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Nine's Company is the sixth episode of Power Rangers Universe. It features Dimitri's exile from the Arkeyan Empire, thus uniting all nine Star Battleforce Rangers, and the final appearance of Volstagg. Mikhail Toxstatin makes a brief appearance in this episode, albeit in a flashback.
With eight members now having joined the team, the Star Battleforce Rangers make a final move to confront Volstagg and Dimitri, with Arthur intent on fully recruiting Dimitri to their cause. As this happens, after Volstagg uncovers his true intentions, Dimitri is forced to decide between his personal motives or the fate of the universe.
On Xibalba, an audience of Arkeyan Empire colleagues watches a film called the "Two Minutes Hate", which depicts the enemies of the state i.e., Star Battleforce (specifically its founder, Supreme Commander Mor-La, and his followers), openly and loudly to express their hatred for them. The brainwashing of the participants in the Two Minutes Hate includes auditory and visual cues, such as a hideous, grinding speech, as of some monstrous machine running without oil that burst from a telescreen viewed before the audience. This is meant to psychologically excite the crowd into an emotional frenzy of hatred, fear, and loathing for Supreme Commander Mor-La, and for the Star Battleforce. The hate session includes the participants throwing things at the telescreen showing the film, as does Dimitri, who can also be seen in the audience of colleagues. In the course of the Two Minutes Hate, the filmed execution of Supreme Commander Mor-La is aired, which contains his final speech (about making peace between the Star Battleforce and the Arkeyan Empire) before his death sentence is carried out by a firing squad of Roswells. The final image of the film displays a portrait of His Magnificience (followed by his Empire's anthem playing in the background), as the colleagues ritualistically chant "His. . . Mag . . . Nif . . . Ic. . . Ence. . ." Later, Z'Aezoth assembles the Arkeyan Council to announce a manifesto of His Magnificence's plans to eliminate Star Battleforce and re-conquer the sectors that S.B.F. had reclaimed, along with the discovery of there now being survivors on Earth. He also announces their emperor's intention of what to do with them after all have been occupied. Also present in this council meeting are Gazla, the O'Neils, Volstagg and Dimitri, who is suspicious his colleagues may be planning to push him aside.
Meanwhile, on the Destiny, The Saint Denis duo arrive on the bridge after completing a jog, as the team debates whether they should focus on liberating the remaining Universal Sectors, including Earth, or bringing Dimitri to justice - whether it involves arresting him or convincing him to join the team. When Arthur attempts to make his case, Ryan bluntly deduces that Dimitri should be arrested for his crimes rather than be recruited to complete the roster, but Megan, much to his surprise, confides that Arthur may be right about Dimitri, and there may still be some good in him, as Moose and Joi back her and Arthur up - the former of which claims the least of his worries would be to see the Arkeyans double-cross him. Colonel Xiao overhears this, and finally breaks his silence on the Uni-Controller theft by Dimitri, confirming him as a rogue ranger, one who had access to his powers without his consent, instructing them to arrest him if possible, but Arthur interjects, stating that certain crewmates have backed him up to have him join instead. Xiao hesitates for a second, and thinks Arthur has a point; He changes his mind, but if he does not accept their offer to join, he will have to be brought to the Universal Alliance's Grand Tribunal for questioning. For now, since the Arkeyans have discovered further survivors on Earth, their mission is to investigate potential Arkeyan activity in one settlement. He then spins the Ranger Lottery, and Arthur, Moose, Ryan, Megan, and Florian are chosen for the mission, while Russell is instructed to escort them. On Earth, another settlement by survivors is being invaded by Arkeyans; Dreamin' Weave, who is revealed to have survived his previous encounter with the rangers, is found by Volstagg, who orders him and Dimitri to have the Star Battleforce rangers captured and brought before His Magnificence at all costs. The five rangers, accompanied by Russell, arrive and while Arthur and his friends assist S.B.F. operatives in the evacuation, as Florian entertains the evacuees. As this happens, Russell is at the dropship attempting to track down Arkeyan bogeys, but notices Weave is around on the security camera. Weave is absorbing the dreams of the evacuees, but the tables are turned when Volstagg and Dimitri show up.
