Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kyoryuger This article is about a/an zord/character in Power Rangers Dino Byte.

Byte Zord #2 Para is the Parasaurolophus-themed Byte Zord who became Dino Byte Black's partner.


The Para Byte Zord replaces Stego for the right arm for the Bytosaurus Megazord Blast Slasher, as well as any of the Bytosaurus Megazord's other formations. This Byte Zord is hidden near an old castle in Europe until summoned.

When assuming Charged Mode, its tail splits in half to become a laser Gatling gun. When combined with a Byte Megazord, Para's gun-tail is then called the Para Blazer.


to be added.

Combinations featuring the Para Byte Zord[]

Jura Battery[]

ZSK-Zyudenchi 2

Parasaur Jura Battery

Parasaur Jura Battery - 6 black Jura Batteries (originally 4) holding the Dino Spirit of the Parasaurolophus; used mainly by Dino Byte Black. By using two copies of this battery in his Dino Byte Blaster, Dino Byte Black can enter Byte Armor, giving him access to his Para Blaster weapon. Dino Byte Red Bytosaur Mode can use this Jura Battery to equip the Para Blazer Arm on his right arm for Blast Slasher.

See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Byte Icon-kyoryuger
Main: Tony Roth - James Ross - Scott Baker - Brie Taylor - Kylie Smith - Sir Andrew
Extra: Hord - Xiao - Roger Nelson - Archio
2nd Set: Becca Nelson
Dino Byte Blaster - Ptera Byte Morpher - Jura Batteries - Dino Byte Saber (King Dino Byte Saber) - Dino Byte Cannon - Tyranno Puncher - Para Blaster - Stego Shielder - Raptor Slasher - Tricera Driller - Dino Byte Javelin - Ptera Byte Blade - Deinos Gauntlets - Tyranno Bytosaur Blaster - Overbyte Cannon - Archaeo Blade - Brachio Byte Blaster - Byte Buckle - Deinon Cycle
Henry Roth - Linda Baker
Zords and Megazords
Byte Zords
Tyranno - Para - Stego - Raptor - Tricera - Ptera - Ankylo - Cephalo - Plesio - Brachio - Spino
Deinon Cycle - Deinos Gauntlets - Dino Byte Javelin - Styraco - Allo - Seismo - Ovi - Iguano - Tupan - Ammo - Arche - Fukui - Futaba
Bytosaurus Megazord - Pterabyte Megazord - Ptera Bytosaurus Megazord - Plesibyte Megazord - Brachibyte Megazord - Titanus Byte Megazord - Spinobyte Megazord
Deboth Army Frostbite Army
Multaeos - Sorrow - Enjoyer - Rampagon - Joyous - Resentus - Boleron - Rondon - Feralon - Paramons - Parabeasts - Arthroids
Extinctioners: Impafreeze - Viruson - Chixulter
Sorrow's Frostbiters: TBA - TBA - TBA - TBA - TBA - TBA
Rampagon's Frostbiters: TBA - TBA - TBA - TBA
Joyous' Frostbiters: TBA - TBA - TBA - TBA - TBA
Resentus' Frostbiters: TBA - TBA
Multaeos' Frostbiters: TBA - TBA
Enjoyer's Frostbiters: TBA - TBA
Transcendion's Frostbiters: TBA - Dark Archio
Other: G-Bot
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