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Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Universe.

Nowhere to Glow is the nineteenth episode of Power Rangers Universe. This episode features the debut of the Light Sector Key and Arthur's new power-up modes, Solar Boost and Lunar Boost.


An Arkeyan commandant is dispatched to absorb a planet’s power plant in a bid to create a total blackout and regenerate its energy to A-Drones for an invasion. Wild Bill and Bronzee conduct an investigation but are doubted by the rest of the team, as the others search for a special Sector Key with control over both darkness and light.


Following Moose's incapacitation at the hands of Toxstatin, Joi looks on with visible concern as Russell is tirelessly making repairs on the team's damaged comrade. On the Destiny's bridge, the team is discussing recent events, especially with Dimitri gone in search of Toxstatin, as Arthur feels guilty that he didn't help Dimitri and Moose fight Toxstatin; Ryan points out that his presence wouldn't have made a difference, and someone was still at risk of being killed by Toxstatin. Wild Bill, however, is eager to find the third and final Keel Sector Key so they can re-activate the Prometheus, go over to Xibalba, and destroy the Arkeyan Empire for good and avenge Moose's supposed death - which Florian likes the sound of - stating that if they did so, they could win the war in mere seconds and go back to the "capitalism they practice", prompting Bronzee to comment about being impatient and that they should just take their time. Bill has finally had it with Bronzee's laid back, slacker attitude and says she should shape up. Bill grabs Bronzee, but the others hold him back. Colonel Xiao arrives with Joi on the bridge, and says they have no choice but to take their time if the Keel Sector Key is not ready. In the meantime, he shows them an Arkeyan-related power outage and climate manipulation - namely a blackout - on an undocumented planet which they must investigate. He adds that there is a Star Battleforce outreach centre on the planet, where a special Sector Key is being developed, and is said to have control over darkness and light, which could stave off the blackout, which entices Arthur a little.

Anyway, the Ranger Lottery chooses Lucky, Megan, Bronzee, Colonel Xiao and Wild Bill. They head down to investigate; anylasis from Joi shows that the area of the blackout is in the form of a black dome, which cannot be accessed simply, or else anything it touches will evaporate. Using his Uni-Voyager, Wild Bill digs a tunnel that leads underground and into the area of the dome; the plan works, but Colonel Xiao is left behind after he is unable to fit his Uni-Voyager through - as Arthur and even some of the others back on the bridge find it funny. The remaining four are in the infected area, and investigate the power outage and blackout. It really is pitch black in the dome when they arrive, and Megan is glad she bought a torch. They find they’ve lost contact with the Destiny while inside the blackout zone. Suddenly, light fills the dome once again, and in mere seconds, they notice a big black hole in the middle of the sky. A bus full of Star Battleforce operatives guarding the planet almost runs them over, but they see the workers are all sleep deprived since they only get two hours of sleep a day. That’s because they get 22 hours of daylight and they must be working for every single one of those hours. The artificial sun rises in the east, sets in the west and immediately rises in the east again. It’s only nighttime when the sun crosses the big black hole in the sky. Megan suspects that there must be a Commandant behind all of this, and her suspicions are proven correct when out of nowhere, each of the four rangers get attacked by the seemingly invisible Commandant in charge of the unnamed planet, Kage Avalon, who hears every word they say; He will not have anyone speak out against him.

Kage says anyone who speaks ill of him will be punished. The four rangers morph, but unable to see the Commandant, and cannot defend against the attacks, up until the point where each of them ends up getting hurled into the sky. Megan lands on a futon cushion in an abandoned hotel, but Arthur lands on her. Bronzee and Bill land in a pile of trash in a scrapyard; unfortunately for Bill, he can’t turn off his smell like Bronzee can. Wild Bill says they’ve got to do something, but Bronzee says if they’re being surveilled at all times, they can’t. Even more annoyed with the seemingly carefree Bronzee, Wild Bill leaves to find a way on his own, but Bronzee has connected to the CCTV cameras and found some interesting footage. Arthur and Megan hang the laundry they landed on back up, as Megan checks on Colonel Xiao's condition again. After he spots him again, Arthur badmouths Kage and before he knows it, gets hurled back in the air. He lands by the water this time - much to Megan's shock, but again calls Kage out. Back on the Destiny, Russell, exhausted after six hours of extensive repairs on Moose, reports to Ryan and a visably concerned Joi about Moose's condition, and what he knows regarding Dimitri's situation and whereabouts. Joi advises Russell to send Moose to the Star Battleforce HQ where repairs could be done quicker by professional experts, but Russell vainly pursues himself to continue working on Moose, to prove to Colonel Xiao that he can be useful. Ryan, however, fears that Dimitri could disband from Star Battleforce in due course due to his obsession with locating Dimitri, and the apparent loss of Moose taking a heavy toll on his sanity.