After Arthur, although Ryan is still critical, deduces that they have decided to recruit him, and not to arrest him; but Dimitri refuses, stating that Star Battleforce is nothing more than a fraud. In response, the Rangers morph, as Dimitri watches them on. They fend off a horde of Roswells and Moonbillies, but Volstagg makes quick work of them and forces them all to demorph. Although the Rangers are hesitant, Dimitri eventually decides to speak to them on Volstagg's behalf, stating that he knows the cruellest way to punish the S.B.F. Dimitri then takes a deep breath and, in an extremely loud voice, starts calling out to the Rangers, stating that the universe doesn't need the Power Rangers anymore and that they, along with the Universal Alliance, are infidels to His Magnificence and his Arkeyan Empire. As he goes on like this, human bystanders from a distance start to gather around, hoping to know what's going on. Eventually, they all start blaming the Rangers one by one for leaving them behind, just as Dimitri was attempting to convince them since then. At that point, Dimitri calls on the Rangers to resign or die, much to the bystanders' agreement; Megan notices that survivors have somewhat lost trust in Power Rangers for failing to avert the Arkeyan's invasion of earth, which led to countless lives being lost, and society majorly being desolated. Finally, with the Rangers' Uni-Controllers and Sector Keys dropped by vocal force, the Arkeyans seize the opportunity to capture them and confiscate their arsenal in exchange for the evacuees' release. As they are taken away, Volstagg tells Dimitri his work is done, and the Arkeyans no longer need him, but Dimitri protests, and morphs, duelling with Volstagg, only to be defeated. Volstagg mocks Dimitri for relying on His Magnificence only for the sake of his own kind and abandons him. Dejected, Dimitri summons his Voyager, and tails the captured rangers alone - unbeknownst to them. The Rangers and Russell are taken to a remote prison set up by Arkeyans and run by Gazla, who informs them that His Magnificence will be conducting their trial against his empire. As this happens, Russell, in his cell, looks through his bag, and finds some metal cutting equipment, which he uses to break out undetected. As Russell searches the cells for the captured Xiao and his Rangers, Dimitri questions if he is looking for his S.B.F. colleagues, and when Russell says he is, Dimitri, who speaks English for the first time, pins him to the ground, and threatens him with his stinger tail, demanding from him what he knows of the origins of the Sector Keys. After Russell explains what he can, Dimitri explains that he joined the Arkeyans' side because they offered better solutions to his cause - finding his cousin, Mikhail Toxstatin, who had betrayed his own people by joining the Arkeyans. Meanwhile, Z'Aezoth makes an announcement of the Rangers' capture on the prison's telescreen.
In the lower levels of the Arkeyan outpost, Arthur, Ryan, Megan, Moose and Florian are brought before Volstagg a hologram of His Magnificence, whom he senses are dejected after learning that someone else (referring to Dimitri) stole a Sector Key, but is glad they found another Eastern European to fill the void (referring to Florian). As Arthur answer's His Magnificence's questions as only he can, Florian panics about what they are going to do. Moose, knowing that the situation is getting worse, asks Ryan what they are supposed to do, leading to a three-way discussion between Moose, Megan and Ryan about how to plead not guilty of government corruption. Overhearing this, Florian spits at a Roswell, causing the chamber to descend into chaos in the process. After they manage to retrieve their confiscated equipment, the five of them morph and easily take care of the Roswells and Moonbilies as they fight in the tunnels. As this happens, Dimitri abandons Russell, as he now has enough intel to confront whoever stands in his way; with that, Russell begins to make his way towards the dropship and manages to contact Arthur, ordering them to retreat for now. As they evacuate, Colonel Xiao contacts Ryan through the radio, asking whether they had managed to arrest or convince Dimitri, but Ryan says that they were captured before they can do anything. Amid the evacuations, Weave is also being withdrawn. As this happens, a successful amount of survivors are evacuated as Weave is ordered to withdraw. Back on the Destiny's bridge, Colonel Xiao, lamenting over His Magnificence's murder of Mor-La, and the stalemate over Dimitri, reflects further on the time Dimitri stole a Uni-Controller, having gained more video footage after a thorough investigation, before the plan to create an arsenal with Sector Keys was long in the making years after the Arkeyan Crusade began. Xiao then explains that Star Battleforce had wanted to believe in Power Rangers and at the council's request, he invoked the S.B.F. Ranger Series Program to bring together remarkable people to see if they could become something more, and become the team which could fight all of the battles that Star Battleforce and the entire Universal Alliance never could, such as the threats that the Arkeyan Empire was currently posing to the Earth.
