On the Flipside, Part 2 is the thirty-first episode of Power Rangers: Ocean Charge and the second part of a two-part episode which will reveal the Red Ranger's battlizer mode.
As the Rangers struggle to stop Darkonda and his band of misfit monster soldiers, David continues his quest to find the new power Mortimer has hidden for him. However, in order to retrieve the object and save his friends, David may half to face his deepest fears in order to seek the ultimate courage which will lead him to the new power.
Added later
Oceanic Rangers[]
Color | Role |
Shark | David Simmons |
Whale | Tyler Peterson |
Sea Turtle | Nathan Ross |
Manta Ray | Rachel Simpson |
Dolphin | Allison "Ali" Moore |
Tsunami Ranger[]
Color | Role |
Serpent | Jake Hampton |
- Gemini
- Alpha 8
- Zoey
- Max
- Mortimer - Another sorcerer and Gemini's best friend who also had a hand in creating the Pearls of Power. He guides David in finding the new power and facing his deepest fears.
- Crone - A wasp-like monster solider created by Necron and commanded by Darkonda. (defeated by the Red Ranger w/ Pacific Battlizer)
- Dunx - A beetle-like monster solider created by Necron and commanded by Darkonda. (defeated by the Red Ranger w/ Pacific Battlizer)
- Ildo - A cricket-like monster solider created by Necron and commanded by Darkonda. (defeated by the Red Ranger w/ Pacific Battlizer)
- First appearance of the Pacific Stone.
- First appearance of the Pacific Battlizer.