Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Naoto Yamamoto (山本 直人 Yamamoto Naoto) is a 2nd Year Student at Dobutsujin High who can transform into Mori Blue, the Blue Ranger of Moriranger to fight against the Galacticator, as Mori Blue, he has the element of earth, Naoto once served as leader but is now the second in command underneath Ayumu’s leadership

Naoto is 17 years old at the beginning of Moriranger, his birthday is October 3rd

Roll Call[]

  • The Armored Light! Mori Blue!
  • The Armored King! Super Mori Blue!


Within the school Naoto has always had the top marks, he is a member of the basketball club, he has many female fans but he’s not interested due his own existing feelings for Etsuko

Naoto has a loner personality and originally didn’t care about making friends with the others. Naoto comes from a big family, being the youngest of four brothers and two sisters, so he fights to protect them.

Naoto was the first to be chosen as a Moriranger, so he is the most serious member of the team, because of this, in his free time he does train, in order to get stronger.

Naoto becomes rivals with Ayumu and at first doesn’t consider him as a friend, but overtime they do become best friends.

Before Ayumu joined, he was the active leader.

Since Naoto was chosen by Dai Morijyu BullZan, he becomes Dai Morijyu BullZan’s chosen King. As Mori Blue, his animal is the bull and because Ayumu gets promoted to leader, Naoto becomes the second in command. His respective crystal is a Sapphire which is shown in his super form


  • Kentaro Yamamoto-Father
  • Hana Yamamoto-Mother
  • Yuki Yamamoto-Eldest Brother
  • Miyaka Yamamoto-Eldest Sister
  • Hikaru Yamamoto-Second Older Brother
  • Daigo Yamamoto-Third Older Brother
  • Kouta Yamamoto-Fourth Older Brother
  • Chitose Yamamoto-Second Older Sister

Mori Blue[]

Mori Blue
Mori Blue

Mori Blue


  • Bull Armored Shield
  • Kiba Blaster
  • Kiba Blade
  • Mori Claws


  • Dai Morijuu 2gou BullZan


  • Rockfall Collision
  • Gravel Slice

Super Mori Blue
Super Mori Blue

Super Mori Blue


  • Royal Bazooka
  • Kiba Blaster
  • Kiba Blade


  • Dai Morijuu 2gou BullZan


  • Rockfall Collision
  • Earthquake Blast



  • Kentaro Yamamoto:TBA
  • Hana Yamamoto:TBA
  • Yuki Yamamoto:TBA
  • Miyaka Yamamoto:TBA
  • Hikaru Yamamoto:TBA
  • Daigo Yamamoto:TBA
  • Kouta Yamamoto:TBA
  • Chitose Yamamoto:TBA




Naoto Yamamoto is portrayed by Tsuyoshi Furukawa (古川 毅 Furukawa Tsuyoshi?). As Mori Blue his suit actor is Hirotsugu Mori (森 博嗣 Mori Hirotsugu?).