As Xiao, who deduces that Dimitri became a ranger without his consent, had noted how Dimitri may have stolen a Uni-Controller at the time while still believing in this program and the concept of Power Rangers, Moose thinks Xiao has made a good point about Dimitri, claiming that there may be truth to his motives after all. With the team inspired by Dimitri's true intentions, the whole group decides the S.B.F. Ranger Program shall finally come to fruition, as they will recruit Dimitri to fulfil the program. The next day, Volstagg and Weave arrive back on earth at His Magnficence's orders, all as part of a decisive attack on the rangers. With them are a horde of Roswells and Moonbillies, and they are all surprised when Dimitri challenges them alone. He fights hard, but he is subdued easily, moments before the eight rangers arrive on the scene. As Russell and Colonel Xiao monitor the Earth's atmosphere back on board the Destiny, Dimitri confronts the eight rangers, saying that they should not have come. Arthur comes forward, and he brings up Xiao's word that Star Battleforce planned to build an army using Sector Keys, and if he wanted to fight for his own ideals while still caring about the fate of the universe, he should have joined Star Battleforce, rather than join the Arkeyans and break onto the Destiny to steal a Uni-Controller. Moose chimes in as well, stating that being banished by the Arkeyans could have given him the opportunity to contemplate whose side he's really on, and what he should be fighting for.
While Dimitri is moved and surprised by how important his place on the team is, he states he only joined the Arkeyans as they had more sufficient ways to find his cousin and prioritise his people, as part of his code of conduct in regards to choosing which path he deemed necessary. Dimitri still has doubts about joining Star Battleforce, as they may not offer the answers that the Arkeyans did. He concludes upon realising the gravity of his actions in the past, he is reluctant to join them for good at first, but after some prodding from the others, especially Megan, Bill and Joi, Dimitri, realising that Star Battleforce have given him the right path, accepts Arthur's offer to join the team. Watching from the Destiny, Colonel Xiao is jubilant that the program has at last been fulfilled, and Russell is just as amazed to see all nine Rangers finally assembled. Volstagg, who deems this a "touching moment", does not care how many rangers they have, and they will still fall. With that, all nine Star Battleforce Ranger have assembled, and they all morph together, followed by their roll call, and charge towards Volstagg and his forces. The Star Battleforce Rangers fight the Arkeyans, consisting of Roswells and Moonbillies; As Dimitri and Volstagg duel, the latter deems Dimitri a traitor, but the former claims they gave him a better option for his personal gains. As Volstagg gets the upper hand, Moose comes to assist him, and is jubilant to finally be working with Dimitri for once. As the others fight Roswells and Moonbillies, Arthur goes after Weave; is able to destroy Weave by letting him eat his huge dream and exploding from the inside. After a long and intense battle, the team gives Volstagg all they have got, and rallies around Volstagg, delivering an All-Star Sector Blast to finish Volstagg off.