Back off-world, Wild Bill arrives at the A-Drone, which Kage has programmed to cause the power outage across the planet, and sees only a few Indavers standing guard outside, seconds before Kage ambushes and attacks them both. When visiting an S.B.F. outreach centre thrown into turmoil following the blackout, Arthur is excited, and assumes that must be the place where the new Sector Key is stored. After some excessive searching, Arthur finds the Sector Key and is excited to try it out, while Megan is intrigued, since it has two ends - meaning that it's two Sector Keys in one. Russell then drops in, and assumes that they found that special Sector Key Colonel Xiao was talking about. Elsewhere, Bronzee and Bill morph, and attempt to hold off Kage, seconds before the A-Drone activates again; before Wild Bill can just charge into the A-Drone, Bronzee stops him and says there are dozens more Roswells lurking around. As the struggle intensifies, Arthur and Megan regroup with the pair, and Arthur reveals he picked up the new Sector Key on the way - the Light Sector Key. He locks in the Key and first tries out the Solar Boost, making things instantly brighter. To be even more effective, Arthur uses the Solar Boost's flight ability to soar into the sky to light everything up and remove any shadows in which Kage would be able to hide.

As Russell and Joi attempt to rendezvous with Colonel Xiao in a bid to get his Voyager out of the tunnel, the light energizes Bronzee, and she too charges toward Kage. He punches him and sends him straight at the concrete wall. Bronzee hops into the sky, grabs Arthur and spins him around, sending him into the A-Drone to destroy it. Suddenly, It instantly becomes night. The Light Sector Key flips over to Lunar Mode. That allows Arthur to switch to the Lunar Boost, The power of the moon energizes Wild Bill like the sun did to Bronzee. And instead of the brute force Bill usually prefers, he uses precise attacks that knock Kage to the ground, teeing him up for Arthur. As the lunar-exposed Bill does a dance with Megan in a hugely embarrassing moment, Arthur uses a Light Eclipse Blast finisher to take care of Kage. After an executive order is signed in order to enlarge the commandant, Commander Ronpo fully breaks out of the ground with Drago Voyager 10 just in time. After giving Arthur and Megan the go-ahead to return to the Destiny for the day, Wild Bill and Bronzee summon their Voyagers and they form the Drago Pride Megazord with Colonel Xiao. Bill and Bronzee work together to wear down Kage before they and Colonel Xiao deliver a Universal Drago Blast to finish off the Commandant for good.

Back on board the Destiny, Arthur is showing Ryan his new Sector Key, telling him how unique it is to the other keys, and how it proved useful in their recent liberation mission of the day. Wild Bill says he was wrong about Bronzee. She looks like a slacker, but she can get the job done. Bronzee says the "rasta-speaking" Wild Bill is pretty cool too. They trade compliments as Russell reports that the Deck Sector Key is now fully charged and ready for use, meaning a step in the right direction for the Prometheus reconciliation operation. Meanwhile, Octiqua is on her knees in front of Toxstatin who orders her to prevent the rangers from using the Keel Sector Key. Later, Toxstatin returns to Xibalba, overhears a few O'Neil Brothers, mainly Elwood, planning a heist to secure funds for a lucrative arms deal with Star Battleforce, presumably to lure them into a trap. Thinking of Dimitri, and how he wishes to finish him off next, contemplates again slaying His Magnificence, and restore the Arkeyan Empire to its former glory. To make his plans clear, he reiterates to himself that there will be severe consequences for Star Battleforce should they use the Keel Sector Key under any circumstances.


