dimitri accuses Malvor of leaving them to die of poverty, but Malvor retorts that if the Orion didn’t set a course for “where the supreme leader resides”, maybe they would have all been on the Destiny. Enraged, Arthur and the others morph, while Arthur and Malvor have a one-on-one as the others deal with more duplicates of previous commandants. As the chaos ensues, Malvor gives Arthur and the others an agonising choice: either, they surrender to him to be brought before His Magnificence in a bid to inform him about the Sector Key's whereabouts, or resist risking that the Destiny will be subjected an immediate strike by Arkeyan forces. Arthur and the others refuse to let that happen, so they all attack him, and this leaves Malvor no choice but to return to Xibalba to give the green light for the large-scale assault on the Destiny, much to Arthur, Ryan, Dimitri and Moose's horror, with Ryan even stating that they have to get off this planet. As this happens, those back on the Destiny are figuring out who will go to O'Thala to rescue the others. Megan, fearing for the lives of her friends, immediately offers to go, after some heated discussions, and Bill states he's coming as well. Joi warns them that this will be harder than they think since O'Thala is near a cosmic storm bordering the Southern Cross Sector, and there is no way they can avoid it.

As the debate intensifies, Metal Florian, in his Voyager - which has also been corrupted, is scouting the area of the station in search of any security. They detect no security, and the green light is given. On the bridge, Megan and Bill are given permission to rescue Arthur and the other rangers by Colonel Xiao, moments before a fleet of Arkeyan vessels descend upon the Destiny and open fire on the station, descending the Destiny into chaos, as Florian and Pom-Pom board the station. While Colonel Xiao, Joi and Russell use their voyagers to deal with the incoming vessels, Bronzee, determined to save Florian from his Metal-Spice induced brainwashing, morphs and a heated fight ensues, while Megan and Bill guard the bridge, as Roswells and Moonbillies begin boarding the station, breaching the security forces in the process. Back on O'Thala, Arthur and the others are hectically undecided on whether or not to return to the village or continue with their pursuit of the Sector Key in order to escape the planet. Arthur, worried about his friends, wants to find the sector key as soon as possible, moments before Orion Pax appears before them, and asks for an update on their challenge progress. Ryan instantly confronts Pax on his mandate for them to undergo physical extremes to find their way out, especially when their friends are in danger. Pax deduces that he set those tests to ensure no intruders could make their way to the Sector Key, given its reverence among the Sector Keys in general. 263 suggests defying Pax, but Arthur, who knows Orion Pax more than the others, calls on the others to back him just this once, stating that he may be right. Dimitri is fearful that their colleagues may perish before they can complete it, however. The group is in agreement, but all agree they must do it as soon as possible. 263 says he can handle it, but is not so sure about the others being able to survive due to their weak condition. As they set off, a tropical storm can be seen approaching in the distance.

Back on the Destiny, as Bronzee is outmatched by Florian and Pom-Pom, Colonel Xiao, Russell and Joi are having an incredibly difficult time dealing with the Arkeyan fleet, as several Death Gliders open fire on parts of the Destiny, dealing serious damage to the station. They form the Drago Pride Megazord, and barely manage to obliterate a number of A-Drones closing in on the station, but more Arkeyans make their way to the station. Amid the chaos, hull plating quickly goes off-line, as does the intercom system. As the Arkeyans inflict major internal and external damage to the Destiny, coolant leaks in engineering force the engineering crew and several defence forces to evacuate. Megan and the others attempt to stop Florian, as the fight moves to the promenade, as Pom-Pom has Roswells storm all parts of the station. Florian has a Metal Spice overdose and effortlessly overpowers the other three rangers, forcing them all to demorph - as he and Pom-Pom laugh maniacally, as he adds insult to thier injuries by causing the upper levels of the station to fall on top of them, as Megan and Bill, on the bridge, fall through the debris. As the Arkeyans continue their onslaught, the Drago Pride Megazord sustains major damage and breaks apart, leaving Xiao, Joi, and Russell's fates unclear, as a major hull breach in the primary hull blows several crew members out into space. Facing imminent destruction, and seemingly certain death, Megan, Bill, and Bronzee, all seriously wounded and partially trapped under rubble, fear the worst as the severely damaged Destiny drifts defencelessly in space still under heavy fire.


Sector Keys[]


  • Wild Bill and Megan do not appear morphed in this episode.

See also[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Universe episodesIcon-kyuranger
Episodes 1-15

1: Powers from the Stars • 2: Arkeyans Unleashed • 3: The Dream Team • 4: Blood and Poison • 5: The Little Android That Could • 6: Nine's Company • 7: Species at Rest • 8: Living the Party, Pegasus Style • 9 & 10: When the Mighty Dragon Roars • 11: Who in the World is Leviticus Cornwall? • 12: Friends in Pretty Low Places • 13: Belly of the Beast • 14: Eleven's a Crowd • 15: Mikhail Toxstatin, A Man of Honor

Part 16-30

16: A Quiet Time • 17: Advertising, The New Galactic Art • 18: The Master and The Molotov • 19: Nowhere to Glow • 20: Money Lending and Other Sins • 21: Crystal Maze • 22: A Promise Made Fourteen Years Ago • 23: Russian Revolution • 24: Prometheus • 25: The Fine Joys of Publicity • 26: Lure • 27: A Very Dangerous Exchange • 28: Make the Universe Great Again • 29: Tannhäuser Gate • 30: The Battle of Vis Urban

Episodes 31-45

31: Urban Pleasures • 32: The Delights of Van Horn • 33: The Serpent's Venom • 34: Ancient History • 35: The People vs. Ranger Series Metal • 36: Banking, The Old Galactic Art • 37: Welcome to the New World • 38: Paradise Mercifully Departed • 39: Hell Hath No Fury • 40: A New Power • 41: What Happens in the Dark... • 42: ...Comes Out in the Light • 43: The Orion Project • 44: Fresh Milk • 45: The Gilded Cage

Episodes 46-60

46: Late Checkout • 47: An Intergalactic Pastoral Scene • 48: Predator • 49 & 50: The Colonel's Herald • 51: Doradoball • 52: Phil Bell Rides Again • 53 & 54: To Live and Die in the Leo Sector • 55: One Last Thing • 56: To Xibalba • 57: His Magnificence's Identity • 58: The World We Left Behind • 59: Magnificence Unleashed • 60: The End Game
