- For the minor character in Power Rangers Samurai, see Noah.
Noah Carver is Megaforce Blue, the Blue Ranger of the Mega Rangers in Power Rangers Megaforce.
- "Are you some kind of superhero?"
- āUnnamed woman
Before becoming a Ranger, Noah was a person interested in science. During his teenage years, Noah, along with four teenagers, were chosen by Gosei to protect the Earth from the Warstar Aliens. He was picked as his thirst for knowledge would lead to important advances later in the season and Super Megaforce. He first fought with his team against Scaraba, whom they eventually defeat. Mega Mission
One day in school when Jake asked Noah to fix his Snake Ax, Noah couldn't lift it, making him doubt his abilities. Then Jake told him that "If you believe in yourself, you can do anything". After school, when Virox (a monster sent by Vrak and Admiral Malkor) attacked the city, Noah and Jake decided to deal with him personally while the other Rangers quarantine the humans who got infected by Virox. Remembering what Jake told him about believing himself, Noah lifted the Snake Ax and defeated Virox. When Virox enlarged, the other Rangers helped Noah and Jake defeat him. As a result Noah gained the ability to summon the Sea Brothers Zord. The next day, Noah fixed the Snake Ax, making it 40% lighter, and gave it back to Jake. When Jake said he won't get used to the Snake Ax being lighter, Noah told him to believe in himself just like Jake told Noah. Going Viral
Space Pirates[]
X-Borgs invade Harwood High. Megaforce Blue steps in to defeat them, and also saves two students. He orders them to scout the school and find other students that are hiding, with words of confidence. Space Pirates
Cosmic Fury[]
Noah in the Legendary Ranger database.
Zayto activates the Legendary Ranger Database, showing Master Blue that Master Green came to them after the Dinohenge statues were destroyed and restored them to normal. Also, Zayto says that he found Ranger teams who were saved in their darkest moments through unexplained reasons and shows them three specific moments. Including the Legendary Battle where all the Legendary Rangers coming to the aid of the Mega Rangers including Noah in the Legendary Battle and helping them defeat an entire army of the Armada's X Borgs. Morphin Master
Noah Carver may be a tech geek, but his wits make a fierce weapon against Earth's alien invaders. What he lacks in physical coordination he more than makes up for in brainpower, and with his more socially savvy best friend Jake at his side, these two make the perfect team. Sure, Noah may prefer studying up on the supernatural to engaging in battle, but the Blue Ranger's fearsome Shark Zord is no sci-fi fable.
Noah Carver doesn't care that he'll never be Prom King. He's much more interested in using his blockbuster brain to change the world. Fighting may not be his first choice of activities, but that doesn't mean Noah isn't REALLY good at it.
Megaforce Blue[]

Megaforce Blue
As Megaforce Blue, he has a Shark motif. He pilots the Shark Mechazord. Blue Ranger's main weapon is the Shark Bowgun, which resembles a crossbow. He uses cards with his Gosei Morpher.
Powers and Abilities[]
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- Shark Blast: Attaching the Shark Zord to the Mega Blaster, Megaforce Blue can perform a blue energy blast.
- Shark's Bite: Megaforce Blue performs a flip over the opponent and delivers a barrage of blue energy blasts from the Shark Bowgun.
- Dynamic Victory Charge: Combining all five Mega Weapons, Megaforce Red and the other Rangers insert their elemental Power Cards to energize the Megaforce Blaster. Once energized, the Rangers fire the Megaforce symbol at the opponent, destroying them.
- Sea Blast: Summoning the "Seaick Brother" Power Card, Megaforce Blue can use his Shark Zord on the Mega Blaster to perform a combined water attack with the other Rangers' Sea-powered Mega Blasters.
- Sky Blast: Megaforce Blue can use the Hawk Zord on the Mega Blaster to launch a combined energy blast of the Zord's head with the other Rangers' Sky-powered Mega Blasters.
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Appearances: M Episodes 1-32; SP Episodes 1, 9
Megaforce Blue

Ultra Megaforce Blue
Ultra Mode is the Super Armor, Megaforce Blue has an increased power. Noah gains the Ultra Shark Zord, the gold armor protects him from Status Inducements. Their shoulder armor can turn into large golden wings that blocked incoming attacks. The Headder on his chest is a shark.
Powers and Abilities[]
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- Ultra Power Dynamic Strike: By pressing the button on the Ultra Sword, Ultra Megaforce Blue and the other Rangers charge the weapons and position themselves. All five then fire gold energy beams combining into a projectile resembling the Ultra Dragon Zord at the opponent.
- Ultra Power Knight Dynamic Strike: Ultra Megaforce Red summons the Vulcan Cannon to weaponize the Robo Blaster. The Rangers use their Ultra Swords to lock on target and all five fire a powerful gold and blue energy blast.
- Ultra Gosei Dynamic - Ultra Strike: Sliding on the Gosei Morpher onto the Ultra Sword, the Mega Rangers insert the "Ultra Gosei Dynamic" Cards, charging their weapons. The Rangers get in position and fire off gold energy beams that form the Megaforce symbol, instantly destroying the monster.
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Appearances: M Episodes 20-31; SP Episodes 9
- Mega Rangers - Teammates
- Troy Burrows/Megaforce Red - Leader
- Emma Goodall/Megaforce Pink
- Jake Holling/Megaforce Black - Best Friend
- Gia Moran/Megaforce Yellow
- Robo Knight
- Space Pirates Rangers
- Ewan Hoyle/Space Pirate Red
- Zion Price/Space Pirate Blue
- Julia Hoyle/Space Pirate Yellow
- Jack Boghton/Space Pirate Green
- Clare Hoyle/Space Pirate Pink
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Villain Groups[]
Toxic Mutants[]
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Behind the Scenes[]
- Noah Carver was portrayed by John Mark Loudermilk.
- As Megaforce Blue, his suit actor in Super Sentai footage from Goseiger was Hirofumi Fukuzawa (ē¦ę²¢ åę Fukuzawa Hirofumi?), (who later served as Space Pirate Red in Gokaiger footage).
- Early scripts listed his name as "Parry", just like Mike.
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Ranger Key[]
The Megaforce Blue Ranger Key.
The Megaforce Blue Ranger Key is Noah's personal Ranger Keys. This key along with the majority of the Core Ranger Keys are seen lining the Command Center's interior walls. This key is mainly used by Zion Price (Space Pirate Blue) who uses it for final attacks.
- When the Space Pirates Rangers became the Mega Rangers while fighting Matacore.
- When the Space Pirates Rangers became the Mega Rangers while fighting Sirjinkor.
- Zion became Ultra Megaforce Blue in a All-Enhanced Legendary Ranger Mode in the final battle with Emperor Mavro.
The Megaforce Blue Ranger Key is one of the five water-element Blue Ranger Keys that are used by Space Pirate Blue for his Ultimate Ranger Saber Strike attack, which was used once against Skatana. This attack involved summoning manifestations of the five Rangers to attack the target, with Megaforce Blue being the first to strike. Blue Saber Saga
- During his morphing sequence with his glasses disappear by the time his helmet forms, but are back when he demorphs. This is something which did not happen to previous glasses-wearing Rangers.
See Also[]
- Hyde - Super Sentai counterpart in Goseiger. See comparison page.