Name of the page you want to adopt: Power Rangers Dimension Knights
How long have you been editing here: Since late-August.
Link to your page:
Who owns the page you want to adopt: Trey-El Ranger
When was it last edited: 04:40, 14 May 2021
Why do you want it: Because I am a huge fan of sword-and-sorcery-themed Power Rangers seasons, I really dig the backstory section and I see a great deal potential within the characters involved.
Response: Declined. There was a mistake in marking the series as abandoned as the original author is still active on the Wiki. Usually, if an author is still active, we don't particularly mark their page(s) as abandoned as they may come back to them, even if they are working on other series. If you are still interested in the series, please talk to the author.-- Gokai-Volt