However, Volstagg emerges from the explosion unscathed, and boards his Colossal A-Drone. His Magnificence then signs an executive order and orders Gazla to post it, also enlarging Weave. In response, the Rangers split into two teams; Arthur forms the Voyager Squad Megazord with Ryan, Joi, Bronzee and Florian, and easily take care of Weave for good, before separating again and re-joining the others to fight Volstagg in his Colossal A-Drone. This time, Arthur forms the Voyager Squad Megazord with Dimitri, Moose, Megan and Wild Bill, and the megazord is able to overpower Volstagg and his A-Drone. After a long battle, all nine rangers team up for a Universal Union Blast, that finishes off Volstagg for good. With Volstagg defeated, the Earth's population gives Star Battleforce's Power Rangers as their approval, deeming them their heroes once again. Meanwhile, His Magnificence was so surprised to learn about the fruition of the S.B.F. Ranger Program that he now asks for volunteers to fill in on Volstagg's shoes to lead his armies. In the aftermath, as the whole team is assisting in further resettlements for survivors, Dimitri, despite being enlightened to have found newfound purpose in his life, turns down the teams' offer to join them on board the Destiny for now, stating that he will devote his time to seeking out any Arkeyan before they can launch another attack, and leaves, but not before promising to come to their aid whenever they need him first. However, Moose claims that Dimitri will get bored eventually, much to his content. Later, onboard the Destiny's bridge, Colonel Xiao declares that now that Dimitri has now joined their ranks, the Ranger Series Program can now begin, as they will start their campaign against the Arkeyans here on Earth, especially now that there are people willing to help the Star Battleforce.
- N/A as Arthur Morgan (Star Battleforce Red)
- N/A as Megan Sawyer (Star Battleforce Green)
- N/A as Ryan Torres (Star Battleforce Yellow)
- N/A as Moose (Star Battleforce Black) (voice)
- N/A as Wild Bill (Star Battleforce Blue) (voice)
- N/A as Bronzee (Star Battleforce Gold) (voice)
- N/A as Florian Hebitsuvic (Star Battleforce Silver)
- N/A as Joi (Star Battleforce Pink) (voice)
- N/A as Dimitri Skorpirov (Star Battleforce Orange)
- N/A as Colonel Xiao Longbao (voice)
- N/A as Russell Cubowski
- N/A as His Magnificence (voice)
- Paul Harrop as Z'Aezoth (voice)
- N/A as Gazla (voice)
- N/A as Volstagg (voice)
- N/A as Supreme Commander Mor-La
Sector Keys[]
- Ranger Series Red - Leo (All-Star Sector Blast), Leo (Leo Voyager 1)
- Ranger Series Orange - Scorpio (All-Star Sector Blast), Scorpio (Scorpio Voyager 2)
- Ranger Series Blue - Lupus (All-Star Sector Blast), Lupus (Lupus Voyager 3)
- Ranger Series Gold - Libra (All-Star Sector Blast), Libra (Libra Voyager 4)
- Ranger Series Black - Taurus (All-Star Sector Blast), Taurus (Taurus Voyager 5)
- Ranger Series Silver - Ophiuchi (All-Star Sector Blast), Ophiuchi (Ophiuchi Voyager 6)
- Ranger Series Green - Chameleon (All-Star Sector Blast), Chameleon (Chameleon Voyager 7)
- Ranger Series Pink - Aquilla (All-Star Sector Blast), Aquilla (Aquilla Voyager 8)
- Ranger Series Yellow - Dorado (All-Star Sector Blast), Dorado (Dorado Voyager 9)
- Voyager Squad Megazord Combinations:
- āāāāā
- āāāāā
- This episode contains two movie references:
- The scene where Dimitri interrogates Russell about the origins of the Sector Keys is a reference to the deadly conversation scene in the 1985 Rambo: First Blood Part II.
- The scene where Colonel Xiao explains about Star Battleforce's idea to assemble the Power Rangers is a reference to Nick Fury's "There was an Idea" monologue from the 2012 film The Avengers.
See also[]
- Space.5: 9 Ultimate Saviors - Super Sentai counterpart in Kyuranger. (fight footage & story)