This article is about a/an Megazord in Power Rangers Olympian Force. |
The Olympian Megazord is the primary Megazord in Power Rangers Olympian Force.
The Olympian Megazord's components were created over 2000 years ago by Hephaestus, Athena and Ares, with Ares and Athena designing the weapons and Hephaestus building the actual Zords, and were used by the original Olympian Rangers to defeat larger threats like the Hydra.
The Zords were later reactivated in 2019 when the Olympian Rangers learned to work together to defeat Argus. After that, they were kept in the Zord Hanger, where they are looked after by Victor Steel and Hermes, who is later replaced by Chiron. Christina Farro also helps out with the Zords when she joins as Chiron's assistant.
Eagle Zord[]
The Eagle Zord is the Zord that corresponds to the Red Olympian Gems powered by Zeus and is Jay Parker's personal Zord. It is mostly red except for the orange on its belly. the yellow of its beak and small legs and the glowing green of its eyes. It has large wings that allow it to fly quite well. The wings have ridges that represent the many layers of feathers a real eagle has. It usually carries the Fish Zord in its talons if there is no water around for the Fish Zord to go through. It attacks by swooping down and striking the enemy with its large body. The Zord is controlled through a lever that changes the Zord's altitude and acts like a fighter pilot's stick would. It forms the upper body and head of all three formations, as well as the bow for Centaur Mode and the wings for Icarus Mode.
Appearances: OF Myths 2-6, 11-18, 34-35
Horse Zord[]
The Horse Zord is the Zord that corresponds to the Blue Olympian Gems powered by Poseidon and is Nate Seymor's personal Zord. It is a normal blue color matching the blue on Nate's suit except for the mane and hooves, which are a darker blue color and the eyes, which glow orange. It has a rectangular body, being longer than it is tall. The Horse Zord's legs have many joints on it, allowing the Horse Zord to bend its legs however it would like. It mainly attacks by ramming into a foe, even though kicking might be a better idea. It is controlled by two throttle sticks. Pulling them back makes it go faster, while pushing forward slows it down. It forms the waist and upper legs of Warrior and Icarus Modes and the horse half of Centaur Mode.
Appearances: OF Myths 2-6, 11-18, 34-35
Bull Zord[]
The Bull Zord is the Zord that corresponds to the Black Olympian Gems powered by Hephaestus and is Victor Steel's personal Zord. It has a black trapezoid shaped body, silver horns and glowing red eyes. It mainly attacks through headbutts and striking with its horns. It is also piloted using a throttle stick system. The Bull Zord is usually the one least damaged in fights because of its durability and the fact that Victor doesn't want to have to fix his own Zord too much. It forms the lower legs, feet, point of the spear and helmet in Warrior Mode and Icarus Mode and the Helmet and covering over the horse body for Centaur Mode.
Appearances: OF Myths 2-6, 11-18, 34-35
Owl Zord[]
The Owl Zord is the Zord that corresponds to the Yellow Olympian Gems powered by Athena and is Mera Cadwalader's personal Zord. It is a little smaller than the Eagle Zord as well as much thinner. The wings are thinner than the Eagle Zord's but are thick enough to keep it aloft. It is a yellow color except for the crest on its head being in silver and its eyes glowing a dark blue. The Owl Zord mostly attacks by striking things with its wings, usually slashing through things. It follows the same lever system as the Eagle Zord, with just one stick controlling its altitude and direction like a fighter plane's. It forms the back, arms and shield of Warrior and Icarus Mode and just the back and arms of Centaur Mode.
Appearances: OF Myths 2-6, 11-18, 34-35
Fish Zord[]
The Fish Zord is the Zord that corresponds to the Pink Olympian Gems powered by Aphrodite and is Valerie Onasis' personal Zord. It is a lightish pink color except for its magenta dorsal fin and tail and its glowing light blue eyes. It is the only Zord that is more of a round shape instead of being boxy like the others. It fights by firing lasers from its eyes because it cannot leave the water. It is normally carried by the Eagle Zord into battle, where it can serve as a kind of turret. It forms the upper body armor and body of the spear in Warrior and Icarus mode, and the quiver and arrows of Centaur Mode.
Appearances: OF Myths 2-6, 11-18, 34-35
Primary Combinations[]
Olympian Megazord: Warrior Mode[]
This is the most commonly used combination of the Olympian Megazord. In this mode, the Eagle Zord forms the head and body, the Horse Zord forms the waist and upper legs, the Bull Zord forms the helmet, lower legs, point of the spear and feet, the Owl Zord forms the back, arms and shield, and the Fish Zord forms the armor on the torso, body of the spear and plume on the helmet. It's finisher is the Lightning Javelin, in which it summons red lightning onto the point of the spear before hurling it at the enemy.
Appearances: OF Myths: 2-3, 5-6, 11-12, 34
Olympian Megazord: Centaur Mode[]
In this mode, the Eagle Zord forms the head, body and bow, the Horse Zord forms the horse body, the Bull Zord forms a covering for the horse body and the helmet, the Owl Zord forms the back and the arms, and the Fish Zord forms the quiver and the arrows. It actually has five finishers (one for each Ranger's power) as shown on the lever with its five colors, but only a few have been used. These include the Lightning Arrow, in which a arrow sparking with red lightning strikes the target, the Anvil Arrow, in which the arrow strikes and summons an anvil to fall on the enemy's head, and the Typhoon Arrow, in which a miniature whirlpool is summoned and attaches to the arrow before being fired. The whirlpool then hurls the enemy into the air before they land and explode from the impact.
Appearences: OF Myths 4, 13, 15
Olympian Megazord: Icarus Mode[]
In this mode, the Eagle Zord forms the head, body and wings, the Horse Zord forms the waist and upper legs, the Bull Zord forms the helmet, lower legs, point of the spear and feet, the Owl Zord forms the back, arms and shield, and the Fish Zord forms the armor on the torso, body of the spear and plume on the helmet. It's finishing move is the Too-Close-to-the-Sun Strike, in which the Olympian Megazord hurls the enemy into the air before flying above them with its wings. It then spins its spear in a perfect circle around where the sun is shining on it before stabbing into the enemy, causing them to explode when they land.
Appearances: OF Myths 11, 28
Alternate Combinations[]
Olympian Megazord: Warrior Mode with Peacock Power[]
This formation is the Olympian Megazord: Warrior Mode with the Peacock Zord replacing the right arm created from the Owl Zord. It is able to use the Peacock Zord's tail feathers to create gusts of wind and/or act as a shield (which it used against the Hydra to send its acid back at it) and can also be used as a buzzsaw for its finisher: the Peacock Final Saw Attack.
Appearances: OF Myth 5
Olympian Megazord: Warrior Mode with Donkey Power[]
This formation is the Olympian Megazord: Warrior Mode with the Donkey Zord replacing the right arm created from the Owl Zord. It is able to use the Donkey Zord's scissor-like ears as additional blades, to cut things like it did with Arachne's webbing and can cut the enemy down to size using its finisher: the Donkey Final Scissor Slash.
Appearances: OF Myth 6
- The Bull Zord was absolutely influenced by the Bison Zord from Wild Force, though it wasn't intentional.
- The idea of multiple modes comes from the Time Force Megazord with its Red Mode and Blue Mode.
- The Icarus mode is named after the son of Daedalus who flew with wax wings too close to the sun. The sun melted his wings and he fell to the ocean and drowned. The idea of being too close to the sun is maintained with the Icarus Mode's finisher: the Too-Close-To-The-Sun Strike.