Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
This article is about a/an ranger in Power Rangers Zord World.

"Mystic Power! Mystic Zord Pink Ranger!"
ā€•Mystic Zord Pink Ranger's Roll Call[src]

Mystina is Mystic Zord Pink Ranger, the Pink Ranger of the Zord World Rangers in Power Rangers Zord World. She is the fourth Zord World Ranger to join the team.


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Mystina is reserved and shy. She loves magic and the occult, and can become a true otaku about it when she is in the moment. She is also not a dependent person, as she choose not to depend on her magic skills unless it is very urgent.

However, she is very clumsy, as shown when she almost shot herself with her Artling Morpher and making her messes worse through trying to clean them up. Despite this clumsiness, she is very good at rummaging through trash to find objects of interest.

While known for being a shrinking violet, she will angrily snap when pushed to her limit. She does not tolerate if someone degrades fortune telling within an earshot, and will fervently scold the perpetrator. She will also not tolerate her friends being insulted right in front of her, and she will also snap when pushed to her physical extremes (i.e. not sleeping for too long).

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Zordians Physiology: As a robotic being, Mystina displays the following abilities:
    • Poisonous Spore Immunity: All the Zordians were completely unaffected by the poisonous spores produced by Shroomcog's mushrooms, which caused shortness of breath in organic lifeforms.
    • LED Lights: Mystina's skirt comes with light green LED lights, which glow and allow her to see in the dark.
  • Expert Magician: With the magic wand she brings everywhere, Mystina can cast a magic when she need it.



Mystic Zord Pink Ranger

  • Height: 204 cm
  • Weight: 270 kg
  • Speed: 130 km/h
  • Power: 1100

While all of the core Zord World Rangers excel at gunmanship, Mystic Zord Pink Ranger focuses on strategic combat, using the Mystic Magi Staff to perform weaponized elaborate magic tricks. The weapon also serves to bludgeon opponents or zap them with pink lightning bolts, though in addition to this, it can manifest solid illusions (such as a clone of herself) that can interact effectively with the enemy. She can also ride the Mystic Magi Staff like a witch's broom.


Appearances: Zord World Episodes 4

By switching her Zord Gear to its Zord Side, Mystic Zord Pink Ranger grows larger to fight the Cycogs. Mystic Zord Pink Ranger can transform into her Zord form, Mystic Dragon Worldzord.

Appearances: Zord World Episodes 4

Behind the Scenes[]


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Mystic Zord Pink Ranger is based off Titan Megazord from Power Rangers Mystic Force, her Zord form is based off Mystic Dragon. In particular, while Titan Megazord is themed after a male wizard or warlock, redesigning the overall structure for Mystic Zord Pink Ranger involved tweaking several aspects to make it fit the bill for a female witch. Her personality not to depend on magic is a reference to Dark Wish three-parter episode.


Mystina is named after Power Rangers Mystic Force.


  • Mystic Dragon Worldzord is the first Pink Ranger Zord to have a dragon theme, and the only Zordian Zord World Ranger Zord form not to be based on the Zord of the Red Ranger but being based on Mystic Dragon, the combined form of the other four Mystic Rangers' Zord forms.
  • Mystic Zord Pink Ranger is:
    • The only Zord World Ranger to feature the sculpted lip design on her helmet.