  • N/A as Arthur Morgan (Star Battleforce Red)
  • N/A as Megan Sawyer (Star Battleforce Green)
  • N/A as Ryan Torres (Star Battleforce Yellow) (unmorphed only)
  • N/A as Moose (Star Battleforce Black) (credit only)
  • N/A as Wild Bill (Star Battleforce Blue) (voice)
  • N/A as Bronzee (Star Battleforce Gold) (voice)
  • N/A as Florian Hebitsuvic (Star Battleforce Silver) (unmorphed only)
  • N/A as Joi (Star Battleforce Pink) (voice) (unmorphed only)
  • N/A as Dimitri Skorpirov (Star Battleforce Orange) (unmorphed only)
  • N/A as Colonel Xiao Longbao (Star Battleforce Drago) (voice)
  • N/A as Russell Cubowski (Star Battleforce Aqua) (unmorphed only)
  • N/A as His Magnificence (voice)
  • Paul Harrop as Z'Aezoth (voice)
  • N/A as Gazla (voice)
  • N/A as Octiqua (voice)
  • N/A as Mikhail Toxstatin
  • N/A as General Sawyer

Sector Keys[]

  • Ranger Series Red - Light (Solar Boost, Lunar Boost)
  • Ranger Series Orange - N/A
  • Ranger Series Blue - Lupus (Lupus Voyager 3)
  • Ranger Series Gold - Libra (Libra Voyager 4)
  • Ranger Series Black - N/A
  • Ranger Series Silver - N/A
  • Ranger Series Green - Chameleon (Chameleon Voyager 7)
  • Ranger Series Pink - N/A
  • Ranger Series Yellow - N/A
  • Ranger Series Drago - Drago (Drago Voyager 10)
  • Ranger Series Aqua - N/A


  • Drago Pride Megazord Combinations:
  • Moose, Florian, Joi, and Ryan do not appear morphed in this episode. Additionally, Dimitri has a small, non-speaking role in this episode.

See also[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Universe episodesIcon-kyuranger
Episodes 1-15

1: Powers from the Stars • 2: Arkeyans Unleashed • 3: The Dream Team • 4: Blood and Poison • 5: The Little Android That Could • 6: Nine's Company • 7: Species at Rest • 8: Living the Party, Pegasus Style • 9 & 10: When the Mighty Dragon Roars • 11: Who in the World is Leviticus Cornwall? • 12: Friends in Pretty Low Places • 13: Belly of the Beast • 14: Eleven's a Crowd • 15: Mikhail Toxstatin, A Man of Honor

Part 16-30

16: A Quiet Time • 17: Advertising, The New Galactic Art • 18: The Master and The Molotov • 19: Nowhere to Glow • 20: Money Lending and Other Sins • 21: Crystal Maze • 22: A Promise Made Fourteen Years Ago • 23: Russian Revolution • 24: Prometheus • 25: The Fine Joys of Publicity • 26: Lure • 27: A Very Dangerous Exchange • 28: Make the Universe Great Again • 29: Tannhäuser Gate • 30: The Battle of Vis Urban

Episodes 31-45

31: Urban Pleasures • 32: The Delights of Van Horn • 33: The Serpent's Venom • 34: Ancient History • 35: The People vs. Ranger Series Metal • 36: Banking, The Old Galactic Art • 37: Welcome to the New World • 38: Paradise Mercifully Departed • 39: Hell Hath No Fury • 40: A New Power • 41: What Happens in the Dark... • 42: ...Comes Out in the Light • 43: The Orion Project • 44: Fresh Milk • 45: The Gilded Cage

Episodes 46-60

46: Late Checkout • 47: An Intergalactic Pastoral Scene • 48: Predator • 49 & 50: The Colonel's Herald • 51: Doradoball • 52: Phil Bell Rides Again • 53 & 54: To Live and Die in the Leo Sector • 55: One Last Thing • 56: To Xibalba • 57: His Magnificence's Identity • 58: The World We Left Behind • 59: Magnificence Unleashed • 60: The End Game
