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New Passenger is the second episode of Power Rangers Rail Riders. It introduces Tomás Rainbow, who becomes Rail Rider 6 Orange, and the Builder Zord/Rail Builder Megazord.


A new passenger boards! What secrets does he hide? Will he join the team? And will he find Marcus in time?


Madame Noir tells Baron Stein that the Rainbow Line will soon stop following the damage their Megazord has received, meaning to her that Greta's ascension is near. Stein adds that this will be their last opportunity to bring back their emperor easily for Madame Noir but more difficult for Stein. General Shwartz appears and tells Madame Noir that if she wishes to make an immediate assault, he will take care of it personally and successfully and leaves. As he goes, Shwartz drops a tissue, which he allows Greta to keep when she returns it to him.

In a forest, the Rail Riders Rangers search for the McGuffin Convertor which broke off during their last fight so that the Conductor can repair the Rails Zords. After Gus complained that they had been walking for a long time, Marcus took the device to find it faster but he didn't understand anything even after Gus explained to him how it worked. Later, some Crows arrived via a Shadow Train. The Rangers defeat them with ease until Shwartz arrives and defeats each of the transformed Rangers while throwing Marcus around, forcing their detransformations. Using San as a hostage, Schwartz coerces Marcus into leading him to the Rainbow Line's location. While the other Rail Riders Rangers with San, who managed to escape, decide that in order to save their captive friends, they must first warn the Conductor.

Once on the train, the Conductor saw the Rangers in despair, however he still had an asset: Tomás Rainbow! San implies that he has "Sixth Ranger Vibes" then when Tomas said that he has a Zord, Charlie added that it's the same for them however she was impressed to learn that he has a large construction Zord, inspiring her with confidence. After wanting to tell his story, Faye sent him directly on a mission while not caring about his story. After understanding that Marcus was manipulating him, Schwartz was preparing to destroy him, however Tomás was there in time to save him and the Kuros before escaping in a puff of smoke coming from his Shadow Monster powers.

Once alone, Marcus asked lots of questions about Tomás' past, with Tomás responding by telling him his backstory. Being moved, he decides to become Tomás's best friend. They then receive a call from Faye aggressively telling them to go join them because a new Shadow Beast has appeared. Jailhouse told them that he had been waiting for them for a long time before Gus and Tomás later became friends but Charlie stopped them so they could concentrate and beat him. During the battle, Tomás pulled out a glock, breaking the fourth wall and everyone taking a break from the battle. After Tomás tells his story to San, who is hurt, Charlie also interrupts them saying that they wouldn't want to be in the same room as Faye, which scared San (with Faye glaring at him).

Following the revelation of the true form at Jailhouse, the Rangers transformed and through the power of imagination, they were able to land in a quarry instead of the parking lot they were in. After the Rail Riders Rangers defeat Jailhouse with their Rail Cannon final attacks, the Rangers follow Rail Rider 6 Orange and enter the Builder Zord as it reconfigures into the Rail Builder Megazord and destroys Jailhouse with its final attack. After the Megazord battle, Charlie subtly asked Tomás if he was free, something he didn't understand even after Faye announced that Charlie had a crush. The Conductor congratulated the Rangers and encouraged them to never give up. Tomas later claims to join the team much to everyone's joy.



  • to be added

Transfer Changes[]


  • ZenithFilms Media published a poll on YouTube to choose the name of this episode. Although "New Passenger" was chosen, the other two names proposed were: "Sixth Ranger Vibes" and "Construction Zone"
    • In order to refer to it, the name of the first option was said by Sanzoku.
  • This episode contains two references whether in the franchise or not:
  • There were also some character revelations:
    • The Shadow Line is an army of Nazis capable of taking human form.
    • Faye had a boyfriend for an unknown period, however he died of unknown causes
      • it is implied she had something to do with it.
    • Faye also appears to be stressed by these events as well as the monster attacks.
    • San is very afraid of Faye because of her psychopathic side which was demonstrated in this episode.
    • Charlie developed a crush on Tomás.
    • Greta also turns out to have a crush on General Shwartz.
    • San is emotional.
  • Several comic gags are also shown:
    • Tomás using a glock with Gus and San arresting him, breaking the fourth wall.
      • Marcus also stopped the fight in order to calmly explain things to Jailhouse.
    • Charlie's crush on Tomás is repeated at the end of the episode as well as in his' first appearance.
    • San seems to be "useless" within the team.
    • Tomás wants to tell his story but Faye keeps interrupting him, saying she doesn't care.
    • Hasbro and Bandai were mentioned during the Megazord battle.
  • Before this episode, several fans thought that Charlie might have had a crush (or vice versa) with Sanzoku before revealing that it was ultimately Tomás.
  • Marcus and Tomás become best friends from this episode.
  • First appearance of Rail Rider 2 Yellow, Rail Rider 3 Green and Rail Rider 5 Red.
  • The Rail Riders Rangers' powers are entirely imaginary, however Rail Rider 6 Orange's powers are real, being the reason why the latter cannot perform any transfer changes.

See Also[]

External Link[]
