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Logo-supersentai This article is about a/an fanfictional series entry in the Super Sentai series.

Norimono Sentai Drivenger (translated as Vehicle Squadron Drivenger) is the seventh series in Gokai-Volt's Super Sentai series. - it would later be into Power Rangers Vehicle Force.

The series has a racing and vehicle motif along with elements from Engine Sentai Go-Onger and references to Kamen Rider DriveIcon-crosswiki.

The series' theme is of vehicles and racing, which was suggested by Future Beetle.


The World Racing event in Tokyo is underway and various racers from around the world are at the starting line, ready to begin the race.

However, just as the race is about to begin, a mysterious group of weird creatures, begin to reek havoc on the track - causing all sorts of mischief and road-related incidents.

But, a group of racers come together - and become the Norimono Sentai Drivenger, to eliminate the intruders, so that the race can continue.



Designation Name Vehicle
DriveRed Sasuke Ariga Racing Car
DriveBlue Yui Ebihara SUV
Drive Yellow Hiromu Inagaki Bus
DriveGreen Aoi Kimura Buggy
DriveBlack Chase Midori Police Car
DrivePurple Miku Takimoto Taxi
DriveCrimson Jirou Hirano Jet
DriveOrange Mach Katsumoto Motorcycle


  • MotorClub X
    • MotorClub X Members
      • Michi
      • Eric
      • Moune
  • Motor Mechanics


  • Crashers Empire
    • Leader Auto
      • Tyreto
      • Charirito
      • Earthomovero
      • Gasessero
      • Mechinax


Transformation Devices[]

  • Shift Braces
  • Control Gears


Episodes (Drivenger)

01. Let's Drive
02. Track Invaders
03. Full Throttle Ahead
04. Runaway Buggy
05. Youthful Racing
06. Oil Spill
07. Motorcycle Hooligans
08. Runaway Taxi
09. Battle of the Races
10. A Close Shave
11. Illgeal Races
12. Danger on the Track
13. Speeding Tickets?
14. Crimson Jet
15. Dangerous Turns
16. Crimson Silence
17. Busted Tyres
18. Team Race
19. Speedy Lights
20. A Traitor Among Us?
21. Team Infighting
22. The Crimson Return
23. The Leader Appears
25. Speed Racing
26. Charirito's Plan
27. Traffic Jam
28. Operation Blackout
29. Gasessero Attacks
30. Flyaway Jet
31. Spinning Wheel
32. Last Quater
33. Earthomovero's Mission
34. The Last Lap
35. The Final Countdown
36. Final Turn
Finale. Winning Lap


  • This is the first Gokai-Volt Super Sentai series to feature a vehicle motif and to have a theme suggested by another person (Future Beetle).
    • The series was previously known as Kuuten Sentai Drivenger.
    • This is the second Gokai-Volt Super Sentai series to have Purple, Orange and Crimson Rangers on the same team since Kōzoku Sentai Rokaiger
        • This is also the first Gokai-Volt Super Sentai series to use the colour "Polo Blue", as oppose to standard Blue or Navy Blue.
    • This is the first Gokai-Volt series not to have 40+ episodes (37 episodes in total) and the second not to have a collectable gimmick after Kyūjo Sentai Rescuenger,
  • The Jet is the only air-based vehicle, whilst the others are land-based.
  • The villains have names based around cars and other automobile related items.

Togo Sentai CrossengerKōzoku Sentai RokaigerJōhō-gijutsu Sentai ApplirangerRyokō Sentai TreasurengerChikatetsu Sentai ShinkansengerKyūjo Sentai RescuengerNorimono Sentai DrivengerGenso Sentai TōkaigerYajū Sentai KemonogerTamashī Sentai YūreigerChōshinsei GamermanMadoushi Sentai Mahōger

Main Series
The Power RangersThe Power Rangers: Lucky AcesPower Rangers World FrontierPower Rangers Electric FightersPower Rangers Solar BrigadePower Rangers Victory VPower Rangers DynaforcePower Rangers B.I.O.Power Rangers Mythical ChargePower Rangers Nova FlashPower Rangers Aura SurgePower Rangers Divided FatesPower Rangers Nitro RacersPower Rangers Sonic BattalionPower Rangers Aero StormPower Rangers Thunder MastersPower Rangers Miracle GuardPower Rangers High TidePower Rangers Dyno BytePower Rangers Rail ThunderPower Rangers Shuriken SteelPower Rangers Lost KingdomPower Rangers OdysseyPower Rangers VersusPower Rangers Knight FuryPower Rangers CrystalizersPower Rangers Zord WarriorsPower Rangers Sunrise HeroesPower Rangers Insectors
Power Rangers Grid Champions
Giga Toku Adaptations
Power Rangers Hyperspace
Original Versions
Power Rangers Secret SquadronPower Rangers Trump CardsPower Rangers Interstellar ForcePower Rangers Jura Knights
