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The Order of Meridian were a group of galactic wizards formed and personally trained by Zordon to aid his own forces in the war against the Evil Space Aliens thousands of years ago. The Order of Meridian continued to exist even after Zordon's Forces were disbanded.
12 thousands of years ago, disillusioned with the Guardians of Eltar's ability to protect the universe from evil following Zophram's turn to the dark side as Lord Zedd, Zordon left the order and founded his own private military force along with his own elite order of wizards, the Order of Meridian. Having himself been trained by the Archmage Guaragon the Green, Zordon was inspired to model his order after the Order of Archmages and established himself as the first Archwizard of the Order of Meridian. The Order of Meridian assisted Zordon's Forces in countless battles against the Evil Space Aliens across various planets such as Aquitar, Earth, Edenoi, Eltar, Horath, Inquiris, KO-1, Liaria, Regda II, Sorcery 7, Tarmac III, and Triforia.
Like the Order of Archmages, the members of the Order of Meridian freely traveled between dimensions, even recruiting Keeper and his former apprentice Zenowing of the Dino Charge Dimension as the final 2 members of the order. Zordon would continue to lead the Order of Meridian even after Rita Repulsa banished him to a time warp. However, due to his banishment and preoccupation with monitoring Earth from threats his protƩgƩ and surrogate son Zorion would often be called on to act as Zordon's representative in the order. Over the many millenia following Zordon's banishment, the Order of Meridian would continue to grow in renown throughout the universe and within the Magical Dimension. Upon Zordon's death, Zorion would be elected the new Archwizard of the Order of Meridian.
Future Force[]
The history of the Order of Meridian presumably proceeded more or less the same way as it's mainstream counterpart, albeit with Zordon never being trapped in a time warp and needing Zorion to serve as his representative.