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The Neptune Master Megazord is the personal Megazord for the Gold Dino Master in Power Rangers Dino Masters.


The Neptune Master Megazord is MosaAquader's humanoid form which it changes into when the Gold Dino Master takes command with his own spare Paleo Soul. Like the TyraMaster Megazord, the Neptune Master Megazord is fast and agile, but skilled in underwater combat. The Neptune Master Megazord possesses more power than the Dino Master Megazord as the former overpowered Toriach. It wields the KnighTrident tail blade and can launch the AmmoDrones for a rocket punch attack. Its finisher is the Neptune Tornado Strike where the Neptune Master Megazord jumps in the air and dives back down with the KnighTrident spinning like a drill to pierce through the Druidon.


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MosaAquader (pronounced MosAquader) is Gold Dino Master's zord in Power Rangers Dino Masters. It is modeled after a Mosasaurus. In its default form, MosaAquader is armed with the KnighTrident tail blade, twin four-shot missile launchers (one on its left and right side underneath each fin), and its own massive jaws. Additionally, it is capable of flight. In its Neptune Master form, it forms the main body, legs, and its missile launchers form the arms while its Paleo Soul forms the head.


The AmmoDrones are a pair of auxiliary Paleo Zords. They are modeled after Ammonites. They possess trident-style tentacles and form the hands of the Neptune Master Megazord.

Additional Formations[]

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Paleo Soul[]

KSR-Gold RyuSoul

Gold Paleo Soul

KSR-Gold RyuSoul (Knight Mode)

Gold Paleo Soul (Master Mode)

The Gold Paleo Soul is the personal Paleo Soul of MosaAquader, used by the Gold Dino Master.

Behind the Scenes[]



  • MosaAquader is the first Mosasaurus-themed zord.
  • In a similar manner to the Plesio Zord, MosaAquader is based on a marine prehistoric reptile.