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Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park is the fourth episode of Power Rangers Squadron.


When Phiro brings his trumpet for a jazz festival, Lord Zedd has his Spectoids steal it. With Phiro in despair, he turned the trumpet into the monstrous Trumpet Top who he plans to have cast illusions powerful enough that the Power Rangers will wear themselves out and Zedd can easily finish them off.


Phiro and Telosi are hanging out at Frontier Lab when Xev walks in. Xev asks them if they are going to the Jazz Festival the following day. Telosi suggests that Phiro play his trumpet, but Phiro can't because his trumpet is somewhere at his grandfather's house. Phiro tells them that he will pick it up tomorrow. 

Watching, Lord Zedd gets the idea to prevent Phiro from doing his concert. To do this, Lord Zedd will send down a real monster while stealing his trumpet.

The following day, Phiro is walking through the park, headed for the Jazz Festival with his grandfather's trumpet, until he is attacks by Zedd's Spectoids. During the fight, one Spectoid steal the trumpet, which Phiro had laid on the ground and Zedd transforms the instrument into Trumpet Top. Phiro defeat the Spectoids, questioning the motive behind the attack, but he finds himself face to face with the trumpet, forcing him to transform into Yellow Squadron Ranger. The two began to fight before the Yellow Ranger was thrown aside and the monster disappeared, declaring that they will meet again.

At the festival, the Jazz concert is a disaster. Phiro asks his musicians to try to make the audience delay for a longer time while the crew members ask him what's going on. Rhian starts by questioning him first so Phiro admits to them that Zedd transformed his trumpet into one of his monsters. Aleia then declares that they must quickly recover it and return it to normal before it is too late but Orisonth adds that they will not have much time left because the public is waiting and will always wait for the much requested music and the musicians won't be able to hold them for long.

In his lair, Lord Zedd congratulates his Spectoids for succeeding at something (for once). He also announces he will send the new monster as the next part of his plan.

As the Rangers search outside for Phiro's grandfather's trumpet, they see Trumpet Top appear before them. The Rangers morph; Trumpet Top claming this is going to be fun as the team fight off the Spectoids with their weapons. Phiro charges Trumpet Top, striking him with opposing kicks; Trumpet Top use his slash attack, then Yellow Squadron Ranger before he reveals the Griffin Gourd, which he swings around before releasing the gourd striking Trumpet Top from it over and over. The Yellow Ranger hitting him over and over before using his finisher attack, forming huge gauntlets on his hands that he punches Trumpet Top away with.

Zedd, aware that his monster was about to get beaten, throws one of his Growth Bombs at Trumpet Top. The Rangers summon their Thunderzords, immediately combining them into the Thunder Megazord. Trumpet Top attacks the Rangers with its flame breath, causing the Thunder Saber to fly from the Thunder Megazord's hand into Trumpet Top's grip. Trumpet Top lands a few successful strikes, but the Megazord charges the Saber remotely with electricity, zapping Trumpet Top enough for the sword to fly back into the robot's hand. The Rangers then summon more lightning into the Thunder Saber, powering the sword with enough energy to destroy Trumpet Top with a single slash. In his Moon Palace, Zedd scolds Mondo the Magician and Silvar for his plan's failure.

Back at the festival, the Rangers, now unmorphed, Phiro is pleasantly surprised to have been able to recover his grandfather's trumpet. Xev is delighted to know that his brother and his friends were able to achieve this. His brother has Phiro, play music, causing dozens of kids to bump past to reach the dance floor. Everyone is having fun and delighted to hear Phiro's music.



  • to be added


See Also[]
